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 Remember! This is a 6'4" (193cm) 24-27 voluptuous toned oceanic woman!  

Same rules as last time. 😊
Thank you guys. <3

Option A:

Option B:

Option C:

Option D:

Option E:


Luca Zipfel

Give her the D

Christophe Schannes

Wow you're really going into the details with this client ^^

Julian Harper

Bah no horse nose option! :)


You're just screwing with us now aren't ya. There is no difference in those noses.


Thought the same at first, too. But the differences are there, minute as they are, they are there. A or D for me.


dude they are all the damn same.how you going to give us a choice with no real choice ? what kind of poll is that ??


? There are definitely differences lol They aren't major mind you. They mainly focus on width of the nose, the slope of the nose, the length of the nose, how bulbus the nose is. But there are definite differences.