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Dr. Kirk Honda talks with Humberto about Alzheimer's, Ford, Kavanaugh, and more.

The Psychology In Seattle Podcast. 

Oct 8, 2018.

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Music by Bread Knife Incident.  



I've tried pretty hard to avoid the Kavanaugh spectacle, the whole dog and pony show, but it's impossible. I actually skipped the first episode you did on it, but started listening to this one because of Alzheimer's and just kept on going. The entire spectacle was so fundamentally dishonest I couldn't even deal with it. I struggle to remember any media event that brought out such overwrought grandstanding and phony posturing. And just to be clear, I give Ford the benefit of the doubt and believe her. She was vastly more credible than him. If anything, the fact Kavanaugh so blatantly lied, as you talked about on the Podcast, made him look worse than anything else. The coverup is often worse than the crime, as the saying goes. I think the appeal of it having to be Kavanaugh was ultimately the same as it was for Trump himself on the right...to force someone like that into office in spite of it all. They get off on humiliating liberals, hence the common overlap between internet trolls and Trump supporters. Making us live under that vulgar buffoon was the entire point. You can't understand US politics without understanding that sense of petty malice. I don't know, even talking about it makes me want to drink. I was up north with the girl I started dating when I got the news he'd been confirmed. We were sitting in front of a fire, I was drinking, and just kept saying "what a fucking joke." I guess that sums up how I feel about it.

Deanna T.

When Umberto talked about his abuelita😭😭😭 When Dr. Honda talked about Pfeffer 😭😭😭