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Non autonomous mods are very easy, almost boring to do most of the times...

So, I was asked this one... there are a number of ways you can go about this.


The interaction has a "allow_autonomuos" section:

Change "True" to "False", save the package, done.


The interaction is controlled by "false_advertisements" (Things the interaction promise to give to the sim but it doesn't, this makes it more appealing for autonomy)

And "static_commodities" (sims who have the static commodity active will be pushed to do this interaction)

Remove both the sections. Done.


The one I use for personal mods

Remove the autonomous interaction directly from the list in the trait_species_human

I used method two in this mod, should stop the madness as much as removing it from the trait directly.



This is great info! Any idea of how to stop a sim from changing outfits when doing a particular task? I'm trying to find a way to keep my sim from changing into athletic when meditating. Most people meditate in their chair at home or in an office these days. I couldn't find much in the meditation stool :(


Hi. Is there any chance you could make a mod to fix the bills problem? Lot taxes aren't being calculated properly so it results in all bills being ridiculously low. https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/OPEN-Lot-taxes-seem-too-low/td-p/9171466


I think LMSSam has a mod for that (not outfit changes lot trait or something similar, honestly I use MCCC dresser to just put the outfit back to what I want)


Aside from real life recreation athletics... I've never understood the point of them shoveling in the first place. Especially when it doesn't actually CLEAR any of the snow.