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One day earlier than usual as I'm going to be rather busy these next few days and I want to make sure this is out before then. 😊
Also the most recent update is now available to tier 3.

Quite a bit to talk about as I'd like to clarify a few things. So let's get into it.

Game related stuff:

- The second update for this month is still on track although it will likely be on the 29th-31st (Very unlikely it slides into next month but there's technically still a chance so if that does happen I'll stick by my promise to pause pledges and just because I'd feel real bad about having back to back releases on the 31st I'll pause pledges if it's not out on the 30th)

- The "update only" patches seem to be functional although somewhat faulty with some saves. Which is a bit of a head scratcher for me as it's only an issue for some people and one identical save may work for someone and crash for someone else. I have some testing to do to see where an optimal save spot is.

Dev related stuff:

- Computers are annoying. This week I've had to deal with a failing hard drive and a driver issue that was causing constant crashing. Luckily these weren't huge roadblocks to my workflow but were just super annoying to deal with. 😂

- And on a more positive note I feel great about the new work system. I actually feel in control of things now and there's a lot less volatility. I'll touch more on the new system in my clarification stuff below

Personal related stuff:

- The reason for the few days slide is I have to / want to do something for my grandpa and it's going to take a few days. I'll be mia for a few days starting tomorrow.
And just for anyone who may worry, he's completely okay. It has nothing to do with his health or anything. I'm down to talk about what I'm doing in discord but I'd like to keep it off of here for now as there are some weirdos who try and use anything I post about my family in these posts against me which is very cringe but it is what it is. I could just make these weekly posts patron only but that feels lame so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

- I'm feeling a lot better than last week. Not back to perfect yet but no longer stuck in bed. 👍

Okay, I think that's all for the usual post. So I'd like to clarify a few issues I've seen some people have.

The polls held in these posts are nothing but curiosity polls. They have no affect on what happens in game. I just like knowing where people's heads are at. When I ask what you're excited to see, those are all things that will eventually happen... but the order they poll in does not affect when they take place.
And likewise for polls about your favorite girl in a certain category... the order they poll in has no affect on that girl's content / when it happens.

WVM is a long game with a ton of characters.
A sad reality of a game of this scale is that some characters can be sidelined at times and not all characters are made equal. I'd like to be clear about where the focus lies even if it isn't immediately evident.
The story will mainly focus on the girls that live with the MC and the girls at WVM / staff for  WVM. With a heavier emphasis on those living with the MC.
All girls will have their moment but admittedly there are "side" girls that don't have a solid place in the story and will mostly pop in at times. These consist of girls like "the power rangers" that accompanied Willabelle at the bowling alley. Also girls like Eden and Hannah.

I'm aware that with such a large cast it can be difficult to remember names of all the characters. If you recall last week I mentioned trying to work on a few other things to make it into the game...
So I've talked a lot about the week 1 remake of the game with new renders / story changes for the first few days. A few planned features for it are adding:

- An in-game character menu that gives you information and an image of each character. (helpful for references to characters that you may not remember entirely)

- Day transition screens to help keep track of time. (By far the easiest to add)

- An in-game calendar to also help keep track of time / future things like birthdays.

- Also a gallery so you can replay naughty scenes

I've been working on implementing these things into the game now instead of waiting. I hope it helps with a few needed quality of life things. (No exact timeline for when you'll see them but it'll be soon)

The 200 render updates.
I get they're not everyone's cup of tea. I get they can feel short.
It's really difficult to convey just how much work goes into 200 renders. There's posing / making the 200 renders, there's rendering those 200 renders, there's writing dialogue for 200 renders, there's writing code for 200 renders, there's bug testing those 200 renders, there's editing those 200 renders in photoshop, there's packing it all up into now 5 different upload types and uploading it all and then managing any issues after it's uploaded.
It's a ton to do and it's so easy to downplay it (trust me I've done it many of times, it's led to many delays).
Now the real kicker, you do this every single day. You have two 200 render releases a month. At least 14 renders every single day to hit your minimum. Doesn't seem bad on the surface until you count in having to make new scenes for all of those renders, or what if some of the renders have issues and you have to fix them? Or what if your pc crashes halfway into a new scene that you've put 3 hours of work into and haven't saved in a while? And I haven't even included the time it takes to make animations or anything like that.
And even then I'm not counting all the work I do every week on the Week 1 remake.
Just trust me... it's a lot.

This isn't for me to complain about the workload or anything. I wouldn't do it this way if I didn't love the work. I just want to emphasize that it's really annoying to read people downplaying the work you put in and acting like the shit just magically happens.

It's silly I even have to explain this but if you're not a fan of smaller updates then don't play them. Wait for "final" versions of days or just wait for a few to pile up before you play. They aren't made to be consumed like full updates. They're made for those that want the consistent updates and progression.
This also leads into the fact that some bi-weekly updates will be nothing but some awesome sexy lewd fivesome with boobs and butts flying everywhere while other updates are just the MC and girls hanging out and chilling or just story progression. The game has both of these things and will heavily feature both of these things. It should come as no surprise that both of these things take up significant time.  😎

WVM is an erotic VN with a basketball theme. WVM is not a basketball VN with erotic elements.
Yes basketball is a big part of the story and yes there will be basketball games and yes there will be team building and fun coaching activities but this is an erotic game first. While present, there will still be more bouncing boobs than bouncing balls.

Phew... this post has earned the title of mind drop 😂
I'll stop there for now. I realize some of the things said could potentially cause some frustration but I'm just trying to be 100% honest and clear about certain directions and how I feel about certain things.
Anyway, I hope you're all enjoying yourselves. I'm going to finish this day off strong with a solid amount of work before I leave so I'm going to return to that.
But I will be around in the comments if you guys have any questions.

And as always thank you all so much for believing and supporting me. I wouldn't be where I'm at without you guys and I'm forever grateful. Have a good day / night everyone.
Love you guys <3

p.s. I'll do it to myself before someone does it to me 🤣

POLL: Did Han Solo shoot first?



Hell Yes Han Shot First.


Solo is a badass of course he did


God damn right he did. Greedo got bodied.


So where can we play the updates ? And are the updates continuation of the game or is it just getting rid of bugs in the previous episode ?

Richard salas

I read it but it was so long I forgot what it said lol but keep up the good work I love this game I had my anxiety issues about bad stuff happening to some of the women in the game but you helped me with my issue so thank you


Keep up the great work. When you're doing good things, there are bound to be haters.


Updates are continuations in 200 render segments. The updates are available here in the form of posts that contain links to the updates. The most recent one being titled "WVM Day 8-9 (9.3.0) (203 renders)". It's available for tiers 3-4. This next update will be made available to tier 2 right away and then tier 1 a few days later. (This update will contain all previous updates as well)


I really wish Jasmine had more screen time, but I can understand why she doesn't. Anywho, hope you make a full recovery soon, covid sucks even though I got a weak strain, I still felt like shit for about a week. Take care and keep it up!


Any type of CYOA story is a big production. This is what you are doing, but adding 3D images as well as animations. And just like a movie, the bigger the cast, the larger the production is and the amount of time required to produce it goes up. So as for me, I understand why this is taking time, sometimes it is frustrating when we come to the end of the update, but that is only because I am enjoying it so much. Thank you for continuing this game, I am happy to wait.

Dreamlab Studio

For those who think 200 render updates aren't that much..... OMG you must not have worked with DAZ. I've been using DAZ for about 2 years now and I'm absolutely amazed that Braindrop can keep up this type of pace. I'd love to see his work flow for setting up scenes and steal a few of his tricks! Keep up the great work!


Keep up the good work BD AND YES Han shot first, anyone saying no never watched the original version of Star Wars


If anyone is still doubting Braindrop, 400 renders a month is still better than some devs produce in 3 months. Just remember that one!

James Smith

Here now, Han Never shot NOBODY, especially not in some dive bar in the ass end of nowhere. In fact, on the day in question he was at My place having dinner and watching the Pod Race on GSN. SO, unless you have some kind of Evidence to the contrary then that is what happened. To bad no one took a video of this alleged incident.


Wait does Han Solo go to WVM too? How will this impact the game now? Oh wait I forgot these polls are just for fun and have no impact on the game. : ) Carry on and ignore the above comment. Keep up the great work I can't wait to see what is next, and have fun with whatever your plan is with your grandpa.


Whoever selected "no" in the poll, fess up and receive your obligatory shaming!

Daniel M

I code for living and it is a common occurrence that people don't realized how much work goes into things. Comments like "it is just adding a button to the page, it shouldn't take long" Not thinking about all the coding that needs to be done to make the button actually do the thing you want it to do. it doesn't just magically work. So i completely understand how you feel about complaints about the updates length.

Jeff Sandau

Yikes. Also dealing with a Driver issue myself. Plugnplay keyboard driver kept installing with a glitch or bug that kept repeating a key press that wasn't happening. It's amazing how annoying one dumb driver issue can be.


Yea drivers, for some reason I have an issue now with my Raser chroma keypad. The win drivers turn off and on affecting my keyboard and mouse.


"some bi-weekly updates will be nothing but some awesome sexy lewd fivesome with boobs and butts flying everywhere" This is the kind i thing i like to hear on a day off Love you, BD


I'll say this while giving platlets. im typing one handed and it is slow but 1) Fuck yes Han shot first hes not a dummy! 2) your updates are great!!!!! Thank you!!!! I'm here because i believe in you! I am getting others into WVM!!! keep them coming! 3) You do you, spend time with your grandpa!!! hang in there and im here if you ever want to talk!!!


Great job keep up the good work. Your so thoughtful with your explanations it’s quite refreshing. I’m excited for all the future possibilities in this vn. Also Han totally shot first no question about it.

Derp McDerp

My only constructive criticism that I noticed in the most recent update is you sometimes summarize a convo instead of have it. I don't have an example off the top of my head (I wish I did) but it would be something like "MC talked about how the rest of the day went." I'm not a big fan of lines like these because it makes it feel rushed even if it isn't. I'd almost prefer for a conversation to feel short than to have a footnote that says more dialogue happened but you don't see it, does that make sense? Just my two cents, I think you're doing great!


There was no "shot first." Greedo never got a chance to shoot.


Oh my god this. I’ve played around with Daz on and off for years now and honestly, I don’t know how BD manages to turn out so much work so fast. Forgetting the render time (which is a big thing itself), just putting together the scenes is a massive time sink.


I second this, i only noticed it in the last update because it happened too many times.


Han is/was meant to be portrayed as a lucky and cocky character, who barely wins but always manages to come out on top. Greedo shot first, and some believe Han is force sensitive


Don't listen to haters BD. You are doing a great job with this game. Take your time whenever you need it and keep up the good work :D


Ur doing good work and hope u have a blast with ur granpa 😁👍 P.s cant wait till u introduce other characters as well 😃


No matter what you do, now much now little, there will be haters, you know you can not please everyone all the time, Please yourself, that allows you to do your best work.


Will there be Sex Scenes with willow and Anna?


That is a perfect chat person icon for saying that too. I can just imagine Johnny saying that in a text. Also it's good things are looking up my dude. I'm one of the people that enjoy the constant updates and look forward to them each time so keep up the stellar work and just ignore the haters. Haters gonna hate anyway and it's not worth your energy to invest any into them.


You are doing a great job with creation and communication. I actually hold off playing until I see at least a day or two of new content so that I can get immersed in WVM - I'm patient and would rather you create a quality product than a quick product!


I just downloaded the android version and I can't get past the first name screen.


dont enter custom names just leave them as default and it should work


Use floating keyboard, after typing name out, click name in suggested word bar above keyboard then hit enter, worked for me


han solo didnt j shoot first he was the only one to shoot


TBF it was both, he was the only one to shoot, BECAUSE he shot first!


well for me, i prefer longer updates


Why don't you ask for help from members of the community? Not with the story or animation but like the packing stuff. Stuff that doesn't really need your touch but it just need someone to do it. Idk it just a thought; you don't have to do this alone.