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(A reminder image including the two winners of "Favorite girl from Day 7?")
Remember! This is a 6'4" (193cm) 24-27 voluptuous toned oceanic woman!  

We've been tinkering with the face quite a bit so let's move south!

But first I just want to share that Day 8 part 1 will likely be released on the 10th. I've been taking it easy after crunching pretty hard at the finish of D7. I've been spending some time with some friends that I sort of neglected there for a bit and spending time with my gf and my gp. I was just enjoying a little break but don't get me wrong I was still working over the weekend I just wasn't at my usual pace. But I'm back on my usual pace today so don't get nervous.😊 You can expect an update that will be around 150 renders long. The other update this month should be around 200-280.

Secondly the next poll will be pubic hair. (Will range from forest to clean shaven)

Okay, with that out of the way let's move on to the poll!

Option A:

Option B:

Option C:

Option D:

Option E:


Wild Bill

Damn, D looks like she has a massive clit!


Meat curtains are not the way people...


D, a clit designed for sucking. Also, going by what you have now, she definitely has hair down there.


It’s not abused look. But dude the extra flap feels soo good when you have sex


They all look shaved too, that's great.


yikes, inni lover go vote! B for all girls^^


We want the D! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Christophe Schannes

Well, I guess I notice once again why I'm pan/bi and why I'm particularly attracted to trans women... Vaginas just don't do it for me. It's like polling for the least bad option ^^' I'm serious, what about this fold of skin flaps is attractive? xD I guess it's like with anything, you either like it or you don't, but yeah, not doing anything at all for me.


Looks like well used is most popular lol

Jeff Sandau

What about the fold of skin flaps is attractive? Well, because they belong to the vagina... and the inside of the vagina is absolute Nirvana.

Jeff Sandau

I just wanted to say... WOW, what a thing to look at first thing after getting to work, a bunch of vaginas. It's a good thing I work alone. xD


E for me :)


Some very nice mounds and lips! For me I like variation. I think you could use all the different option on different girls. Though D is my favorite I wouldn't min playing with any of them. I voted for D though a nice and sexy looking mound and some nice succulent looking lips and a large clit. Very sexy. I would like some hair too. The pre-teen look doesn't do it for me I like an attractive, fertile and sexy woman. But if I understood correctly we will get to vote on that as well. As with the mounds and lips I would suggest som variation in that department too though. Not every pussy looks alike after all :)


Considering the harem we have going at the moment, I agree with variety being the spice of life. It would nice to have some girls with different types of hair down there. From the typical landing strip, to something more natural but still well groomed...at least for the milfs anyway.


Can't wait to play day 8 hope to get it soon


Was thinking it would be cool if we had the option as to how each girl shaves, but I don't see how that mechanic would fit into this style of game.