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Okay, I said no more posts until the update but there's been an uptick in frustration over the whole "Check to see if the update is out, if not check the next day". So I'm here to give what information I can.  😊

Serious mode: ON

What's the hold up?
There's been many things like planning a wedding, planning to be a father, moving across the country, changing how I want to do releases, and dealing with a medical issue with my eyes for an entire month. Those are the things that have led to the larger delays and they're all things that still take up a huge chunk of my time and they do take priority over the game.

What's currently holding me up is just the normal work process I have for the game. I've added things to certain scenes, reworked / finished dialogue, remade / compiled animations, remade / edited images, and I still have stuff to do along those lines. Good shit takes time.
I've also had PC issues. I had two PSU's pop in the span of two weeks and the purple loop in my second machine went bad and gunked up all of my blocks / rads. So I had to tear apart everything to clean it and that is a huge machine. (took apart the blue loop as well just to make sure it didn't go bad later). That alone took an entire day.

So, how long will it be until it's done?
It will be done when it is done and I promise I'm working as hard as I can on it with every free moment I have.
I've mentioned it before but I no longer want to give deadlines. I have way too many real life things to stress about right now without an arbitrary date being tacked on. I'll admit it was my fault to say keep checking every day. I didn't mean it to be taken literally, I'm a chill dude and just wanted a chill way to say "it'll be done when it's done".
So, I'll say again. I will work as hard as I possibly can on it and it will be out the moment it is done and pledges will be paused until then.

Serious mode: OFF

Okay, sorry about that. People seem to confuse friendly for fake so I wanted to be as clear as I could about that.

And thank you guys so much for 3000+ patrons!!! Words can not express how thankful I am for each and every single one of you.
Admittedly I wanted this milestone to happen after the update as it feels strange to celebrate in a weird time but fuck it. 3000 is a fucking insane number and should be celebrated.
I still have the screenshot of me hitting 100 patrons thinking that I had already hit my long term goal and whatever happened after didn't matter. Never ever expected to make it here. And it's all thanks to you guys.
Your support has not only changed my life but the lives of my family. I can never say thank you enough. It means the fucking world to me. 😊

...but I do have something to say about that.
I know there's a number of people that support me that have doubts or even people that can not afford to pledge but do anyways.
So I want to say if you have ANY reason that gives you pause to pledge to me then please remove your pledge. Simply put I am very well supported and I do not want the money from someone who could use it more than me. I also don't want the money from people that don't like the way I've handled things or what I have planned for the future. I appreciate the fuck out of your support but I don't want you to hurt yourself financially or emotionally in anyway. As cliché as it sounds, I genuinely don't care about the money and if you do unpledge then know that there's no hard feelings in any shape, way, or form. 😊

Felt that needed to be said.

Okay, I'm going back to work. This is honestly 100% the last post until the the juicy 1500+ render update. 😎
Thank you all so much for everything, and for being patient.
Love you guys <3



Here it is, our beloved frog, posted by even more beloved creator. Keep up the good work!!! For me, as long as you keep us updated, all is fine ♡ It's obvious that real life troubles and events come first


You're fuckin awesome, man. The game is one of the best I've played and personally I can wait as long as it takes you. Family ALWAYS comes first and of course health. Get it out when you can. I'm a fan of both the kind of person you seem to be and of your creations. Keep it up.


Hey man I think you are doing a great job on this game, been in the same shoes as you for planing big changes in your life and issues you need to take care of, keep up the great work and keep your head up as a fan of your guys work I'm looking forward to this next update and the future ones you do


I would rather see no content for while than terrible content. With all the challenges you've faced over the last while the quality of your game is still outstanding. Keep up the amazing work and congrats on hitting 3K.


Cannot wait for the update, have had an itch to replay the game but wanted to wait for the update. Completely understand the delay, will just add to the excitement when the update is released.


ples don't work to hard keep the good work coming we all love it


Take your time, do it your way, most of us don't talk a lot but we do support you. Just not as vocal ;)

Rudy M Long

On a light note I do like your header pic. A total "ass" buffet, very nice.


Keep up the good work! This is the game that really got me into this genre of games. Just keep being you man.


Love the game so far! And please don't be pressured into releasing too soon. It's the end results that matters.


O.M.G. Whine, whine, whine. (ok, getting off soapbox right now). Dude. Don't stress it. You have earned all the support you have due to your excellent work up until this point. You absolutely *cannot* pay attention to those toxic folks over at F95zone (even though it's where I learned about you). Reject the negativity, and do what you need to do. We are looking forward to the next instalment, and will IMMENSELY enjoy it when it arrives. Really.

Romen Martin

It's fine take your time


Nice update and your priorities are on target! Family, planning a wedding and planning for being a Father are all important and should come in front of WVM. Please continue to work on keeping a balance and remember to let yourself be human - you'll make mistakes (we all do) so learn what you can from them and move on - no beating yourself up just because you are not 'perfect' enough.


Take care of real.life before cause that is the most important. Mind your health, happiness and long night sleep, because once you join the nappi possie, no more sleep.


Tell the haters to eat a bag of dicks... you're making great content and that takes time&lt;3


&gt;people that don't like […] what I have planned for the future Ooh my 👀


@brain drop Serious mod on: U re an honest and clear guy that LOVE minddrops and talk mutch at least with us, u are also a caring one. I feel ur complain about pledges etc... but u cant, and its not fair to say if u are poor i dont want ur money or i do what i want if its ok for u ok, if its not thats the exit door. Im sure thats not what u was meaning but its what someone may understand. That can be VERY offensive. Everyone has their will and souls and that must be respected. Every patreon that "support" do that bcs like ur game and obv want more. Maybe somone made some sacrifice to support u but what im sure its that they dont deserve those too caring words that could be missunderstood. U alredy did it!! u have stop pledges multiple times!!! We care of it We saw that! and im greatfull for that! Thankyou a lot :) not many if ANY have would do the same as you especially with those cifres! i appreciate ur honesty! People pay what they want and do what they want since start of times and thats only their affair and business that u havent any control on, along with such decisions comes the responsibility for it. other thing that u havent and cant ve control on. Sometimes i feel that u are like MC in ur game... always trying to help everyone thats valiant and cool but.... this but bring me to 2nd part of my poem u ve to put at least in ur mind dead lines and thats not only bcs time and schedule but also bcs caring too caring its wrong like everything its too mutch, like work too mutch, get too mutch sick and everything other that cross ur mind. Im not saying all this too fighting u but to advice u. U re not the only caring person around world even here ur patreons give u support and advice on u and told u to take a break to do not wrose ur healt etc.. etc... sometimes it is not necessary to say a word but to listen.. I dont know u but i know u feel comfortable and at home when u are programming i also know that u dislike deadlines and its here that i think to ur future, u are planning a marry!! (funny mod on) run away untill u are in time (funny mod off) u ll be a father! im happy for u, ur family and wellness :D i know its soon but im already thinking about this little braindrop that run around and who like write their mind down as him father! dreaming he ll be a writer :O :D U too often work too mutch and keep crushing life and schedules for that i say u need balance! u need time multiple times but u are just one! so schedule it. u need time for ur wife, ur future son, for us :D and many other things how do u think to plan future? u need to plan marry than take a break! are u moving? take a week etc... Well at end summary, dont get sick and take care ... OF urself, do not get overstressed,do not beat ur self, take care of ur life we ll be there if u need us :) Sorry for mind drop ahahah! i always want to say that! XD Oh yeah that check everyday from u was a really bad joke i have to admit i was checking every day too XD sry for my english its not my first langauge.


We are all way too invested now to be detoured by some delay take your time :)


As others have said I'm here because I want to. I am willing to help if I can in any way :) I like what you do and enjoy what you make. I am jonesing for the next installment but I won't try to rush you why? because that makes for a BAD release. Do not ever think because I say I'm eagerly waiting for the release that I am demanding it, on the contrary it means I'm looking forward to what I've come to expect from you and that is quality work and a great story... just keep us informed that's all we ask :)


"Okay, I'm going back to work. This is honestly 100% the last post until the the juicy 1500+ render update." what he really meant was last post until the dumbass bitching gets to him again, LOL. like others have said, take your time we will wait for and prefer quality over quantity.


SkyIT#7086, who cares if someone finds what BD or anyone else says offensive if it is the truth. no one is making them support this game. I say what's on my mind, tell it like I see it and fuck your feelings and if your offended when I speak the truth as I see it. most people are to sensitive today anyway and get offended over everything. if you don't like it then don't listen. just to be clear, this was not aimed at you . I am simply telling how I deal with people.


As a POOR disabled person I had ZERO offense from what BD said about being poor, I took it as he cares, as for the other part of it about the doubters, again I see nothing wrong there. Personally I can imagine it would be unwelcoming to have to constantly listen to ppl complain about how I handle things and think they are entitled to do so SIMPLY because they think their money entitles them to act like his boss, again MY opinion not his. I am not trying to say you are doing this, but like a business is entitled to tell a jerk customer to leave, so is BD entitled to do so, and even more so when he isn't actually getting paid to do so right now.


BD Keep up the good work, and although poor, I will continue to give my $1 when you decide to take it again. :)


I'm comfortable waiting and supporting for as long as it takes to see this great game finished and incoming projects too. Congrats for your 3k supporters and thank you for this amazing game. Stay healthy and keep up the good work.

Dreamlab Studio

I'll just restate what I've said many times in the past. I have complete faith in your work ethic and have no problem waiting till you are able to get out the quantity and quality of content you are happy with. The one thing I don't want is for you to put out content that YOU are unhappy with.


I fully agree to that. I can wait, but please give us a live sign in at least 7 day's from now

James Smith

Congrats on the 3k (+) subs. Don't sweat the setbacks, you are doing just what you should, keeping us informed of what's going on and adjusting your estimates accordingly. ALWAYS PUT FAMILY AND HEALTH FIRST ALWAYS, I cannot stress that enough. And if I may, a word of advice, if you are not already.... Invest a good chunk of that money, the weather is sunny today but next week it could be raining.


No worries dude! Despite what some others might think, family and health always come first. Also, sometimes people are quick to judge from the sidelines, but keep doing what you're doing because only you know what is best for your life, and the project. Love your work so far and I'll happily continue to wait patiently for updates!


Long live the infinite harem!


dont worry brain let the people smack talk all the want as long it dont take 2 years i can wait 1 year and 11 months before a update :) just kidding take your time and it will be done when its done dont worry.


🎵 Anticipation.... 🎶


You sir re doing the lord’s work


The game is great.


Please keep this going. Im super addicted to it and love every aspect. I need more. Can't wait to see how good the team will be with out me playing

james theberge

B.D there's a ton of VN's out there some good some mediocre some with great storytelling, but terrible artwork, others great art but no real story you put together an amazing mishmash of the best that any game could hope for with the quality to not just make it enjoyable but interesting as well. You were always dependable with updates and drops in a timely fashion. And changing your timetable from more frequent or less to see which works best for you, doesn't mean your not dependable, it just means you have a life, and real life will always take precedence over escapism life. So many dev's update randomly months apart, sometimes several months apart and those VN's with the exception of one or two have nowhere near the level of quality that you always give us. So you just keep being awesome doing what you think is right and proper and all of us will keep coming back for more, all in "your" good time. Sorry for being long winded but some things must be said like comparing you to other dev's to point out where and how you shine.


love your work. look after yourself sounds like a lot to do.


Annny day now...


i need my fix


I'm always happy to wait until your work is ready for us to enjoy. I do however miss the updates on how you are doing. How's the word count going on the touch typing?


Ok I'm more than happy to wait especially when it comes to health and family, but everyone seems to be sugar coating what they really want to say... so I will take the heat and just say it... We want IT and we want it NOW... LOL sorry just going through withdraw symptoms

Kenneth Campbell

I like the fact that He has paused funds, and Agree with all your statements, the fact that life, wedding plans becoming a father and his health problems, The fact that he was always up front about the need for a delay in release, Really looking forward to the next release. At least the long term changes from his are massive updates, I get really annoyed when it has been months and the release comes out with like three extra scenes.


At $22k a month and months of delays its time for an intervention. Hire a minion so your eyes don't explode while still maintaining creative control.


he has not collected that $22K a month in the past two or three months either sure he could hire someone who'd be able to do the work but will it be the same? he'd have to go over it himself because they might miss something, so he'd still have to be able to see well and edit and let me tell you EDITING someone else's work is not easy nor a fast process.

Ernest Leskovar

Not so much a comment. Just wanted to know a question about something that got me thinking. Bella runs a charity she wants the MC to join. MacKenzie said his social media is blowing up with everyone including celebrity. Will MC get invites from celebrity basketball stars to play charity game.

Phillip Gosson

Ya BD hire some else so their computer can kill them in there sleep after 1500 renders


hey how can i join the discord


If you link your patron account with your discord account you will be automatically added.


anyone notice the girl to the left of Shauna in the banner looks like she is bald on the back of the head? just thought it was kind of funny.


I want you to know even if I say ask "WhErE iS tHe UpDaTe?!" One day I love your work and it has turned into something fun and meaningful to me. Never think that I'm mad at you or that I'm trolling or anything. I respect the honest way you conduct yourself by not taking money from your patrons when you miss deadlines and stuff like that or when you are just backed up on your work. I've personally never seen someone do that and I love that about you. Cause in the end even if don't get my fix of awesome content that you put out. I know you won't be taking your patrons money when the job is not done. Which in it self acts like a bandaid on the fact that updates get delayed.


could this wekkend be it?


It would be nice but, i don't expect the update, or news on the update , until the end of May. It's probably going to be just before the billing date for June .


Isn’t the latest version day 1-9?


I just binged the entire thing and want moar


Two weeks to flatten the update....


i am frustrated




No billing until july... I'm not surprised.


One can make the argument that it's at least not costing us anything as patrons, but at the same time, I feel it too.


At this point I don't feel like radio silence conveys "working hard" as strongly as it did two weeks ago. It would be nice to get another update on progress.

Phillip Gosson

I do miss the updates but I also have mad respect for BD to suspend the pledges because I think this is his means of income and with a family on the way and moving yes mad Respect for you my friend


Concerned that we'll get one final update eventually and then this project will be abandoned...


15 day's passed and no news, but no charge for June...


I Honestly think he'll release towards the end of this month or start of june, then say he's taking a break for a month to truly focus on his family and his health, before finally coming back to us in July a rejuvenated man.


Looks like no update until mid-June so 2 more weeks hopefully


You cant say check the next day if you go silence for a month. Please a little respect for your patrons.

Luca Zipfel

sometime in 2043 "maybe it will be this weekend?"


For fuck sakes people he has a wedding he’s preparing for…


Will renpy fix their Java issue regarding iOS??? No renpy games are loading after the new iOS update due to Java technicalities… anyone here know how to fix this???


You just wanted to hear your voice most of these comments have been up for 2 weeks at a time and no one said anything disrespectful. A week turned in to 2 which now is going in to a month. But no one is complaining just stated still waiting…. So next time you choose to get on a soapbox make sure there is reasoning behind it. We are all supporters and being patient but there is nothing with someone saying they are waiting.


Wanna see stuff with Harper so bad


are the updates released?