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(Story original by:  MyLifeIsAnRPG)

“What the heck was that!?” Julie said running outside after a large BOOM shook her house. There she saw it, a strange glowing, pulsating rock in the middle of a small crater in her back yard. “What… is this thing?”

She slowly reached down to touch it, but as her hand neared a small arc of what appeared to be electricity jumped from the strange rock to her hand. “YEOWCH! What the…. Oooh… oooooh  I don’t feel so good.”

Julie stumbled, her mind feeling hazy, her breath quickening as strange feelings started to push through her. Her skin felt like it was crawling. Her muscles felt like they were on fire. She felt nauseous as it felt like her body was pulsing, as she sweat profusely. She stumbled to the side of her house and leaned on the wall trying to catch her breath.

“W-what’s going on, what’s happening to meeeEEE UGH!” Suddenly she felt a harsh cramp in her feet. She rushed to take off her shoes to alleviate the pain. She couldn’t help but scream as she saw the bones in her feet crack and move under her skin. Her muscles felt like they were rearranging, slurping inside her. She felt her heel pulse, and with a small moan she felt some sort of bone inside her heel push down. It stretched her skin, growing out of her, forcing her to stand on her tip toes, creating a sort of fleshy protrusion. 

“I… I’m mutating. B-but I can’t be. The doctors said I didn’t have the mutant gene… nnnnngh” Another wave of pain pushed through her feet. She couldn’t help but curl her toes in a spasm and as soon as she did, she felt a large CRRRUNCH. Her flesh felt sticky. In fact, her toes were sticking together, pushing into each other, merging down into an almost triangular shape. Her nails all fused into one very sharp, almost clawlike nail. Her feet didn’t look like feet anymore. Instead, they looked like high heels, except they were made out of flesh. The heel grew out of her heel, the “shoe” shape was just her foot! 

“Oh god I need to call someone” She said, running inside to grab her phone, but stumbling due to her new feet. However, she was stopped as another wave of pain shook her around her waist. She screamed again, clawing at her pants as she tried to remove them, the skin bubbling up and starting to puuuush out. She moaned deeply as several tentacle like protrusions started to force themselves out around her, growing longer and longer still. More peculiarly, they took their skin with them, creating a fleshlike webbing between each tentacle. Soon they were almost as long as her legs, flaring into some sort of bizarre living dress made out of her own flesh, flowing beautifully, yet unmistakably mutant.

“Oh god no, no, please stop” she said as the tentacles thrashed a bit in response to her nervousness.

The bizarre changes didn’t stop there. It felt like a million little pin-pricks started pushing out of her skin. She looked at the back of her hands to realize that deep, red scales were growing out of them. They started to grow all over her hands, and over most of her arms fading back into skin about halfway up her bicep. Her nails grew out, sharp, and softly curved, and a small fleshy webbing grew between her fingers. It looked, almost like she was wearing opera length gloves, but made out of scales. Soft bony spikes pushed out of her wrists, creating the appearance of a living bracelet. She felt the same sharpness around her ankles, as she soon found herself with living bony anklets as well.

The same scales started to push out of her foot, covering most of it except for the top, giving them the appearance of red high heels. They also covered her scaly living tentacle “dress” and started to make their way up to her breasts. 

She felt her back start to pulse and crack. “P… please I can’t take it” she shouted as she felt two buldges stat to push out. They cracked and pulsed, new bones and muscles forming, growing out, into two, smaller, thinner arms. The ends exploded into clawed hands, three fingered, webbed clawed hands, which instinctively wrapped around her to cover her breasts, cupping them, almost like a living top. She felt a soft flap of skin attach from her second set of arms’ wrists and elbows, almost like bat wings, but when wrapped around her, they just look like more of her living dress.

She could feel the changes start to slow now. Her ears pulled back into almost elf-like points. Her pupils became more slitted than round. Her teeth grew into sharp fangs, her tongue growing slightly longer and to a point. Her hair slowly started to fall out as she felt smaller, finer scaly tentacles grow on her head, replacing with a new living flowing hairstyle. 

She ran to a full length mirror to stare at herself in disbelief. Her clothes were all taken off or shredded and what was left was a new mutant, with new, living, scaly clothes that were all just parts of her body! She was a bizarre freak of nature, even by mutant standards.

After recovering from her shock she grabbed the phone and dialed the emergency mutant helpline. After a few rings, she heard a voice on the other end.

“Access Labs Biotech: Making life better for mutants everywhere. This is Sophie speaking, what’s your emergency.”

“Hi, uh, can you send someone over. There’s… there’s something you need to see.”




Natural high heels are the best :)


Agreed. I hope Access toys around with the concept some more ^_^