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Wrapping up the actual-actual last Dynamo Dream shots (or- okay well- just realized I have a couple quick "view out the window" shots I have to tweak- but they'll maybe be done tomorrow?) and realized I never finished this post card replacement shot!

Fairly standard! This is the type of thing I usually would start off trying in After Effects, but after having an unexpected amount of trouble with it, it's always nice to hop over into a full-3d situation :D.

If the track hadn't worked (as it so far hasn't on the other shot), I was getting prepped to just try to line up the entire thing by hand; very glad it didn't come to that!

0:00 - Talking about Screen Replacements
5:39 - Starting the tut! Tracking!
9:33 - Creating the postcard
13:00 - Lighting!
15:20 - Compositing!
19:00 - Masking!  


2D Card (Screen?) Replacement - Tracking, Compositing

0:00 - Talking about Screen Replacements 5:39 - Starting the tut! Tracking! 9:33 - Creating the postcard 13:00 - Lighting! 15:20 - Compositing! 19:00 - Masking! Wrapping up the actual-actual last Dynamo Dream shots (or- okay well- just realized I have a couple quick "view out the window" shots I have to tweak- but they'll maybe be done tomorrow?) and realized I never finished this post card replacement shot! Fairly standard! This is the type of thing I usually would start off trying in After Effects, but after having an unexpected amount of trouble with it, it's always nice to hop over into a full-3d situation :D. If the track hadn't worked (as it so far hasn't on the other shot), I was getting prepped to just try to line up the entire thing by hand; very glad it didn't come to that!



Ah so glad it was able to work! What would you do if the card deformed a bit more? Solve the object points + camera separately? Or just animate it by hand?


A bit by hand, probably! I'd probably try to get as good of a track as I could, then set up a couple quick shape keys and do a pass where I animate the shape keys to match whatever the reference paper was doing.


Why didn't you just re-shoot the postcard ? ;) (Obviously it was because you knew it would make a cool tutorial)


This is so much fun to watch, almost like watching a great concert. You play blender like a virtous artist. Always a great inspiration and a big motivation to keep practicing in Blender. Thank you for that Ian.

Zeke Faust

I really love this format of just watching you do shots, not necessarily a tutorial but more like looking over your shoulder as you work. It's very relaxing. Actually, I'm literally doing a screen replacement right now as I watch this on my second monitor.


This was great! I've always wanted to use masks. I've relied heavily on holdouts for that, which are powerful, but require re-rendering. I would have modeled a thumb to get a contact shadow, but the reflecty bit is much higher return on investment for selling the shot.


Oh, and getting out of rendered view definitely saves render time.


I used to use a proxy, I import the footage in aftereffects and crack up the levels so my black point was really black or I use the threshold filter in mulitply mode, then use that nested footage to pull a track off, then put the normal footage back in after in the composite. It looks janky but it helps sometime to muck about with the colour to help you, even colorama and using that to get a track helps.


Honeslty I have learend more in 4 hours today than I have in 4 years of using blender. This patreon is so worth it!


What's your favorite Murakami book?


good nuggets in there. !!


Kaitlin just got me the shirt! :D And oh man- I love basically all of them but Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World and Wind Up Bird Chronicle stick out in my head in particular. Just read his new collection of shorts- it was great!


hmm. maybe try reducing the weight of the track instead of removing them entirely. they still contribute useful information, just they can contribute less than the other ones. love the video btw (can be found in the track panel after selecting the high error tracker)


YEAHhhh ! I'm gonna use that technique for my short. ^^ Thanks Ian Sama


Giles is the best.


what camera are you using ?


This is great thanks Ian! I'm struggling with compositing in blender, shadow catchers, etc. this helps a lot. Would love to see a lot more of this


More tuts on compositing ..really loved it ...am having a hard time wrapping my head with blender compositing coming from nuke it looks so different...


Hello Ian if you created a scene that as some 'n' no of shots do you work on single blender file with different camera for different shot (or) u create a copy of blender file with shot name on it ex : shot 1. Blend, shot2.blend


Ian, do you know any tricks to get more than two materials to blend in eevee? I know you can do it in cycles, but when I try to blend 3+ materials it goes pink on me.


I'd be interested in a better solution than mine, but for now I just combine my passes before they go into the shader node and I usually only use one shader node. It's even worse for Subsurface Scattering, which breaks (for me) after using only one "combine shaders" node.


I hit the limit on that too. :) Curiously, after loading it in cycles and rendering I switched back to eevee and it displayed properly. Very strange. I was building a material to create layers of rock that are controlled by a series of color ramps.


Hmm... Not the tone I'd like to hear, unfortunately. "I don't do compositing in Blender"... "I don't remember how to make a mask in Blender"... "Premiere, Premiere, Premiere, Premiere...", "Adobe, Adobe, Adobe, Adobe...". Ian, did you just sold your soul to make this advertisement in between the tutorials? :-) Well, I do compositing in Blender. And I do remember how to make a mask, so I can show you how. :-)


Well, the entire subtext of this video was, "how to do this type of replacement effect in Blender instead of After Effects" (which for many people would be the go-to program for this type of work), so yeah, Adobe comes up :) But also keep in mind that, while I *love* blender and it's capabilities, I'm a VFX guy who uses lots of different tools- that's always been true- and there's absolutely no rule that says I can't mention them :)


Oooo totally depends on the situation, but usually I do shot1.blend, shot2.blend, just so that if I start tweaking things I don't inadvertently mess up the other shot. It's maybe not the most efficient method, but it means I don't have to worry as much :)


Ah!! Yeah I'll try to do something specifically about shadow catchers really quick here :)


Wow I am shocked by that result! I don't think anyone would think that was CGI. Great stuff.


damn this is cool very realistic thanks for another great video