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Super quick post as I'm currently feeling very shitty. The headache I complained about last week has evolved into a full on cold. I still have some of the longer lasting effects from having covid like shortness of breath and fatigue and those two things mixed together has really made for a subpar and bedridden week. (But I'm fine)

So instead of the normal format I'll just say that everything is still going okay and despite me currently feeling like trash both updates are still on track for their release times. (Yay for new workflow working as intended to help me through shit weeks!)
First update on/before the 22nd and second update on/before the 28th.

Apologies for no teaser image but I'm typing this from my bed on my laptop and all the images are on my pc.

Hopefully back to the normal format next week.
Love you guys <3

POLL: What content are you most excited for in the future? (If not listed then tell me below in the comments)


Crab Shack

Finding out what "WVM" means

Te Tule

Wondering about the family dynamic like if one of the girls in your harem does get pregnant will the other members of the harem take on a mothering position for all the children?, just their own and would transsexual Shauna be happy to be a mother figure too children she herself cant make or will it eat at her she's one of the women who cant share a traditional sense of parenthood with MC? P.S. Get better soon

Anthony Scott

Relationship building with the existing women and for the love of God more Stacy.

Ray Provencher (Razor McBlade)

There are two on there. The pregnancies and the games/team building. Looking forward to both. A few other things, but not sure they will happen, just wishful thinking I am sure. I am loving it so far and always looking forward to more. Hope you feel better soon.

Richard salas

I can’t wait for the pregnancy portions of the game I was going to say something but spoilers and after these updates you should take some time off a few days or how ever long you need rest a bit try get some energy back by just sleeping or chilling watching movies with your family I’ve been feeling super tired for months I sleep at ten sometimes nine at night sleep all night I wake up feeling super tired but I might have sleep apnea but you I hope you feel better soon I hope to have some pregnancy stuff in the game soon


Pregnancies and Expanding the harem is what i'm most looking forward to! XD


Seeing how far the mom(s) thing goes, and royally getting even with those who were involved in the fight. Oh, and finally seeing the same amount of stuff over multiple days instead of "Sure, we can get together, right after I do this, and go over there, and help with this, and romance her, and bed her, and have a three or more-some, so give me an hour or two..." Makes me tired just thinking about it. Love the stuff, just slow it down...(and you too.)


Knocking them up, definitely. 😍 And Rachael clients. 😄


There are plenty of women already. I really want to see something with Harp most.

luis ortez



I wanna see mc fuck the whole faculty at WVM

DSpeed 99

I say games/team cuz it certainly will give Harp more MC time and obviously affection...gotta get those 2 together...ALOT...Mom too! ALOT! Not to mention the massive cheerleader parties after magical games won which puts the MC and Harps daughter Nat repeatedly in close with the MC as well...somethings can write themselves...right? Unless of course you script it so that he's not as good as everyone thinks and they actually lose a bunch...that would be just a horrific storyline and should never be thought of again! Ha. Just gave me a great idea of the perfect ending to this whole story...I'll PM you Braindrop.


Speaking of team building, the harem can basically field their own basketball team at this point. I kind of want to see all the girls in a harem team up to play against the MC...


I have about 6 pathways running right now, both for pregnancy options and without. I do want to see more of the team with games for the baseline story, but the side quests of pregnancies is also a wanted content.

Mark L

I would love to see more games/team-building love the interaction with the MC and his teammates and Harper also. Plus seeing at least Maybe Jaime and Shauna Pregnant during the mid playthrough and the others with the possibility of getting pregnant later would be cool as well.


Honestly I think that pregnancy could be a neat idea for one of the girls to test out who it would make the most sense with. Then see how the reaction is with the fan base and see if you wanna add more stuff to it. Your step mom can help raise with the other girls. Would love to see existing characters continued rather than new characters unless they're side stuff like Rachel's clients


Sad that the team is scoring so low. :(

Daniel M

Pregnancies of course. Rachael clients next just because that is pregnancy related. Although expanding the harem is good too, more pregnancies. :P


I can’t really choose but they would all be great to have.


Expanding the harem


Harper and Hazel/Mom are the most important by far for me.


+1 To Harper Get well soon BD !


I hope we see Shauna become more comfortable with her sex. She deserves more pleasure. Expanding the harem is cool too!


Guys but what about Bailey? I get she was coming with us at home but shd disappear?(?


Have you been tested again for covid ? Headache and cold/fever are indicators. Take care and keep well.


The harem seem to already really expended. So pregnancy for me

Red Claw

Although I like pregnancy content, it's a real time waster or nuisance. Either impregnating your girls is mandatory, which would suck for some players, or the player may choose to impregnate the girl. The choice to impregnate would eventually result in a buttload of work, since every encounter with one or more preegnant girls will have to have more than 1 render for the same scene. So if you encounter a scene with two visably pregnant girls, you would need four renders instead of 1. And the more possible pregnant girls there are the more renders are needed (not a linear progression). That would mean more work and less content. I would like pregnancy, but the more realistic approach would be to do that towards the end of the game, so that the workload does not explode. Therefor I vote to expand the Harem. Still some girls (or a trans teammate ,who doesn't mind beeing with a boy; as long as he does not have a dick) I would like to be added to the collection.


Far more important than the four options listed above, I think, should be to deepen the relationship with the characters. Here, especially Hazel and Harper should be given more attention. Both are involved in the interaction again and again, but unfortunately always very superficial, without which they are granted a deeper experience. The same goes for Liz and the others. In my opinion, there is so much potential in the already existing characters of the harem that it is not necessary to expand it. Just deepen the relationship with all of them. Above all, please don't forget Jasmine! *Just my thoughts on this

Wild Bill

My vote for the harem settling into their roles as a family, adapting to all living together.

justin van mierlo

I would love some more time with the special girls like shauna. I like the difference a trans brings to the game. And would love to see some threesomes.

Karl Franz 77

I want to play the first game


While I really look forward to the pregnancy option, I agree that it adds an incredible amount of work if scenes need to be rendered with multiple variations. As someone who only has non-cheat saves, Rachael's clients are interesting to me, both old and new. I agree with some of the others, that I'd rather see the harem deepen, with more interaction with and focus on girls already in it, rather than constantly expanding. So in the end I voted for Basketball, because training in the last update was a lot of fun and any time with Sky and Ayden is good time spent.


Tbh, one of the main things that drew me to WVM was the basketball. All the other options on the poll is something that naturally one would expect from an erotic game and they're already happening. Basketball was always a side thing (understandably so), but the MC's injury was something that worried me a lot. Thankfully, it doesn't seem to be really serious and basketball won't be totally sided for sex. Pregnancies is too early to happen, imo.


Would be bad to say all the above and maybe a little more dom/sub with Bailey with even a little light bdsm. I do think with just the women we have already seen in the game, a few of them could join the harem and a few could turn out to be bi like Bailey/Rain. Jamie/Shauna together and maybe Sky with the mc and another girl.

Guy Endsley

I totally agree with you I would really like to see Sky and the MC get together and have her part of the harem as well and the MC and the coach there been a lot of hinting around them doing some thing together.


I'm one of the basketball voters. First - I like the parts when MC is playing basketball. It is a part of him and could express himself through it. Second - it's a way to expand harem, lots of girls will be coming to see him. Third - Skye. He is an awesome character and I see him with MC. Thats all, although I have some ideas with basketball, like charity match with girls from Hearts of Hope or kids like Nathan and his friends.


I like expanding and deepening the harem relationships, including adding Harper - I mean - who would be better to help Natalie through her first experiences with the MC :). I'm a fan of pregnancy but much later - perhaps near the end of the basketball season versus so close to the beginning.


I like the idea of both Pregnancies and Basketball play. Expanding the harem is not a choice for me mainly because the MC doesn't have enough time to give attention to anymore than he already has.


I’m with pregnancy, but that’s a slow burn thing before it’s visible (unless we have a big time jump)... in the immediate future I’d say building relationships in the existing harem and getting some more team building going would be great


Who is Hazel? And I think the pace for them is set regardless of how much Braindrop focuses on them. Harper has a lot of attention and screentime with the MC but the reason they haven't banged yet is due to the story saying they shouldn't yet. And I don't think their interactions are superficial at all. And I think it should remain that way. I want Harper to get with the MC as much as anyone but I don't want to sacrifice the build up to do that.


I seem to be in a minority in regards to pregnancy. I think it will be ok when added, but I'm not going to impregnate any girls other than the forced ones because it isn't my thing. And for a game like WVM it always seemed weird to add to me because of how "real-time" it is. Going through the next 9 months of in game time with a pregnant Jamie isn't my thing. And then once the baby is born we will have to interact with the baby based on how obviously a good father the MC will want to be. It seems like a lot of render time and effort for very little payoff. Especially if we are talking about multiple girls in the harem. There is a reason why so many of these games add it at the very end. And also I know it is a porn game, but it kinda takes away from the agency of a lot of the women in the Harem. Having a kid is a lot of work and most of the girls are 18-19 with all of college and their future ahead of them. Making them have kids already to fulfill a fetish seems to contradict the story imo. Just my thoughts.

Luca Zipfel

Wait you guys play it for the Sex? I'm in for the Sports :')


Wow, with all that is going on with this MC and his small world happening so fast - I think pregnancy would be last on the list. Correct me if I am wrong but for all the game has offered, It's only been a week more or less in game lifetime for the MC? Now you're thinking about a 9 month pregnancy cycle into it ? Sorry that seems a bit too ambitious to me. Maybe a bit of (fetishism) has crept into that side of the game ? mmm makes me wonder. No I honestly think a pregnancy route is not the way to go atm. The aspect of team building / harem building would be better as stated above because don't kid yourselves - it is a sexual/hump anything that moves/quick show me your tits/get your gear off type of game which I would reckon is the only reason a lot of us play it and the many others out there. To finish off, what I would like to see within the game now that you have shown Skye to us in all his/her glory, how about some interaction with him/her ?? wow, now that would be hot :) Keep up the good work.


Azel needs a baby bump. Just saying.


Pregnancy for a main girl is to soon IMO. But if it's the case, it needs to be Jamie. Anything else would break her heart. And we need to keep Jamie happy, I don't want this game to have an AL type ending. And adding to the Harem is meh. We haven't even made the full round of the other girls yet.


I'd like to see a girl rimming mc


Pregnancy imho. Just makes sense with the clients and all. Not to mention the talk with Jamie.


I hope to see more Zoe!

Red Claw

Other than Jamie, Cathrine seems like the only other option that would make sense right now. Catherine would definitely like to be a mother for real. And Rachel aranging that via her agency, would work quite well. But if it's immidiate Jamie makes the most sense, since it would need a biit of time to convince Cathrine to let the MC be the father.

Red Claw

The way Cathrine behaves, I think she would really like to be a mother for real. Would need as bitr convincing on Rachels part, so that MC and Catherine would agree to that. Maybe via her agency. But other than Jamie, this would be the most obvious option.


Get well, and take your time getting better before the story, amazing work btw 😁👍


I agree, not to mention the "Accidents" Like party night with Zoe and her saying "It should be fine" after telling MC to "Pull out"


Get feeling better!


Expanding the pregnant harem?

Snypr Demon

there should be an all the above button :)

Echo CT-1409

Pregnancies in the game would be a welcome edition, please do something more than just turning the women into breeding machines, make it have an impact on the story before and after they give birth.