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“Fleur! You came!” Ruby exclaimed. “I was worried you were going to sleep the day away and we were going to miss prime beach time.”

“Ruby… good to see you.” Fleur said, forcing whatever small bits of mock enthusiasm she could out of her voice. “Uh… yeah about that. I’m down to, you know, hang but… silly me… I forgot to pack my swimsuit.” 

Fleur laughed nervously to herself as a poor cover-up for her lie. The last place Fleur wanted to be was in public in a swimsuit. Her mutation barely cooperated with her at home and the last thing she wanted to be was “dicknipple girl puts on a show for local beach-goers” on the evening news.

“Ha, ha, how very forgetful” said Ruby, seeing through Fleur’s poorly veiled ruse. “Not to worry, I thought ahead! I brought a bikini that is just your side with me!”

“A b-bikini?!?” Fleur asked nervously. “Th-that won’t work. I have four breasts so I’ll need-“

“Two tops!” Ruby said whipping the bikini with four cups out of her bag. “Like I said, I thought ahead!”

“Ruby. Doesn’t that look kind of.. small to you? I’m not sure it will cover everything…”

“Fleur” Ruby said with a serious look on her face. “You always do this. You never want to go out in public and then we always end up hanging at your place watching TV or something. You promised! I want to have a fun day at the beach with my friend for once!” She shoved the bikini into Fleur’s arms who, despite having twice the normal amount, struggled to not drop it due to sheer nervousness.

“R-right” Fleur said with a heavy sigh. “I’ll… go change.”

Fleur dragged her feet to the changing room and slowly disrobed, swapping her baggy clothing for the small white bikini. “White… it had to be white” she muttered to herself. “People will know something’s up even if I’m not hard.”

Moments later she came out, meeting Ruby on the sand. “You look great!” said Ruby “and see, I told you. It fits perfectly.” She took a step forward and put her hands reassuringly on Fleur’s shoulders “Besides, you shouldn’t be ashamed of your mutations. Look around you! There are mutants everywhere. People already accept it here. It’s the new normal. No one will care.”

“I’m not ashamed of being a mutant, Ruby!” Fleur said in a hushed but frustrated breath. “I’m ashamed that my dicks might end up slipping out! Anyone would be ashamed of exposing themselves, mutant or no!”

“Relax. You’re catastrophizing. I’m going to get some sunscreen and we will just chill out and have a good day OK? Nothing bad is going to happen. I’ll be right back.” She hurried up the boardwalk to the beach shop, leaving Fleur to herself.

“Ugh, I’m never going to feel comfortable in public.” Fleur said to herself. She really meant it when she said she wasn’t ashamed. She liked her four breasts and arms, her pink hair. Heck, she didn’t even mind the five dicks. It’s just that they were so big when fully erect, and there weren’t many clothes that could hide five massive erections. Being a mutant is one thing. Flashing your genitals to the general public is another. 

She took a deep breath and decided to take a small walk along the beach as she waited for Ruby to return. It really was a nice day. The sun was high, the sky was clear, and everyone else was enjoying the sand and the water. Ruby was right, there were quite a few mutants here, even a few mutant guys which was rare. Mutant or not, there were just so many attractive people here. She admired a young man with a nice figure, a young girl with perfect curves. It was like everyone was jumping at a chance to show off their body except her.

Of course, Fleur’s walk would eventually be interrupted by a tension in her bikini. “Oh no, not now!” The familiar slurping sound of growing flesh rang through her ears as her dick nipples started to grow, creating perverse tents in her bikini tops. She struggled to hide them with her four arms, only for her main penis to start to grow longer, and harder, stretching her bikini bottom so tight it was in danger of falling off! She quickly grabbed a towel and wrapped it around herself, looking for somewhere to go to hide her shame. She eventually settled on the showers, rushing in and locking the doors shut.

Luckily, they were empty right now, so she had a moment’s respite. She dropped her towel and quickly removed her bikini to free her dicks, all of which had grown completely hard and erect. In fact, they were even bigger than they were this morning.

“Ooooh, calm down Fleur… calm down.” She reached up to touch one of her dicknippled and stifled a yelp. They were ultra-sensitive, on a hair trigger. “Oh god…. What’s wrong with me…”

She took another look around to make sure she was alone before starting to stroke her dick nipples, knowing what she had to do. She shivered at her own touch. “Oh fuck” she muttered under her breath, trying not to make noise so no one would notice. She could feel her breasts pulse in time with her dick nipples as she used all four of her arms to jerk herself off. She stroked down the length of a breast while squeezing it with another hand. She mashed her dick nipples up against she shower wall. She was so damn hot.

“Oh god I… I can’t take it” she said, biting her lower lip just to shut herself up. Her mind began to wander. She imagined all the pretty people on the beach. A young girl stroking her breasts. A young guy slamming into her pussy. That pretty two headed girl sucking two of her dick nipples at once. Her breasts pulsed harder, her body tensing. She desperately tried to fondle all her dicks and rub at her pussy at once, but she just didn’t have enough hands. She mashed her breasts against the shower wall, leaning on it for support. “Oh god I’m right there, I’m right there I… aaa….aaaaah….AAAAAAAH”

Fleur couldn’t help but scream as she was rocked by a full body orgasm. All of her dicks came at once, her milk and semen bouncing off the shower walls and flowing down the drain a milky white. Her legs were so tired after the orgasm she couldn’t stand up. She fell back on the shower bench for a minute to catch her breath, her dicks once again shrinking into her body.

“Shit… what a mess” she said, looking around the shower. She went about cleaning herself up, rinsing off as best she can, and using the showerhead to rinse down the shower walls. It wasn’t perfect but it was as good as she could do. “Well… my apologies to whoever uses this shower next” she said to herself as she put the white bikini on again and head back out to the beach to meet Ruby by the boardwalk steps.

“Fleur!” Ruby said excitedly “Where did you go! I couldn’t find you anywhere. I thought you chickened out.”

“Sorry, I uh… it’s just that… I… I had a problem with..”

“The five boner thing?” Ruby asked, cutting off her friend once more.”

“Well yes, but… how did you…”

“Because that’s always the problem…” Ruby said in an exasperated voice. “You never want to go out in public because you constantly get hard the first time you see a pretty face. I have never met a girl who more needed to get laid in my life. Get a boyfriend, girlfriend, anything. You just have to release all that pent up desire girl! Stop being such a horndog.”

“Well when you are a mutant the dating pool is a lot smaller, Ruby!” Fleur said with annoyance. 

“I know I know, which is why I wanted you to come along today. Let me introduce you to my friend Rick. He has a thing for mutants” she said in a hushed whisper. “Rick!” she shouted out to the general public. 

The same young man that Fleur had been masturbating too just minutes before turned around and started heading toward the girls. Ruby grinned mischievously “Rick, this is Fleur. Fleur, Rick.”

“It’s nice to meet you” Rick said, looking over Fleur’s body. “Wow, Ruby wasn’t kidding, you really are beautiful.”

Fleur was almost paralyzed by Rick’s words. “Th-thanks I…” she barely managed to squeak out a few syllables before she felt a familiar pressure. “E-excuse me for a moment! I uh, just need to hit the showers quickly! I’ll be back later!” She wrapped herself in a towel again and ran off, muttering to herself “ohgodohgodohgodohgodohgod…”

“Is… she going to be OK?” Rick asked, looking at Ruby confused.

Ruby put a hand on Rick’s shoulder and laughed to herself. “She’s just like that. Don’t worry. You’ll get used to it. Believe me, you are gonna have a lot of fun with her.”



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