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Part 1 - Tracking/Keying/Masking/Setup
Part 3 - Detailing

0:20 - setting up the lighting
0:48 - Fishing shot breakdown
1:46 - Creating depth
9:15 - setting up HDRIs
11:15 - Blocking in the environment geography
19:13 - Making Eevee rad with Irradiance Volumes
30:37 - Adding textures quick
33:44 - Adding a mural to the wall
43:30 - Building kitchen appliances from a photo
48:30 - Raiding a previous blender file for parts
49:32 - Re-linking textures

Part two of the series I'm making to answer the, "yeah but can you just show the whole thing" request! 

The first few minutes of this are mostly just me giving some lighting/composition tips, then the rest of it is me working more on the shot I started in the first episode here. And then I eat dinner and get a little sleepy.

So, a shot like this can easily take anywhere from 6-50 hours, but I'm trying to keep it as dense as I can (I'm aiming for more like 4)- I recommend just watching the bits you're interested in!

Oh! And HDRIHaven is an amazing website if you're not already familiar. I think HDRIs are probably the easiest/fastest way to get realistic lighting in a scene :D.  


Making A Shot pt2 - Lighting

0:20 - setting up the lighting 0:48 - Fishing shot breakdown 1:46 - Creating depth 9:15 - setting up HDRIs 11:15 - Blocking in the environment geography 19:13 - Making Eevee rad with Irradiance Volumes 30:37 - Adding textures quick 33:44 - Adding a mural to the wall 43:30 - Building kitchen appliances from a photo 48:30 - Raiding a previous blender file for parts 49:32 - Re-linking textures HDRIhaven.com is a great resource!


Zeke Faust

Now I must shove this video in my face despite it being 1AM. Damnit Ian!


Dude you’ve inspired me so much, thank you . Im going into game design and watching your lazy tutorials have spurred me on to blow everyone out of the water with high quality stuff. I’m bringing my A game only. Going from maya to blender is hella hard though


wow... Very important tutorial and it's amazing. exciting for the next part.


Inspiring and informative as always, Ian!


"Uh, you guys aren't going to like this" well I must admit it was a little surprising for me but I think this makes what you do so much better. I think a lot of times we're looking for a 'hidden trick' or some function we didn't know about which could give us results but in the end, it comes down to basic composition. I learnt a lot from this and its pushed me to work more on my composition. Thank you again Ian, this is a great resource I can keep coming back to.


Thanks Ian!


Is there a way to do exclude lights in Blender, Ian?


You have no idea how useful this is to me. Thank you so much Ian. I have built a small green screen studio in my house to try to replicate your workflow. Keep making these tutorials!!


Awesome stuff. Thank you so much. This was much more valuable to me than I thought when I asked yesterday. Credit to you for the depth of thought in what you do and capacity to explain. Really impressive all round.


Everytime I watch one of your videos I have a "YOU CAN DO THAT" or "OHH thats how you do that" moment. Literally you are the only person that can make me watch a 1 hour tutorial vid and not get bored.


Is their such a way to do everything in After Effects & Element 3D without Blender?


Man, I can't even describe how much you've changed my whole trip over the last year. Thank you so much for being so open about your process!


Hey, dumb Blender question, how are you flattening those bevels/stairs?


Awesome, would you consider going through render settings? Sometimes I have a problem with optimizing my settings for a reasonable render times.. (like getting rid of fireflies, blocky emission on volumes, light paths, all that jazz


Wonderful !! Thank you Ian :)


scale em in the axis they are facing to 0, like for the stairs scale z 0

Jan van den Hemel

This is so great. Thank you Ian. Makes me want to do some personal projects again.

Jan van den Hemel

HDRI Haven is great and if you want to support Greg Zaal AND have an excellent add-on that makes choosing an HDRI from inside Blender as easy as flipping TV channels, I recommend everyone to get his Gaffer add-on. Best add-on I ever bought.


OH! You know, I typed up a thing for that a while back. I should see if I still have it in my drafts.


I haven't looked into elements 3d in a minute- last I knew it didn't let you model stuff really, though it did have good tools for mixing/matching/importing existing elements. My guess is from a modeling/texturing standpoint you'd have a really hard time transferring this workflow to elements. BUT you could do a lot of the other stuff (lighting/camera motion/compositing) for sure. Also I could be wrong about how much elements lets you do, I just don't recall it having many modeling capabilities.


Oh that's awesome, and great to hear, thanks!!! How's the greenscreening going??


Ian just loved the way you were explaining please be your self......and thank-you this tut has really covered up a lot of concept which i was missing to connect the dots...thanks again....


you wont believe the AAAAAAAAA annoying noise you did in the video.... i do it a lot of times it feels so good now we have a lot of thing in common lol....


Hey! So I just learned about irradiance volumes from this video. It’s great! But I’m trying to render out a video with one, and I’m not sure how to get it to rebake every frame. (If I bake a frame, the lighting stays the same the rest of the video; I have flickering lights). Not sure if you know how to solve this, thanks!


Irradiance Volumes can't animate (yet), it's one of their weaknesses—remember everything in Eevee is a cheat, so you'll have tradeoffs! How flickery are your lights? Could you maybe bake the volume once with the lights off, render the animation (quickly, yay Eevee!), then turn the lights on to their full intensity, bake and render again, and then flicker between those two passes in the composite?


Exclude lights, as in a light that doesn't affect (or only affects) certain objects? That's not currently implemented in Blender, at least not to the easy toggle-switch degree it is in some other applications. At present, you're limited to working at the macro level, with lights and collections turning on and off in different layers—which I imagine can pretty quickly get complicated if you're trying to do anything tricky, but it's what we've got for now!


Your patreon is one of the few that are worth the subscription. I live for these tutorials!

Michiel Coene

Am I the only one who wants to see how Ian has built that truck?


When you use the bump node try adjusting the distance rather than the strength, think of the strength as a factor and the distance as how far the bump sticks out. You'll be able to dial in your result faster.


That's absolutely awesome! What a masterclass, loved it!


I started to learn Blender with the intention to make simple, low-poly game assets for a game and also to make 3d prints of useful stuff in the home and that was basically it. But now, I have bought green fabric and try to learn stuff like photogrammetry, motion tracking and composition while dreaming of making epic sci fi movies. 😄

Patrick Lever

Now this was so true Jedi mind tricks wow 🤩🙏🏾#keepfilming


the part in the beginning was so helpful, thanks!


Dude this is fucking amazing. You are so good! So inspiring man. You're creating at the speed of thought.


can you use a video texture instead of image texture on the brick wall ..so instead of the wall being a still image ,it would be a video image with playback results??




And nightmares too..... (nightmarepeoplelazytutorial.jpeg)

Kai Christensen

I can't believe I didn't know about irradiance volumes until now. Seriously I think i'm learning more today (the first day i've signed up for your patreon) than I have ever. Like this is an all time high of CG knowledge.

Kai Christensen

Part 3 is going to be stellar.

Kai Christensen

More live-action/CGI integration like this is definitely what i'm interested in learning! It's so fascinating seeing how it all comes together and realizing that this is all stuff I can do on my own computer with free software.


AH! That's so great to hear!! I'll see if I can do the third part tonight!!! :D


Hey , these warbles are killing it man ! Quick question , on your Blendcon Presentation , i notice you shown a part where you had to image project a car , at first glance i was like WOAH ! Yeah , i was trying to do it myself , i made it on the side profile of the car , but when it comes to the front and back i totally blew it . On geometrical shapes i kinda got it , but organic shape . How would you tackle it ? Thanks a bunch IAN !


This is exactly the sort of content I was hoping to find here. I hope we get to see more of this long form stuff, even if it seems like it’s treading similar ground there’s always going to be something new or different that we’ll be able to pick up from it.


This is such a phenomenal way to learn!! Watching theory turned into action in the process instead of the typical linear tutorial method of do this then do that. It's very freeing! And it transfers to other ideas so well. Continuing with that... When you have a short idea, how do you structure your blend file? Per shot, per scene with multiple camera angles, collections? I get bogged down and take my computer with me trying to build worlds from an establishing shot down to individual details. Thanks Ian


Super helpful - thanks Ian! Just wondering if you use some sort of rig with your Sony a73 camera? Or a cage stabiliser?


Some great neon fonts here if anyone id looking for one... https://www.1001fonts.com/neon-fonts.html?


Still shock the lighting source is just a sun light! ( Can you teach how to color grading i really suck at that )


One of my biggest takeaways from these videos have been how much a moving camera can help with establishing depth. I always felt like I was a pretty decent videographer, but my still photos always came out lackluster--now I know why!


Hi Ian this Patreon is great i have a question, im trying to integrate a charcther into cgi, but when im working in eeve the projected shadows of the image secuence look square, how you fix this projected shadows issue, it works with cycles but when i try to make a render ( cycles) there is no motion in the image as planes secuence, i been trying many things but i cant fix it?


Is use Davinci Resolve and Fusion and always wondered why it was that way (with nodes). I really like your logic behind the node input placement, and glad to know that it is also consistent with other node programs. I was not sure if it was just them. Most tutorials never state which is top and bottom and I am not doing mix blends much yet so I did not know the order of operations.


Thank you so much for doing what you do and sharing it here. Recently I've been struggling and questioning why I am pursuing the art I wanna do and just 'not feeling it' or doubting myself. Your videos have been extremely inspiring in giving a fresh look at the possibilities of what digital art and film could be, and I can't help but be excited and keep pressing on on my own journey!