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It's been a pretty standard week and there's not much to talk about so this will be a rather short mind drop. 😊

Game / dev related stuff:

- Full day 9 release is still planned for this month.
Admittedly there's a lot of work left. I'm adding in a tiny scene to spice up another scene, I have three scenes left to write dialogue for, I have 800 something images left to edit, I have 20+ animations made that I still need to compile and convert, there's an extensive bug testing that needs to take place since I've changed quite a few things within my script, and many, many more tiny things that add up into the chaos.
And I still have to balance my work flow with the near constant strain in my eyes. Don't get me wrong, they're much better than they were but they haven't really gotten any better recently and I'm about to schedule yet another appointment.  
So yeah, still should be this month but I can't put an exact timetable on it as this side of the work is so hard to gauge exactly how long it will take and there's always a chance of something breaking or needing to be remade.

- No Alanah poll this week as I may have forgotten what day it was yesterday and forgot to make one. But it works out anyway since I've been laser focused on the update. 😁

Renders made this prior week:

New - 156 renders and 2 animations (and 1 remade animation)
Week 1 redo - 0 renders / animations. (Focus is on the newer content right now as I fell behind a few weeks because of my eye issue)

Personal related stuff:

- Nothing really to share again this week. But since there's a lot of new people around from this month alone I figure it's a good time to give a rundown of why the update schedule is in limbo as of late.
So real quick timeline of the bigger events of the last few months.
Found out I was going to be a dad, changed my entire release schedule, moved across states, and then had eye issues for multiple weeks.

Delays and all that certainly haven't been fun but they've been for good reasons. And I'll definitely take these sort of reasons for delays over what I went through last year. Everything besides my eye issue has been a super positive thing happening in my life and it certainly has changed a lot very quickly and sadly the game's schedule has taken a hit for it.
But I'm doing my best to do right by myself and family while also doing what's right for you guys so I've been pausing my pledges and being transparent about what is happening so I can't throw too many punches at myself over it. And you guys are about to get a 1000+ render update dropped on your head so while the situation has been shitty, I'm in a great place in my life and I'm excited about this update.
And I'm a super lucky fellow to have a community like this one that has had my back through it all. 😊

Yep, that's it for this week. Should have more concrete info for you guys next week.
I'll talk to you all then, love you and thank you guys <3

POLL: Not to spoil anything but there are many girl-girl relationships planned for WVM. (all optional) So, are you one who is down to share between the girls or are you one to keep them all for yourself? (there isn't a wrong answer)



Have you tried the blue light blocking glasses? I’ve been thinking about getting some since I started PC gaming

james theberge

Sharing is fine but hopefully after Bailey &amp; Rainn hook up Bailey talks her into a threesome.


I guess sharing not sure tho, but I'll be playing the game over and over, honestly I'm planning to do many runs see how it changes when the game's done

Lich King

Don't like to share, but it's fine as long as it's optional 🤷‍♂️


I dont mind the sharing as long as its between girls in the harm and no other guys


Sharing is fine but only with other girls


I can confirm there will be absolutely no other guys involved at all. I hate that shit in games and would never put it in my own. 😊


I can confirm there will be absolutely no other guys involved at all. I hate that shit in games and would never put it in my own. 😊


Have you checked if you may need glasses? Because if your eyes aren't fine anymore and they constantly try to compensate that, it's really exhausting for them and they start to hurt and you get headache.


I'm all for sharing every single girl... Except Bailey... She be mine.


We'd of course have to share Bailey with Rainn.


Sharing between the girls will probably be a case by case situation for me, some im fine with sharing, others i want for myself, at least that's my initial feeling right now.


You were meaning girl/girl not ntr stuff, RIGHT?


NTR is NTR whether it's with a girl or a guy. That being said, given that you have a harem, it would be a little dickish of you to demand that the girls in the relationships are also only faithful to you. This is more of a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario.

Wild Bill

I'm fine with girls in the harem having fun with each other. I don't even mind them having fun with girls who aren't in the harem if it leads to them joining.


will this be optional? I wouldn't mind on multiple playthrus or something but I would want to have it case by case or at least a hard option to allow or not allow.


I already pictured Bailey/Rain, Shauna/Jaimie, Zoe/bailey + others and Skye with with one of the girls and the MC. I like to think of Skye becoming the MC's other best friend after Shauna.


Yes l hope the Skye participation in the storyline increases.

Aaron Bishop

It doesn't matter to me im good with anything and I am glad the girl and girl will be optional and not required because I would like to be able to choose if I want to share or keep them all to myself :)


Brain, Soon you will be a member of sleepless nights club (babies need feeding every 3-4 hours). And I too would like to see more Skye involvement


I don't share and I won't for any of them I made an exception with Bailey and Rainn since they're my 2 favorite girls but only after a very long convo with you. Even then I might change my minds once it happens.


That is one very blue shirt.


@braindrop the idea of NTR has not been introduced in your game and you have specifically made it so that it wouldn't be. NTR means intentionally seeing others when there was no agreement to do so basically cheating, but usually in such a way to make it demoralizing to the one it's being done too. so honestly if the mc says they can see who ever they want to, that could be male or female and it wouldn't be NTR. sigh so many just want the girls for themselves so they create the idea that seeing any male outside of the relationship if it's allowed is NTR when it isn't. sigh


I don't want to sound like a dick or anything, but am i the only one that prefer Nathalie old look...especially her hair?


Most people only care about NTR if there is another guy if it's just the girls and the MC is the only guy then normally it's fine


It's fine to share but all the girls are still MC's!


I'm good with only sharing between girls but at the same time I really like spit roasting and I kind of hope one way or another I was able to achieve that with Penelope or trap Shawna but I don't know if that will ever happen


How is it dickish to have your own interests and tastes? The girls knew what they were getting into. It's not like they're lying to each other.


Ordinarily I'm not one to share but given the size the harem has grown into, its not possible to devote enough time to them all...so sure why not, plus it's optional. My only question is it yes for all or can you allow specific girl-girl relationships to occur?


Hopefully trans Shauna can have some fun with Jaimie the current threesome is pretty boring. Still lovely but.


I appreciate you keeping the girl-on-girl optional. I may be in the minority, but it's definitely something I feel is too often a "standard mandatory feature" in this genre. Nice to have a choice. And of course, I support different strokes for different folks.

Jeff Sandau

I was thinking the same thing. I'd rather have the choice be optional as sometimes I just don't wanna' share, but then again, sometimes seeing Shauna and Jamie, or Bailey and Zoe together would be pretty nice, but then I'd also feel jealous, which is why I also chose the above "no sharing" option on the poll. Mine is mine.


As long as the MC can stay the meat in a F-F taco salad I'm down! Been wanting Rainn to join Bailey with the MC along for the ride for a while now. No NTR though!

Dipper Pines

This is a really delayed response but I'm totally with you. I loved her old hair.


I think you have paused pledges more than any other Patreon I am aware of - and I appreciate your commitment to trying to keep your word and pausing pledges when you feel you have not. Please consider giving yourself a little more leeway in what you do before you pause pledges beyond your current commitment. The cost of hardware, assets, power, music/sounds as you choose to add them all add up, and this does not include your living expenses. I'm happy to be part of the community resourcing you as you create and I don't want you to be shorted the resources you need to best tell the WVM story. Please take care of your eyes, your growing family and, perhaps a year from now, share a baby picture of your newest family member wearing a WVM onesie :)

James Smith

lol I'm down to share as long as they are all mine and are sharing between each other :P


I 100% agree. I've often felt more like I was taking advantage of BD than I've ever felt the other way around. Though not the baby picture. As someone who never wanted pictures of themselves out there, I am an advocate of not sharing pictures of kids publicly.


Thank you so very, very much for planning to make such things optional. I'm happy others get that content if they want it, but so many games force it on players like me and practically ruin it. I was terrified that would happen with this amazing game too (cuddling and the like is perfectly fine, the emotional connection makes sense, just when it turns into non-optional sex the games loses it for me).


So as long as content isn't forced upon and is optional then it's welcomed even if a particular fetish isn't your cup of tea? I love games that give you options if you want to pursue a particular path, or not. I agree when it's forced upon, it gets a bit annoying. I love when the main character can be seduced into something wrong, and I dislike when I always have to chose the right path. Sometimes, I want to be used by woman, and others times I want to make the right choice. Having that option makes it so much more fun.


I do not mind sharing with the other girls, as long as everyone is consenting and one to enjoying, whom else should care.


As long AS its optional to share them i ain't seeing no Problem 2 Paths are better then 1 :)


*Oliver Twist Voice* Please sir, may I have some more frequent updates?


Yeah I can give you an update on myself. I'm currently sitting at my desk eating a chicken salad. Taking a quick break after working the past 10 hours on the actual update. 'bout to get back to work. 😊


that salad sounds good.


Share?  Yes, but you have to be able to choose for each girl. Currently, I classify the girls into 3 groups. 1. Jamie and Shauna (don’t touch, they are mine). I don't share (except during groupe sex with me and only girls; p). Shanna can have fun with Jamie, Jamie with Shauna. 2. Girls I have a relationship with (Stacy, Bailey, Natalie, Penelope, etc...). I share (but not all ;p). They can do whatever they want with each other. Some may have a respectful girlfriend or boyfriend. Prohibited from doing with their boyfriend what they don’t do with me (if they don’t have sex with me, they won’t have sex with their boyfriend). 3. Sex only (Katie, Yen, etc...). I share with everyone. And why not threesomes, gangbang, etc... let's be crazy ... lol

james theberge

Well the MC already had a foursome with the cheerleaders, so why shouldn't he eventually get the whole harem into a reverse gangbang.


i dont share

Gary Hempel

I dont share , My fave girl is Cedey.Cedar/Willow. Was from the day I saw her. this need to be on Subscribestar not patreon lol

Portgas D. Luigi

I have no problem with the girls exploring each-other. As long as I'm the only man in the mix.