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Hi, everyone! Just a quick post to show you Tharsix study sketch by gamma-g since Tharsix will be the next character he work on. The quick coloring is done by Kurono and the original sketch is by gamma-g. You can see both versions here!

Things are pretty tough right now with Covid-19. I hope everyone stays safe!

- Punipen



Andy Peng



Stay safe and hope you're all doing well!




Stay safe!


Wow Tharsix looks so good here and I hope that you and your team are safe as well Punipen

Solitary Hyena

Oh my god my husbear is so cute here! Hope to see more of him in the future. : )


U guys stay safe and healthy too. Keep up the good work!

Patrick Neil

Neat image. Looking forward to seeing it in the game. Hope you stay healthy, Punipen. :)


like him so much

I Dare Korval

You gotta wonder what he's studying. Which is your choice? 1) Wrestling Techniques 2) Kamasutra Positions 3) Poetry




I'm glad he can read. He can explore his inner world. I hope he will go on a journey to the outside world someday. By the way, I wonder why he's come to be a slave.


描いてくれる絵師を見つけましたので、今は絵の完成を待ってます。完成したらすぐゲームに入れる予定です。 - ぷにペン


His background before becoming a slave is a bit complicated and it's part of the reasons why he can read unlike many other slaves in the game. I hope you'll enjoy learning more about him in the future! - Punipen


Thank you! Also, I just realized the way I called the picture might cause some misunderstandings. It's a study of Tharsix by gamma-g so he can draw him more accurately. But it's also a sketch of Tharsix... studying 😅 - Punipen


Wow he is a big guy with a sensitive heart... really love the art. Btw, is it just me or is his left foot really short for some reason? looks a bit odd


actually it's more KUMAsutra :p (because he's a bear lol)