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Hey guys, I'm going to keep it real short this week as I currently have a pretty shitty headache that I've been rocking most of the week. 😎

Game related stuff:

- Going to set a really lenient release frame for the next update. Jan 17th-22nd.
Taking a bit to just make sure update patches are working (on both PC and Mac) as well as a few other things that will take some time and some learning on my end. All of the render work and script work (except for some touch ups on the second update and a few animations for the first) are done for both updates this month so don't worry about there being two updates this month, the other update will drop around the 27th-28th.

- And a reminder that the first update will only be available for Tier 4 at first and unlocked for Tier 3 around the 24th-25th. The second update (which also includes the first update) will be available to Tiers 2-4 around the 27th-28th and unlocked for Tier 1 on the 29th-30th

Dev related stuff:

- I'm still rolling with the training wheels on this month, that's why the dates are kind of strange. Things should be more rigid as I progress with this new update style where things are spread out bi-weekly. I'm not going to say February will be that rigid straight away but I do intend for it to be closer to it.

- There exists an issue where some updates will be way shorter for others depending on their choices. There really isn't a fix for this but I'll try to warn you when this is the case without spoiling much. (And yes this update is one of those)

Personal related stuff:

- Headaches are bad and lame 👍

That's all for this week, I'm going to go try and nap this headache away 😊
Love you guys and thank you so much for the support <3

POLL: At this current point in the story who is your favorite amongst the girls that live with you?



Headaches suck man. I deal with migraines at least once a week. Hope you feel better soon. Side note. This is one of the most interesting damn stories I've played in a while. Keep up the awesome work bruv.


Impossible to pick, they're all awesome in their own way

Derp McDerp

Vote for one is not a vote against the others


Headaches blow, but I'm sure a Shauna could make you forget it for awhile. Voting is like the butt contest, there all great in there own way.


Make sure you stay hydrated - might help with the headache.


TAKE whichever hand you write with, spread all your fingers apart with that hand flat. Take the other hand and press hard enough to feel the nerve located in the webbing between the hand you write with thumb and index finger, once you know you have the other thumb on the nerve, swirl in small circles for either 5 minutes or until you start to get a sick feeling in your stomach. Headache and most nonessential migraines will retreat and not come back for at least until you rest. If the headache/migraine continues to occur each day, then you need to have an exam done for whatever motor skill that portion of your brain controls. A headache / migraine is considered abnormal if, more than 4 a week, on separate days or if day long migraines that effect you vision either through pain or blurs your vision. Most migraines can be connected to hypertension, diabetes, eye disease and or infection of a part of the body. Aneurysm, People suffering from a brain aneurysm initially experience a strange, chronic and nagging headache along with stiff neck, sensitivity towards light and tingling sensation in their face. We get one shot to get this thing called living right, take care of your health. Good Luck


It might sound counterintuitive but when I get migraines I site in a dark room, I put on noise cancelling headphones and play Metallica really loud through them, works 99% of the time.


My harem


Ok, I am horrible with names, so I had to go look up the secondary characters (and I think I renamed Azel), So it was hard to pick without pictures. As an aside, a gallery of headshots or something would be nice to keep people straight, or refresh between updates.


Shauna and Stacy !

Julian Harper

A bio section in game, with a quick summary (who they are, and when the MC encountered them) would be amazing too!


Jamie and Shauna are still my favourites especially the scenes when together with mc.


Jamie #1, but content with her and Shauna is always nice to see. Looking for more co-op scenes with them and mc ^^


so far I like all the characters but Shauna is amazing and Jamie is great too but together they're perfect.

Juan Vasquez

Are any of the girls going to end up pregnant?

Juan Vasquez

Will the mc hook up with jasmin?


Same here But I would love stuff with Stacy she seems like she will be a wildcat


People who complain about short updates but actively skip content baffle me. There is content if you go looking for it. As for my fav girl in the house, Shauna is the way to go.


Hard to pick between Shauna and Azel. I'll go with Shauna as the MC can bed her.

Ray Provencher (Razor McBlade)

I found it hard between Jamie and Shauna. I mean, Shauna would edge it out for me in most respects, but without Jamie's initial willingness to share, there is nothing here. So the two of them, for me are the best

Joshua Entrekin

Jaime,who renamed, looks juat like my wife so it's a no brainer :)


Tbh, my favorite characters are outside the house. Well, inside the house, I'd have to pick Elizabeth. Btw, is there a character sheet for WVM? I have a really hard time remembering all the numerous characters only by their names. Take care, man. Hope you'll get better soon. It might only be for me, but drinking orange juice helps me with headaches.


We should vote for Azel as we don't have any of her great scenes yet.


There is a character sheet: https://www.patreon.com/posts/character-sheet-37412486 its only updated for day 6 but a new one is in the works for the week 1 rework.


headakes suck alot, and favorite is Shauna all the way, and hoping she be more willing to experiament and be less shy eventually &lt;3


also hoping to get to romace coach harper &lt;3

DSpeed 99

I agree that without Jamies sharing none of this would be happening...she's the shit! Can't wait for something fun with Harp...it's gotta be coming...and her daughter..game on!


I literally cannot decide between Jamie, Shauna Elizabeth or Willow, with Rachael a close runner up.


just curious what are the chances for sweeping the sexy coach off her feet in the near future?


Surprised Shauna is that far ahead!


Get feeling better soon!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-26 17:29:29 Jamie Supremacy. Jamie &gt; honestly praying that Jamie is still #1 girl by the end of it (with Shauna right there too!)
2021-01-28 09:35:42 Jamie Supremacy. Jamie > honestly praying that Jamie is still #1 girl by the end of it (with Shauna right there too!)

Jamie Supremacy. Jamie > honestly praying that Jamie is still #1 girl by the end of it (with Shauna right there too!)