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I don't know how to call this post....

I'm playing the new EP so you'll start seeing mods roll out as my range goes up.

I thought I got to stop the trash problem, I didn't. Now I did. 

1. - Only Recycle Disciple can be picked for the Scrounger role in community lots. That's the best I can do to stop Victor Feng from rummaging the trash. I'll probably add more as I find this kind of shit going on. Also restricted to Sims residing in zone (so you can make your own weirdo)

2. - Voters are only residents. Seriously Maxis, I know she's power hungry by why in the fucking world Lily Feng is voting in the new world (I've yet to learn the name, gonna call it grungy town for now)

3. - Some tweaks to the new Recycle Disciple trait: removed the idles, that I don't even need to see to hate, and removed the static commodity that makes them swipe autonomously (told you it was intended)

4. - Restricted the Eco Personality filter to residents only: if Vlad wants to be your Eco Mentor, he has to be IN FORGOTTEN HOLLOW.

5. - Sims with the new Eco living traits Freegan, Green Friend and Recycle Disciple, should now never get uncomfortable from showering/washing dishes off grind (I didn't find the tense one, what's the name of it?)

Eco Living 'Idle' Fix by YourFalseHope

I think I'm going to just remove the impact the ambient has on the sims emotions in my game, if someone is interested. I hate when things have this kind of impact on my sims emotions


09/17 I HATE the Npc behaviour for the Civic Policies, most annoying and stupid things ever introduced, as if brawl day wasn't enough. I disabled them all.



I love your mods because you always fix the things that annoyed me too LOL


You area hero to the community! <3


God bless you!


What if I replaced the slob trait with the one from the new ep, recycler or something, though? I kinda prefer it

Sheila Lobert

Speaking of the new recycle disciple trait...any idea how to squash the creepy snuggle a trash bag to my face idle?


One of the thing as well that annoys me is the need to get multiples homes into the ecological target you aim for... Like if you want an industrial waste neighborhood, you need to put too much effort to keep it up same for the opposite side... If only there could be a copy of an industrial/ecological item BUT with like 9999 industrial/ecological waste as a stat (So you are sure to instantly change into a polluted neighborhood) Just making my own stories through climates changes for instance is a pain even with cheats... -_-'

Leila Beam

Thank you so much for all of these fantastic mods. You are a lifesaver! I was curious about something. How easy or difficult would it be to make Custom NAPs that make the world more industrial?


Ok... You got almost the same idea at the same moment so I'm going to reply to both of you. I don't know about making custom NAP, I haven't looked into it... But Marco is messing around with adding the industrial footprint to more objects and he managed to successfully add it to the fabricator so hopefully he'll come out with a mod to make things more industrial.


That's great news! How I miss one modder's central site (Like it was modthesims before it goes weird towards their policies), it was so much easier to spot the latest mods people were working on.


Would you be interested in making a mod that prohibits npcs from other worlds becoming Recycling Guru and Maker Mentors? I don't want Bella Goth be a Recycling Guru, it's so weird.


You are a fucking SAINT! Can you also add a mod that stops Fregan or Green Fiend sims from getting tense or uncomfortable when showering off the grid? It would make sense that they would enjoy these things from that's what they are all about! It's annoying


Thank you so much! Now this pack is actually playable!!

Marco Cantillo

I honestly love some of the new things you are modding haha, but I hate that people from other communities vote, it just doesn't make sense. Edit: have you seen this bug? https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/NEEDS-INPUT-ECO-NAPs-from-all-neighbourhoods-are-applied-to/m-p/9185155#M136068 Do you think it could be fixeable by tuning?


I just wanted to ask which one of these packages is for the voters?


You are my HERO! I started with a Recycle Disciple trait on my sim and had to nix that IMMEDIATELY! Even put it on my MCCC blacklisted traits list! THANK YOU for fixing that super irritating trait.


This was told to me that can happen. Honestly I have no idea... The Sharing is Caring is NAP seems to be based on traits, but this is as far as my knowledge go.


You know what's really funny is that this keeps getting continuously updated as you're figuring out all the super annoying things about this EP :*D


Like I spammed mod when University came out... That's pretty much regular job. The moment I pay 39 euro for the EP I know that 30 are for the various annoyances and 9 for the content


The download link for the community lot jobs is not working for some reason T=T


Zero, your mods always make my game run better. Thank you very much. Besides, Do you notice the N.A.P. Sharing is Caring? It's annoying. NPC will steal everything, even the chairs in the restaurant. I've been expecting you to release a fix mod. If I disturb you, I'm sorry, but I'd like to thank you again for your change to the game.


Is there a mod that lets the player vote in other neighborhoods they don't live in?


EDIT oh no, I read it wrong the first time.... not that I'm aware off... not a feature I'm interested into, either.


Nuke it all! I loved the look of the pack's grunge/trash vibe (what a disappointment my Oasis Springs can't look as bad as Evergreen Harbor), but the "gameplay" they introduced was even worse than I feared -- and I feared much! Thank you SO much for your fixes!


I think this is the most boring pack ever.... in the story of the game. The town is nice but gameplay goes from boring to annoying.


So tired to sims being so emotionally driven!!! even with meaningful stories mod , though it helps, they still flip flop through emotions like crazy. And I wanted this pack for the pollution but now they are ALWAYS uncomfortable lol


I already found a way to nuke it... I've yet to decide if I want to nuke it for real (I already made a package with the files I need in case, so nuke is the most probable outcome)


Hey Zero! Is there any way that a mod could disable the Foodies Unite N.A.P.? Apparently, if it's active in ANY neighborhood in the game world, it creates the bug of sims showing up to your house and cooking over and over and over again. :(


I get a 109 error (and LE) every time I try to travel to a specific lot with the Community Lot Jobs mod installed. The lot is a maker space. It loads fine until I vote to change it to a maker space. It also loads fine when this mod is not installed. https://imgur.com/GZ76K2H https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EodehEn9h5mGCWhkZE-mGhpfxeen-Q-f/view?usp=sharing I did try removing all other mods and the localthumbcache. Same error.


Can you please try to remove ALL mods and test on vanilla game... The error has to do with the fabricator object, my mod deals with sims filters, so I don't see why the object should be affected... Let me know if the error fixes without mods, so I can try to figure out what's going on here. Also, did you change the market place? I'd like to try and reproduce the problem in my game. Edit: sorry I saw now that you already tested with no mods at all... I'll see what filter is causing this problem but it's a hit and miss here because the LE Is not helpful at all.


What i don't like is the random push-ups and stretching and playing instruments because of a NAP...it totally ruins my gameplay when my sims are eating dinner and randomly get up, grab their plate and stretch.


What nap triggers it? (I completely disabled all the EL functions, there isn't one that's not annoying)


Are these mods, and the EL NPC don't swipe with sharing is caring still needed with the new patch? If so, do they need to be updated? Thanks in advance!


Everything is still needed, nothing was changed by maxis in this regard (and will not, these are not bugs but in game mechanics). As for the patch, I'm not home and I can't check, but according to the patch notes nothing should need updating


Yeah the autonomous push-ups and/or the autonomous instrument playing completely destroys any interactions with other sims. This is garbage. I repealed Rock your Body (And Mind) yet they still do random push-ups or stretching.


Hi Zero! I just wanted to note something I noticed. I think things were working fine before (I have all 3 of these mods), but now I have patch 1.65, Eco Lifestyle, and Nifty Knitting and I started a new game in Evergreen Harbour only to have Caleb Vatore (Vampire in Forgotten Hollow) taking on the role of Recycling Guru in my community Maker Space. I haven't noticed anything else so far but it's a fresh save and I've only been to the maker space twice.


Hello, just wondering if these fixes are compatible with simvasion eco mods? thank you so much for your mods :)