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"With every waking breath you promised to love me, and now your breath shall be yours only as long as you're awake."


Please read the description

Mermaids are immortal. In every lore, Mermaids do not age. The first thing this mod does is disabling aging for all the Mermaids over the teen stage, exactly like vampires.

Mermaids can give away their immortality to a human they love:

Kiss Of Life

The first power this mod adds is The Kiss Of Life

This power can be used on a Sim the Mermaid has a romance with (no Merfolks), after the First Kiss, and has two different effects depending on who is used on:

- On normal sims, it reset the aging progress for the current stage, the Mermaid loses their immortality. 

- On Vampires, it cures Vampirism. The Mermaid loses their immortality.

Kiss of Life cannot be used twice on a Sim, or if the Sim has the Ondine's Curse active

The Mermaid will feel bad for a while.

Once they feel better, they can get back their immortality at any moment... by casting on the Sim they gifted it with...

Ondine's Curse

What's Ondine's Curse? The Sim who has the curse upon them, cannot sleep... because if they do, they drown in their sleep after a while:

The death is by drowning, even if the animation is the overheating one (also the Rock Group etc... should be fixed in the official release)

This happens every time they try to sleep. The Mermaid, at this point, will stop aging again. The Mermaid who cast the curse cannot remove it.

How To Remove The Ondine's Curse?

Well... you can try to ask a Witch... or, if you know them well enough, another Mermaid...

In order to ask a Mermaid, though... you must know they're Mermaids, and in order to stand a chance, you need to be romantically involved... so basically, if you piss off a Mermaid, you're fucked.






OMG Your mods are... mindblowing. Is this compatible with Expanded Mermaids?


this is too cool omg


So cool! :D An idea tho, would it be possible to add in a "ask for kiss of life" if one were to be playing a sim who dates a mermaid? Also, does this also stop the aging for the sirens? Not sure if they still classify as a "mermaid" lol


Hey, Zero. Thanks for this amazing mod! Lovin it!


and here I tried make mermaids immortal somehow, thank you


Going to make my Sims a mermaid.

Kellie Schiavone

I love that you're adding more flavor to the mermaids the way you did with vampires. Thank you!!


Awesome mod! Thank youuuuu!


this is so cool!


Amazing 😍


Hi! Russian translation from barbie_hunter. http://simfileshare.net/folder/101964/


This work cast on Aliens and Spellcasters? This is awesome, I was so confused when EA made mermaids mortal. Another mod request if you choose to: Mermaids don't get cold in the ocean by default. Or cold at all. Its annoying for me to have a mermaid that gets chilled and cold while swimming in the ocean. For shits sake they live in the ocean why would they get cold like the normal sims do? That's just my interesting point of view however...


My sentiments exactly. I bought the perk that made my mermaid love the cold almost immediately. Still sucks that they can't swim in freezing waters, though.