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Remember! This is a 6'4" (193cm) 24-27 voluptuous toned oceanic woman!

We've settled on the actual vagina itself. Now let's decide on what kind / if we want her to have pubes.
I didn't go too crazy with it,

Also The Harp+Nat render set will be out tomorrow 😊

Option A:

Option B:

Option C:

Option D:

Option E:

Option F:



This is the strangest poll I've ever participated in and I just wanted to thank you Braindrop


Missing Chewbaca bush

Christophe Schannes

E wins out? Wow, wouldn't have guessed, that's probably my least favourite option 😂 But also, is anyone else just now noticing how similar she looks to Bobbie from The Expanse? Well at least in the books, the actress portraying her in the show isn't quite as tall. But still, close.


Well since I prefer at least some hair all the options except A works for me. Voted for F (the most hair available) though.


Though you have every right to your opinion, that is a bit the problem with polls like this. people vote for their fave things and hardly think of who the character should be. We are talking of a woman who is more as usual into sports, based on idea of body type, having less body hair makes sense for that, not as much as possible :P.


Shit. now that you mentioned that I will not get that comparison out of my mind. Good call. Might be a good name for her 💕


A shame to see C not getting any love.


I hesitated between C and E, and finally chose E, sorry ^^


For me it was either A or E, E was more realistic hair, that's why I chose it

James Smith

C or E for me, I chose E as it is a little more realistic looking.


I chose A, no body likes hair in their food lol