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Dr. Kirk Honda talks about the Ford/Kavanaugh situation and bad judges.

The Psychology In Seattle Podcast. 

Oct 5, 2018.

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Music by Bread Knife Incident.  



Man this episode made me so ANGRY! Not at you, of course, but at this whole situation. Thank you for your insight...after all the hateful things I’ve read about this issue it’s really refreshing to hear a rational side.


Well, like you said, we will never know the whole story. It’s just, when a woman decides to come forth while sacrificing her reputation in order to protect others from being harmed that has to count for something, if not everything. I’ve seen too many posts about how Ford is a liar and all this is just an “embarrassing scandal”, and it’s totally missing the point. I just feel so awful about the comments I’ve seen. Even today, I saw someone post “why should I believe her? She’s probably been with 60 different men” This is the result of Ford’s decision to come forth? Even the freakin’ President of the United States MOCKED her allegations. What message does this send to all the other people out there that have been sexually assaulted and too afraid to say anything? I’m angry and frustrated because we’re moving backwards as a society, and because the actions that are being taken against sexual assault are being made into joke and calling it “unfair” to those being accused. It’s just so gross to me.