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Susan couldn’t help but laugh when she first saw it on Twitter. The #SoapBottleChallenge. Just videos of dumb boys balancing bottles of shampoo and conditioner and anything else you could find in your bathroom on their dicks. It wasn’t much of a challenge at all. Seemed like a dumb excuse for guys to show off how big they were.

“This is so stupid” she said to herself “But at least I get a free show.” 

Susan was by all means a very pretty girl and was turning heads even before she mutated two years ago. She grew an extra set of arms, another set of breasts, a beautiful tail, all fairly standard for more drastic body changing mutations. It was her two penises that grew over her vagina that was, perhaps, most odd and most difficult to get used to.

They cost her her boyfriend at the time. He was very supportive through most of her mutations, but unfortunately he couldn’t handle his girlfriend being bigger than him… twice! Not to mention being attracted to a girl with penises brought up all sorts of questions about his sexuality and… well you know how boys are. It was just easier for him to dump her out of fear and jealousy than approach any of this maturely.

While Susan was pretty sure he was the asshole in that situation, it still dealt a blow to her self-esteem. She would wear baggy shorts and pants to hide any evidence of her mutated sex organs while proudly showing off the rest of her mutations. After all, you could still be #MutantAndProud even if you had one or two… alterations… that you’d rather keep from the public eye.

But things were changing. Summer was coming and the days were getting hot. She spent most of her time inside due to the COVID-19 pandemic, so she never had to look presentable to anyone. She started wearing bikinis, miniskirts, shorts, and sometimes she walked around in nothing but panties, just because it was more comfortable. Of course, this sort of attire couldn’t help but show off her dual dicks. She was rather well endowed, of course.

“Why is it so hard to be a straight girl with a penis” she said as she scrolled through her twitter feed, seeing videos of all these similarly well-endowed men who would probably balk the second she removed her pants.

That was when it all clicked.

“If these guys are so proud enough to show off theirs on the internet, why the hell am I so afraid to show mine!? Fuck it! I’m not going to see anyone for the next few months. Maybe I’ll get internet famous.”

She got up, did her makeup, put on the sexiest clothes she could without overheating, and stood in front of her bathroom mirror. The excitement of what she was about to do was enough to make her fully erect. She grabbed her shampoo and conditioner and balanced them on the pronounced bulges that showed through her shorts. Two bottles at once meant she could one-up all the other guys… though she was cheating a bit. You were supposed to balance the bottles but her lower breasts just held them in place.

She took a few pictures, tweaking the lighting and trying to get herself from different angles. Eventually, the challenge didn’t matter at all. She just liked being confident enough to take pictures of herself without hiding anything. It felt freeing, perhaps as free as she had ever felt since lockdown began.

That night, Susan’s Twitter gained quite the following, and waking up to all her likes and retweets would prove to her that there are guys out there that won’t be scared off by her mutations.



J. Jenny Jameson

It's good to be comfortable in your own skin.