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“No son! I don’t want to hear anymore. You are grounded!”

“But mom!  I swear I didn’t try to spray her with the hose!”

“No buts! I’ve seen how you stare at your cousin. I don’t know what’s going on here but you’ve had more ‘accidents’ than normal. This stops now!”

The boy couldn’t deny it. Though they really were accidents he didn’t particularly mind the view. Still, being punished during quarantine sucked. He already couldn’t go out, and now he was stuck in the house as well.

“The least you can do is lend her some dry underwear” the boy muttered under his breath.

“Even if you had any clean underwear to lend, which you don’t, you don’t have any three cup bras or panties with a hole for a tail. Her clothes are made special to order.” The boy’s mother sighed heavily “Look, even if this all is innocent, you need to be more careful. It’s very difficult to get new clothes for mutants during the pandemic, so if you ruin anything of hers, that’s it. It’s already so difficult, don’t make it more so.”

“Alright…” the boy said meekly, resigning himself to his first of his new punishment chores: mopping the laundry room floor. 

“That’s a good boy” said his mom “now I’m going to go make dinner. Come and get me when you are done.”

The boy muttered to himself as his mom left the room “I could be playing video games right now, instead I’m mopping this stupid-“

“What are you doing here?” came the familiar voice of his cousin behind him. He turned around to see her wearing a nightgown with no bra and panties, as well as a scowl on her face.

“I’m being punished” he said. “What about you? And why are you wearing a nightgown and heels?” he said pointing to the out of character high heel shoes on her feet.

“I’m wearing this because all my clothes are in the wash idiot, or do you not remember soaking me to the bone” she said taping a shoe in frustration. “and I’m in heels because all my other shoes are dirty too. My sneakers are full of mud and my slippers are also being washed… and I’m not going to walk on this filthy floor in my bare feet while you are in the middle of mopping it. Now can you step aside? I need to take my stuff out of the dryer. Then I can take the gown and heels off and not have to listen to your comments.”

The boy stepped aside as the angry beauty walked over to the dryer to remove her clothes, bending over to start putting them in a bushel. He felt a pang of guilt “maybe I should just concentrate on my chores. These accidents must be making things tough on her after all.” He dipped the mop in a bucket of soapy water and slid it across the floor, navigating himself around his cousin. It was after he turned around to mop around the door that he paused, hearing a familiar angry cry.

“Y-YOU MORON! WHAT AREYOU DOING” Shouted his cousin. He turned around to see that the end of his mop had caught the edge of her gown, lifting it up and leaving her entirely exposed. He immediately stared at her genitals, flushed and wet, and muttered under his breath…


“You asshole!” the young mutant said, pulling her nightgown down and blushing an angry red. “You absolute prick!”

“I mean, I didn’t see anything! I meant the floor… er uh… the floor is moist! Wet! You know!”

The boy wasn’t convincing anyone. “I can’t believe you” she said slamming the dryer shut. “You are planning this aren’t you! This is all some sick game to you!” She picked up her bushel full of clothes and stomped toward the door. The boy tried to come up with a defense, but he had nothing. “I’m going to tell your mom everything, and she’s going to be furious!” she said before slamming the door shut so hard the bucket of soapy water fell over.

It looked like his punishment had just begun.



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