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  • Pulsar Leaving Twitter full.mp4



Important announcement! 

This is a video I made to announce that I’ll be leaving Twitter soon. If you still use Twitter, I would like to ask a huge favor. Please go and retweet my video here:


Along with all the other problems on Twitter, I’ve also been globally shadow banned there since about May. Unfortunately this means that regardless of if you follow me or have notifications turned on for me, nobody is ever notified when I do tweet. If you can help retweet this message, it’ll actually show up in peoples’ timelines. That'll really help me out a lot.

Because Twitter’s been falling apart even faster than usual lately, I prioritized getting this video done over the past two weeks so I could actually post it on there before it becomes totally unusable. I thought it’d be fun to do it as a video rather than a pic or tweet so it could get more traction that way. Plus it was a good excuse to practice lip syncing, and trying out voicing Pulsar myself. I know this isn’t like the sexiest video, so I appreciate your patience while I’m dealing with this failing Twitter situation and transitioning my furry art career to other platforms.

Anyway, now that this big project is finally out of the way, I can get back to more of the regular art and 3D work. So I’ll definitely have some new stuff next week! 



Aaron Reef

Counterpoint, your dick is that big, it's getting bigger, and that's just one of your dicks


It took me way too long to realize that the yellow background had your head-silhouettes as a repeating pattern. - Nice voice work! - And nice use of your prior videos as little insert moments. - Cute 'scrolling through twitter pose' just basically one-arm-snugging your own shaft, hehe

Draco of Zeradaith

Super-cute video, haha! I loved that <3 Also good hearing your voice again ^__^


Thanks! Yeah, the background just needed a little something, and that seemed to fit. x) I tried to insert a few jokes and keep it fun since it is basically just an ad ^^;


whent he MUsk tocuehs a platform it does stink


What a nice talented fellow