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Finally got this page over the line! It was an extremely complex page to do for various reasons. x) At this point though the comic should start picking up the pace soon.

Originally this was going to be the title page, but I wanted to introduce some of the characters before their changes, so I added the two prologue pages. Then I just ended up starting the numbering with those, so this one is page 3 now. 



Riz Lysander

"Flick University" I see where that's going! The backgrounds blend well with all the drawn stuff. I'm VERY excited to see more <3


Oh i thought it said Fuck University


LOVE the expression in the second panel, and the name is a nice touch |>


I was wondering who'd be the first to comment on that. xD My original idea was to have that joke play out all on this page. Like the announcement on the bus says "Flick" and then he's standing in front of a sign that clearly says "Fuck". But I couldn't really fit the sign in the third panel there without it feeling contrived. So I figured I'd just save the joke for later. x)


lmao, I didn't even realize it said flick until I read these comments. My mind went straight to "Fuck University"


girlcock sighted neurons activated


Huzzah, I see a naga in the background! :D I must be very pure of mind, though, as I saw 'Flick University' and thought nothing of it.. aside from thinking 'that's an odd name for what I'm sure is a storied institution of higher learning' :}===<


Haha yeah, I've got enough snake friends that I figured it'd make sense to include a nod to them ;>

Jun StarBit

Hyper Herm Gals uwu Thank you for this update Pulsar I'm lovin it so far aaaaaaaaaaa I still don't know what changes every character is gonna get but I pray the raptor boy gets some massive knockers or a lustful personality 💦💦💦


Already an interesting setup. I hope we see more from the campus and his friends. Also I’m curious how the shift will affect the mc ;)