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Hello my patreon peeps! I was *technically* supposed to post this yesterday according to my upload schedule on here, but I didn't look at my calendar ALL DAY! A BIG MISTAKE! Lol. So here is my writing post this week, a day late :-) I want to write a little bit about immersion.

I am aiming to film a video for my main channel today on overthinking, but it kind of goes hand in hand with immersion as well. I have always been a very "immersed" person when it comes to feeling a feeling, thinking about a person, completing a task, etc. I was just sitting here thinking about how yesterday I didn't look at my calendar once because I was simply so immersed in my day's plans. We toured a house yesterday then went sledding with our friends & their family at Mount Hood. I was so immersed in each feeling throughout the day I never thought twice about my "schedule" even though in the back of my head I KNEW it was a Monday. Before touring the house, all I could think about was how much I wanted it to work out. Now, I don't think it will, so I've been immersed in my "well what now?" thoughts... But as soon as we left the tour & went onto the next thing, all I could think about was how much time we'd have to sled! I thought about the traffic, the length of the walk, I paced around the car waiting for Fin to get back from the bathroom so I could put on my snow boots & we could hike to the sledding hill... I was preoccupied with my day plan. It made me think, today, about how I'm a bit of an obsessive thinker & it often overpowers absolutely every other thing I'd have to give time to that day. I'm wondering if... everyone is just like this? Or others have an easier time pushing thoughts away to just enjoy the day? Or if this is something I'm just noticing more now because I have been thinking A LOT about overthinking as funny as that sounds. Anyways! This writing bit partially sounded like a long-winded excuse, but I really just am curious if your minds work the same way. Comment below!


sophia childs

I get immersed in the things that really make my soul sing - for example some days I paint and forget to eat, forget to look at the time etc. I definitely think I'm more of a spur of the moment type of person - I jump from task to task and my mind drifts a lot. Interesting to think about though!


I am an obsessive thinker/over worrier.I'll actually spend days/weeks thinking about something i have to do especially if it's important.So basically as soon as i know I HAVE to do something then I don't stop stressing/thinking about it until it's done lol And although I know it's not healthy to do so,I've come to terms with the fact that it's just who I am..but herb does help ease the tension a little ;)