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 Hello aliens from here to beyond the stars. Your beloved alien queen is  still mutating in spectacular ways!   My voluptuous body remains normal (well, aside from the whole “being  able to move it without my head attached to my neck” thing) but my head  has evolved yet again!  Are you ready?  I HAVE WINGS!  Yep, you heard that right. I sprouted beautiful multicolored wings from  the back of my head and now I can fly!  I tried to fly attached to my body but it wasn’t possible. My body was  just too heavy and any time I came close to lifting off the ground… POP…  off came my head. So I can’t lift a whole lot of weight with my wings,  but that’s fine. I’m more than strong enough to lift my head and I’m  sure I’ll get stronger with time.

 I went out for a fly around the neighborhood. I tried to capture my  takeoff in a photo but, it turns out it’s a bit difficult to make your  body focus a camera when it doesn’t have any eyes. Didn’t do much. Just  scared a couple neighbors (hehe.) Maybe I’ll try to fly even higher next  time.  You know what’s great about being in two places at once? You can rest,  even while you are out doing things. As long as my body lays back and  takes it easy, my head doesn’t feel too tired. My wings are still a  little sore though.  That strange itch in my body hasn’t gone away. I wonder if it’s going to  mutate, or if I just have a strange rash or something.

Tomorrow I’m  going to see some specialists. They can tell me with more certainty  what’s going on with my mutations. So by the time you see me again, I’ll  be the most fantastic alien creature you have ever seen, that is, if  I’m not already ;P  See you then, and remember, the truth is out there! 
