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I had just finished my doctor’s appointment when she walked into the office, the fused girl from a couple of months ago. She looked different, but the finer details of her fusion were still noticeable. She had styled her hair such that both halves now match, but the color still changed in a sharp line down the middle. Her three breasts were now held up prominently with a specially designed bra, and all the nails on her six fingered hands were neatly manicured and matching. I also noticed a small piercing on one of her two bellybuttons, which she proudly showed off.

But the biggest difference was her face. When last I saw her, she wore a look of anguish, her flesh pallid and tears falling from her eyes. It was a look of a girl who had no idea what her place in this world was. This girl, though, had an air of soft tranquility. Her face wore a smile that spoke of soft melancholy  and peace at the same time. 

I pretended to take a call on my phone just so I could linger in the office and hear what she had to say. She was here for a checkup, to make sure her body was working correctly after the fusion. She talked to the secretary about how difficult her first few days as a fused girl were. At first, she had no idea who she was, but she was soon referred to psychologists and counselors in a mutation assistance program that specialized in fusions. They helped her visualize herself as a new individual, not one girl or the other, but both and neither at the same time. She was the best of both, and that was something to be proud of. She was not the death of two individuals, but rather a new stage of life for both. She still had the feelings and memories of the two girls that came before, and now she had a chance to make all new ones.

One girls family, unfortunately, was not very helpful. They were strictly conservative and they did not approve of any mutants, even if they used to be her daughter. She moved in with her other parents, who were still a bit weirded out, but were more welcoming and willing to try to adapt to her sudden transformation. She seems to have faith that little by little, everyone she knew from her previous lives will come to accept her.

She also mentioned that one of the girls she used to be had a boyfriend. He too is working to accept this change, but it’s a bit awkward since he is essentially starting a relationship with a completely new girl. Still, though their feelings for each other are different, their relationship seemed to be on the right track.

I jumped as the doctor suddenly appeared at the door to his office. “Hello there. It’s good to see you back” he said. “How are things?”

“Better” she said softly. “Things are improving.”

“Well, that’s good.” Replied the doctor fixing his glasses. “Now miss… I’m sorry we don’t have a name on record for you post fusion. Do you have a name that you’d prefer me to call you?”

“Yes, though it sounds a bit silly” she said nervously. “We, uh… I choose Synergy.”

The doctor gave her a warm smile “Well Synergy, it’s time for your checkup.” She smiled back and stepped into his office, the door shutting behind her.



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