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Hi, everyone! The latest report is here.

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To be honest, I miss January already...

Please stay safe, everyone!

- Punipen




Even if in this pandemic situation you guys made a great developement. Great job, and i can't wat to see Kailano scene ( ✧≖ ͜ʖ≖)


Even with the whole pandemic going on you and your team are still so hard at work and from what I read looks like part 2 of this chapter is gonna be an interesting one and I definitely can’t wait until the next update I’m so excited hehe especially after seeing that CG with Darius and seeing that Volga is gonna wanna make a dildo hufff and Tharsix is gonna get some more screen time too that’s awesome can’t wait to have fun with that sexy beer at some point hehe so much to look forward to 😍😍😍 🤤🤤 you and your team keep up the amazing work Punipen you guys are so awesome you guys all stay safe out there 😁☺️🤗


I hope you all stay safe, and I appreciate the progress amidst the pandemic. I'm loving the progress! Tharsix is looking great, can't wait to see more! I'm definitely gonna invest in Darius now, he always seems so hungry for Volga hehe. The dildo scene sounds interesting, I excited to see where this will lead to. Keep up the great work!


Thank you all for your hard work. We'll be here supporting you ^^ loving everything you're doing, can't wait to see more ^^


I think Volga and Darius' date scene is a little bit too much. I'm looking forward to it I'm excited, too.


Is it possible to patch Korean?


Stay safe and healthy! Thank your for all that you guys do! :D <3


Hope the artist is okay and that everyone stays safe!

White Lilies

Thank you for your work in these hard times.

White Lilies

I have a question: I remember there being dating tokens or something like that. How do we get those? I was wondering if we should keep all tokens for later, so we could date more than one character.


You don't have to worry about that at this point, since we will balance these later as we work on the dating route/system for each character. In the future, for patreon version only, we will include a way for you to refill the tokens when you run out of them so you can enjoy dating as much as you want. - Punipen


Thank you for always being kind to us! And yes, Tharsix will get more screen time in chapter 4! (He'll have more screen time in earlier chapters too when we revise the game) - Punipen


Personally, I like how a relationship like Volga and Darius in his route can only be done in an adult game. I hope people will enjoy it! Thank you for your support and your kind words! - Punipen


I've checked in with them and it was a relief to hear that everyone is safe. Although it does affect some of their work, but that's understandable. Thank you for always being kind to us, Gystes! - Punipen


do you have any plans for commander bolis? would love to see him more! Especially more sprites of him :P


I just got finished playing through what's available in Chapter 4 after a three year long break and I'm super thrilled to see all the progress you've made. It's almost like a different game compared to what it was. Looking forward to seeing how far this project will go. I wanna ask, you can't spend time/heart tokens on Maximus or Lef yet, right? Just Aoba? Trying to make sure I didn't miss anything :)


Thank you so much! The game has evolved a lot, thanks to feedback and support from players and our supporters. Hope you'll enjoy future content of the game! As for heart tokens, right now we're focusing on the main story so only Aoba is available at the moment. - Punipen


We have some ideas but due to various constraints, we'll have to put them aside for now. After the game is finished we'll see what we can do! One idea is Volga helping Bolis taking a shower and it turns out it's been a while since Bolis has *relieved* himself, and Volga can help him out :P - Punipen


Whoa!! Really loving this new Elk/Stag character, hope we get to battle/date him!!

Tio Takurua

Aww, I was hoping that when you date Darius, he'd put that milk of his to good use~ Also, will Volga ever be the bottom in any of the relationships? If anyone, preferably Maximus<3


This is just one of the scenes from many situations while you're dating him, so there might be one where would use his pecs for something :P As for bottomming, we would love to feature a choice, but for now we have to choose for Volga based on how we feel the dynamic between the two characters work. After we finish making the game the first round, we'll look at them and might expand if we have time and budget for them. - Punipen

Tio Takurua

Oh wow, that's an even better answer than I was expecting! I'd gladly throw more money at y'all for such developments! By the way, are y'all still developing more characters you can interact with? If so, is a tiger amongst them? c:


Tharsix is the best ^^