Cheat Engine 7.4.1 (Patreon)
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It has taken a while as I was working on/studying AARCH64 architecture, MacOS M1, and many different experiments, some of which have opened new ideas for the future. But I do have to hold myself back a bit else i'd never bring out a new release.
So here is the next in-between version: Cheat Engine 7.4.1
from 7.4-7.4.1:
- added .Visible property to treenode entries
- added .VisibleRowCount and .TopItem to listviews
- added arm64 disassembling and assembling
- added lua function "runCommand"
- added a radiobutton to select if the generated script will use 5 or 14 byte jmps.
- conditional jumps can now deal 2gb+ destinations (will get rewritten)
- dotnetinfo: Performance improvement
- memory record hotkeys now have a "Only while down" option
- Updated the dbghelp to a more recent version which can better handle nowadys pdb symbols
- different memory allocations now get placed within the initial allocation block. Protection is changed afterwards
- tracer can now step over rep instructions
- lua stringstream now inherits from memorystream, so you have access to the Memory field
- lua: Added a callback for whenever the structure list is modified
- added architecture distinguishing to ceserver
- pressing escape in the hotkey form will now close it
- added nested structure support
- added string based custom types
- ctrl+enter in the disassembler now shows relative addresses from that point
- the diffcount in "find out what accessess/writes" will now stay even when disabling the option to find the number of different addresses an instruction accesses
- (A few other things I forgot about)
- fixed the all type not finding 4 types when double was deselected
- fixed the "all" type when not using double
- fixed ccode esp access in 32-bit and "reg"f types
- fixed disassembling when using binutils for disassembly
- fixed the tablefiles menulist eating memory because they didn't get deleted properly
- fixed .net issues that use obfoscated modules and missing metadata
- fixed paring value starting with a - or +
- fixed assembling pmovmskb
- fixed disassembling vgather* vex256 instructions and allow usage of xmm/ymm registers as address (for instructions that allow it. Like this one)
- fixed the addresslist not giving a proper error when using multiple enable or disable section
- fixed error when using ctrl for speedhack hotkeys
- fixed the groupscan command parser from assigning wildcard to the wrong combobox
- fixed disassembling xchg eax/rax,xxx
- fixed lua custom type registering as float when using the non lua function method
- fixed small memoryscan issue for data at the end of a memoryblock
- ccode doesn't register useless symbols anymore
Changes for Mac:
- Fixed M1 memory scanning.
- Many GUI fixes (header separators are now visible)
- AARCH64 debugging
- Deal with the situation where you can not have executable and writable memory at the same time
If you're having trouble loading this on your Mac, then try signing it yourself using the following command:
sudo codesign --force --deep --sign -
I've also uploaded the latest builds of ceserver for android which work better with the new CE version. These versions are also better capable of editing memory and debugging works better now (Still a WIP)
And a tip: You do not need to root your phone. You can just edit the APK with something like apktool and set it to debuggable=true. Then copy the ceserver to the data apk folder and run it using `run-as` (More on this in the future, likely as a video on the CE youtube channel)
As always: Please ask questions, it helps me understand what can be improved/explained better, report bugs, and most importantly, give feedback on what you think could be improved or added to Cheat Engine.
I can often be reached on the CE Discord (that every Patreon member can access) , the CE forum and the CE github, and of course here in the comment section
Happy modding!
Edit: 26th june 2022: There was a installer error (filepath) and an GUI issue (resizing CE) which is fixed now
Having trouble continuing in the installer? Try using Chrome. There is a report that Edge won't work (not a big surprise there. It's going to be the new Internet Explorer...)