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Yo! Actual short and unstructured mind drop this week.

This is just an announcement that I'm grinding away at the update as fast as I can.
I'm experiencing normal headaches and frustration that come along with large releases, most of the frustration is caused by poor organization skills and having to piece everything together. (Most of these issues were already remedied for the future, if you remember I talked about it some a few months back.. but sadly this work was done before the new system.)

Every day I'm getting closer.
Due to me wanting to solely focus I don't plan on having any other posts until the update is out and I do not expect it to be this week so the next mind drop will be on the 4th of May.
I do not plan on announcing a date or talking about it prior to its release.
After this week simply check my patreon to see if it's up around 5-8pm EST. If it isn't up then it wasn't ready yet and check again the next day. 😊

(and for anyone concerned, despite me pushing myself quite a bit my eyes are actually continuing to get better again)

And just to clarify because there were some questions from last week's poll:

I brought up that there would be many girl-girl relationships in WVM and that all of them would be optional and I'd like to explain the extent of that.

So, before anything else I'll say there will never be another man involved in anything. I only write / create things I like and I'm just not into that.
Outside of M->F trans people (if you choose so) there will never be another penis shown, for the MC or for the girls. 😁

All girl-girl relationships will be optional unless you are not romantically involved with either one of the potential girls. Then they'll always be in a relationship.

All girls that can potentially be in relationships with each other will also be available to the MC. No girls are locked from involvement if you do not share.

There won't be any bullshit where the girls leave you to be together alone with each other. Fuck punishing players that way. Shit like that is really fucking lame.

I know my approach to this isn't the one that achieves "realism". But in the nicest way I can put it, fuck realism. This is a game about having fun.

If you have any other questions about it, feel free to ask  😁

Thank you all and I love you guys <3
I'll have this update out ASAP. Thanks for the patience.

POLL: While we're on the topic of girl-girl relationships, many people commented that it depended on the girls. So let me ask, would you be okay with Jamie and Shauna getting closer in that regard?


Wayne Maurice White Jr

Hell Yeah!!! Of course that would make our inner relationship whole


Hey take all the time you need to make your game the best it can be in the next update cause I'm looking forward to it and see what else unfolds in this story.


"Fuck realism!" That's a statement I can get behind 🤣

Phillip Gosson

Hey man don't worry about anything but getting better, Told you had flash burns know what you are going through, and yay them getting closer is alright by me.


I am glad you are making this great game! I like what you said about realism. It is a fun game to play the way it is! Oh since you mentioned the 4th May the 4th be with you in your endeavor.


Heh, i've been waiting for Jamie and Shauna to get "closer" since i started playing :P

Joshua Entrekin

Id expect it actually. Playing and having a scene with both of them in it, it felt like something was missing. You've already established that they have quite a trust and affection for each other so I think it just takes a *nudge* 😀


Agreed, I am already playing reality that's not what I'm here for 😁


°fuck realism. This is a game about having fun" this right here folks is the truth.


That whole section about the girl-girl relationships, and M-&gt;F... This. THIS is why your game is the cream of the crop of adult games! Good old fashioned, ntr-free entertainment. *Wants to throw more money at you* ...wait, what about those new pledge tiers? Are those coming after this update comes out?

Aaron Bishop

Hell ya it would make the Mcs relationship with Jamie and Shauna so much better and hot 🔥


I'm sorry, but if MC get's pissy the girls start sleeping together, that just makes him seem like a massive douche after all the women he's been with since the start of the game, ESPECIALLY when it comes to Jamie who is the most deserving of having more loving relationships.


Regarding the poll, allow me to elaborate that "Yes" with "Hell F***ing Yes"


Jamie and Shauna getting together makes a great deal of sense given everything that they share.


Hell yeah, especially if it mean more story with both of them (or at least Jamie :P )


What kind of poll is that ?!? That has to be the easiest to answer and probably the most expected answer. And for the release... take your time and get it right there is no need to rush.

james theberge

Since Shauna is all "hide my shame" that pretty much leaves her in doggy style eating out Jamie.


That should have already started to happen


Most people playing should have already had the option to allow Bailey to explore already so why would people complain about Shauna &amp; Jamie, they have allowed MC to just go all breeding season on all the people that attend WVM. I really can't wait for more, keep up the amazing work you're doing 👍


No NTR, me likey Chief. ^^

Romen Martin

Personally I'm completely fine with the girls being in side relationships together. I mean there's only one MC so...

Derp McDerp

5% of your fans are trolls


oh hell yes! they should be closer! :)


I am glad that you and your eyes are feeling better. Looking forward to the update. 😄


Agreed - Super glad to hear your eyes are improving - Fingers and Toes crossed - 'No Whammies, No Whammies, No Whammies!!!!!!'


Fook realism honestly.. lol also Jamie X Shauna is fine but imma curious how different would it be for trans Vs girl Shauna?


Actually this one is a no brainer and I have been waiting for it since the first threesome and when the girls kissed. I know it was an accident, but the way they looked at each other said, Maybe I should try this more. I only promised no other men.


i hope there is some jasmine action in this update


Rainn + MC + Bailey sandwich.... one can dream.

Dipper Pines

I have been wanting Jamie and Shauna to at least kiss each other, especially during threesomes for a long time now. I can't wait!

Jeff Sandau

BD, I totally agree on everything you posted. I absolutely loved the game Triple X, but your "room mate" lol goes around banging everyone while you act a stupid idiot, and that's a total turn off.


"Fuck realism" is my new mantra 🤣🤣

james theberge

Hopefully Bailey telling Rainn how she feels about her is part of the update, for those who chose to share her. Then we can get your sandwich eventually in another 1 or 2 updates.


If i want realism i stay in the real world ;D


One of the things I like about this game is this focus on these options. Stay healthy and have fun working on the game! Looking forward to more of it!


The new update should be released on the same day as the Mind-Drop, it'd be cool since May the 4th and all being Star Wars day. That's just a hopeful suggestion on my part tho, nothing serious :P , keep up the good work!!! (and if your eyes do ever start hurting again, tho I'm hoping it won't, take a break, making a game isn't something you should risk your health on)

Kenneth Campbell

Though also would like to see Bailey bring her girlfriend over and had a five or sixsome if the princess also gets involved. though I guess that would need you hooking up with the Princess first


Its not suposed to be out already?


Well Braindrop said, the update will be release between 5-8pm EST .So there's still time for today. Fingers crossed :P