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This mod was requested by Simsdeluxe on Tumblr and is born from her idea, I only did the technical part.

This mod requires the Xml Injector for some interactions to show up

So, as I said before this mod was requested from me. I thought about doing it for some days after the other one came out, in the end, I decided to make my own version in collaboration with the person that requested it.

How does it work?

Exactly as in default EAxis setting, you send the application and then you wait

You can get the result by checking the status on PC and phone, or wait for the rejection letter that will be delivered just like in EAxis setting:

Your Sim will react to the bad bad news...

and will get a buff:

If other sims are around, they will lend support (maybe, it's a broadcaster, they don't always work...)

Now, unlike the other mod, I didn't use multipliers, I used a score test, so I know exactly when you're going to fail.

Just.. don't try to apply with zero skills....


French (Maïa Game)


20/12- Balanced the tuning.



thank you so much for making this mod for me, i really appreciate it!!


Wow, looks really interesting! Just a couple of questions. When I read the math it's below 35 to success and more than 35 to fall. What if they get exactly 35, is that good or bad? I also wonder if having doing good as a scout will have any benefit, or could eventually skills and things they get because of being that is probably enough anyway. What will happen if the sim are failing in this area, but somehow for example donated their way in to distinguated (hmmm, maybe wrong spelling, but you understand) degree. Will they fail anyway, or will they get accepted in both or only in distinguated degrees? And lastly, this is an overall acceptance test from what I understand. It's not so that you could fail in all degrees but one for example?


Replace the testing version I sent you with this one though. That was a testing version, I fixed a couple of things in this one.


Testing degrees is what I was trying to do from the beginning. Since this is a pre roll test (really easy to pass) I didn't take into account donations or scouts, it's mostly the skills and high school results that matters in here. After all, if you're a bad student no amount of money is going to help. If you score exactly 35 you fail. If you score 34 you pass. The comparison is greater or equal to fail.


Ok, seems fine, just was interested in how it worked. So if I understand correctly, you need to be successful in this test first to be able to then be successful in the distinguated degrees test as well? And for the later one, if you only have skills enough for normal degrees, you could still have done that donation and maybe get in to even better degrees because of that.


the point is that the donation does count to get into prestige degrees by default already (that's why I left that out, scouts too) so if I make it count, it will not only let you in but let you in and into all prestiges straight away.


Hi from Finland ^^ (I'm already sorry about my English, it's a bit rusty nowadays!) If you fail the test in the fist time and can't get in the university, can you try again later with higher skills or does rejection block your uni studies for good? I had someone else's rejection mod and my sim never got another chance to get uni. Even that option vanished from the pie (both, mailbox and computer, phone too) and now I only can read info about universities, and try to get scholarships, but nothing more.


I seem to be running into an issue with this. I get two letters - one saying I've been accepted and one saying that I haven't been. If I go to enroll, I can do so based on the acceptance letter. Then the next day, I received 8 new acceptance letters, all in a similar fashion. Am I the anomaly or is this a known issue?


There is a cooldown, I don't know how long, before you can apply again. The option should become available again in about a week though.. that's a Maxis rule, probably it was this the "problem" with the other mod.


Didn't happen to me during testing... The letter is sent by a commodity... Maybe something got stuck.


I'm having an issue with the mod... Unless I very much misunderstood something my Sims should have gotten into university, but was still rejected. They had both atleast one skill at 5, one or two at 4 each, and 3-5 skills at 2. No irresponsible or bad manners, and since they started the game as young adults, no grades from highschool. I do have mods that add new skills (4 new skills I think), could that be an issue?


Skills added by other mods are not counted for the score... If the skills she has are custom then it's like she doesn't have them at all


Hi, any chance this will get updated for the next patch?


Yeah... I'll wait for that before updating everything. Think it's gonna be a major patch probably.


Hi Zero! I translated this mod into Chinese and here is the string: https://simfileshare.net/download/1805803/


Hi, I play rotation style and I love this mod (as well as the degree required for promotion) so the variation keeps things much more interesting. For the last few university applicants, they've all gotten in, which surprised me, so decided to test. I created a new teen, cheated them an F grade, aged them up and applied. They had no skills and were still accepted, so wondering if something broke with an update in the last few months. I can't pinpoint exactly when it stopped working for me except to say I tested around a month ago before the latest patches. If you get a chance, could you see if this is happening to you too? Thanks so much for everything.


it was probably going in fallback because I changed the test, should work now. Are you Italian?


So my sim applied to university and got rejected and I got my sim more skills and everything how long does it take for them to be able to apply again?