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I don't know how to call this mod....

This was requested to stop random townies from getting picked for College Organization and I did this mod only by looking at tunings, because I've yet to mess around with that part of the game... and from what I get from tunings, the most affected are The Secret Society and audience of the debate one.... this is probably something Maxis forgot, because all the other filters have the condition that the choosed sim must be in University.

I don't want to mess around with this too much because Organizations seems to be already bugged enough in game, and I need to see it before refining this mod... but let me know if this works.

Found another one, also... I'm not having problems with members spawning nor LE during events.



Oh thank you! I haven’t touched my save yet because of things like this. ❤️


Ugh, the Secret Society is a giant pain in the ass, but I am nothing if not determined to succeed at ALL OF THE THINGS (I finished my first semester with an A+ and no cheats, tyvm. Just me and one miserable sim.) As for a name, there's always "GTFO of my Secret Society, Nancy Landgraab!" (I've only run into uni members for my secret society, but still. No Nancy, no Marcus, no randoms. Either go to school and suffer or gtfo.


I’ve played a few hours on my test save it appears to be working!


think there are still one of two situation missing, I'll add them as I find them (if people that have show sims info cares to write me what the role state of the sim is when they find a townie that's not at uni around the campus it would speed up the process... the role-state is in the very first page of the info, at the bottom)


Thank you so much! I hope this works!


Thanks for this, I've not noticed any problems so far :)


Thank you for this! I only just played with university and the fact that the organization members were the same when a sim and his daughter both went was such a frustrating situation and I'm just glad that the elders died and were replaced while she was there.