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I've seen more and more people sharing their playthrough of the Patreon version of Kemo Coliseum on various websites and social media. We have encountered multiple playthrough videos, blog posts, as well as series of tweets about the game. As the Patreon version of the game is entering the second half of the story, I think this would be a great time to let you know about our stance on this.

First of all, we don't mind people talking about the game. We also love the things I've seen, be it a blog post, a series of tweet, or a full length play through video series. Still, as much as I enjoy them, the game is still in development. The game in its current state is not meant to be seen by too many people and shouldn't be posted in public.

Many assets are still placeholders. The story and order of events still need to be refined and might be rearranged.What you're playing is in no way a final product and in the end some parts might look totally different.

Sharing the game or putting it in public right now can cause misunderstandings. This is already happening as I've seen some people thinking that we don't care about some character arts or CGs, when they're clearly placeholders since we want to focus on the progress of the main story.

The major reveal in chapter 3 is also spolier territory but I've seen people posting screenshots or videos of it anyway, which may ruin the fun of the finished game for people who haven't played it.

After weighing the pros and cons regarding this, we have come to a conclusion. We'd like to ask people to do the following:

1.) Let your audiences know that the game is not a final product.

You can do this by:

  • Preface your video, stream, tweets, or blogpost with a disclaimer saying that the game is in development and not a final product.
  • Add an overlay text to the video or the screenshots to let the audiences know that the game is in development and not a final product.

2.) In case of chapter 3, please do not show the major reveal in the thumbnail or preview of your content.

As it's a major spoiler territory, please warn the audience and let them experience it by their choice. Putting such a scene in the thumbnail, header, or anything without any attempt to hide it can spoil their experience.

I understand that there is no way I can stop people from doing this. I can only hope that you will respect our wishes so that we can focus on finishing the game.

3.) Consider controlling the size of your audience who gain access to your content.

While we do not stop you from sharing your play through in any form, there's a chance that some misunderstandings may still occur. You may want to consider reducing this chance by controlling the size of your audience.


We understand that there is no way we can stop people from sharing content from the game. We can only hope that if you still want to share them, you will respect our wishes and help us minimizing any issue that may happen to the game in the future, so that we can focus on finishing the game in peace.

If there's any question or any concern, please leave them in the comment section so we can discuss and talk about it!

- Punipen



Hello Punipen and the team as well thanks toll so much for your kind reply to my comment I want to say that you guys are an awesome team and that your visual novel is so much fun to play it can be stressful at times too not gonna lie but that’s part of the fun of it hahaha just takes some time to set up some good combos sometimes lol but anyways I just wanted to say that I hope you and your team are all safe out there and that you guys will continue to keep giving us great and horny content from Kemo Coliseum and I can’t wait to see where else the game will take us as time moves on in so excited for part 2 of chapter 4 and from the latest report seems like I have a lot to look forward to and I can’t wait to play it gonna download it as soon as it’s released hahah sorry if this messages is so long I just had to tell you guys how much I love your game and how fair you guys are with your prices of being a Patreon thank so much and you guys continue to be an amazing studio and awesome ppl looking forward to continuing Volga’s horny adventure and seeing all the other characters as well hehehe 😁😁😁


Thank you for the feedback. ^_^