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First Mind Drop of the new year!
The last one was rather long so I'll keep this one on the shorter side. 😁

Game related stuff:

- Next update release is near the middle of January and there will be two releases this month

- These releases will be on the lower end of the 200-240 render cap as I'm still building up a sizeable buffer

Dev related stuff:

- Oh boy, last release was probably one of the biggest headaches I've ever had which is funny considering the 1200 render release went much smoother. One thing broke and it led to almost everything else breaking.
A big reason for that was that I put off some of the more annoying work for the update like renaming some files and stuff for after my family left. I need to work on getting the updates 100% done and tested way before release day instead of 95% because I'm just asking for issues like that to fuck things up at that point.

- Update patches are mostly figured out at this point almost entirely thanks to Morbil. They should be good to go for this next update.
These updates will include only the renders/scripts from the day I'm currently on. So in this case every render from day 8-9.
I plan on offering the normal webm version and a png version (Which will have a way larger file size but better image quality)
Sadly this isn't an option for android users so this only applies to Windows/Mac.

Personal related stuff:

- Start of the year is going very well for me. I feel good about how the new update system is going and I'm just generally in a really great mood. Last year I felt I juggled between feeling good about work and feeling good about personal life, it felt like I was never happy about either at the same time. Where as now I honestly feel great about almost every aspect of things. Which is really cool. 😊

- Working extra hard until the 15th as I want to play the new PoE league with a friend and my fiancée. I've never played at the start of a league and I don't intend to play a lot outside of the first few days but I'm still excited about it. If there are any PoE players out there I'd greatly appreciate recommendations for a good league starter. 😊

That's all for now. I'm going to get back to work and try and make sure that 2021 is a way more consistent year for me than 2020 was.
Thank you guys for everything, love ya. <3

POLL: It's a spicy one. At this current point in the story who is your favorite cheerleader?
(excluding Jasmine as she's not currently a cheerleader)



Zoe, definitely! She's a mamabear.


Emiko, Natalie and Bailey is just so good cant really choose between them


I think they’re all good, really. I chose Nat because her and her mother would make an awesome threesome.


We need some jasmine tho

Richard salas

Great work and it was tough I choose Natalie I think she’s awesome man I’ve been anticipating a certain scene with the Mc and two other characters for awhile now I hope it’ll be added soon I’m super excited for it.


For me, it was a difficult choice between Bailey and Natalie, but I went with Bailey.


I agree with you on her protectiveness of her cheer squad, but I had to choose Bailey for myself.

Morgan Standley

Honestly, my favorite isn’t listed..


We need some Azel love


Zoe. Hands down. My favorite character on the game.


You did a great job of making all 5 girls very likable so it's hard to choose


Zoe, Without a doubt.


"It's a spicy one." Totally read that in Trey Kerby's voice. Would you happen to be a fellow TBJ/The Starters/No Dunks fan?


I chose Natalie because she is so fricken cute.. I like harp too but a three some isn't what i'm going for. She is my favorite girl!


My favored trio would be Elizabeth, Zoe, &amp; Natalie.


Voted Zoe as she's onboard with the team, yet still tends to walk her own path, which makes her an interesting character.


I had to pick one so I went for Bailey, but I like all of them.


I went for Emiko because I feel there's a lot more potential character development for her. Plus she's just so friggin' cute!


Zoe :-)


Bailey, she's gone complete sub and willing to do anything the mc wants.


" excluding Jasmine " Ahah he knows who's the favourite


Great work!


While I'm loving the interactions, all the girls wearing the same mustard-yellow top/shorts makes it either look like prison... or maybe a cult. =/

Juan Vasquez

So does the mc ever get to bang Harper, veronica, or Lauren?


Im on Bailey shes so sweet! On that point where she is? Seems to be kidnapped or disappeared😐 when we ll bring her home🥺. Zoe is intresting char 😏 happy new yesr by the way!


Emiko she's so cute and there's no content with her sadly :(


Where can i download the lastest update?