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Remember! This is a 6'4" (193cm) 24-27 voluptuous toned oceanic woman!  

Same rules as last time. 😊
Thank you guys. <3

Also quick update.
I'm sorry for the continued long wait on Day 7 final. I won't go far into details as I've really tried to keep emotions and what not away from these posts as I hate making people worry about me and I hate bringing a mood down. I just want to focus on the game. The update as it stands right now is 850 renders and a lot of animations. (Will likely hit 900)  
I've retained from giving a set release date as that hasn't gone well for me recently. And I know I've said this before but I'm really trying to have it out by the end of the month, work hasn't stopped and won't stop.

As I said earlier I'll be pausing again even if D7F is out this month since Day 8 part 1 will be in Sept. Being a dev to me is more than just "doing work". It's about being reliable and consistent and honest. And it's more than just a promise to do so, I want to show it first.  

I'm sorry guys. I know you all just want to play it and I'm honestly working as hard and as fast as I can.

Option A:

Option B:

Option C:

Option D:

Option E:

Option F: 


Christophe Schannes

Getting really subtle here 😂 but I can't wait to meet her, she's already gorgeous &lt;3


I'm going to fall back on my Military training here and offer some sage advice. Less Haste, More Speed. Don't rush, get it right, we're all here because we support you, a week or month is neither here nor there given the circumstances.


No worries! We know that D7F will be awesome, and that it wraps up a Great first week. That first week is all the Hype you need for the days and weeks that follow!


I've been a Gamer a very loooong time. Big developers almost always missed their release dates, or to make the date sent out "Buggy" games that weren't ready. So You're in great company for not giving release date(s). Besides your game is excellent and worth the wait!

James Kemp

Hi, You're not going to bring us down! We care about you and know you're struggling with your mental health currently and nothing wrong with that. We care more about you being stable and mentally healthy than the game. We trust and know were going to end up with such a special game because you put absolutely everything you have into your creation! So please just let us know how you are and what's up. Honestly, we care and understand. Keep yourself and your loved ones safe and well in these strainge time we now live.

Karl Franz 77

Take it easy, man. We can wait.


As James said, we care about you and know that you have been struggling with personal issues and your state of mind. Its only natural that you feel the way you are given what you've been through. I've been where you are Braindrop and it isn't easy, I'm a veteran of East Timor and I still have nightmares about when I was there and the things that I saw, but I also have people who care about me just like you do here. If you ever feel the need to just vent, Drop me a line and I'll be there to listen. Your game is fantastic and knowing how much you want to continue making a great product is worth the wait. Take care my friend and keep up the great work, we're all cheering for you

philip ash

it will be released when its finished, although it may be some time before i forgive you for missing my birthday :D

Luca Zipfel

First time i disagreed with the popular vote. Just thought that option F is more in sync with a voluptuos oceanic women


Haven't heard from you since Aug 31st hope your ok


I'm doing good, currently sick but fighting through it. Sorry for not being very active on here, I'm hard focused on day 7 final. 😊 I hope you're doing well also.


Good to hear from you, it's cool, dont push to hard, might be making your self more sick doing that if you are, take your time sir your health is more important 👍.yes sir I'm good.