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Hi guys! I hope you’re all having a love-filled day in whatever capacity you may be 🥰 I wanted to share this pic to celebrate this fun day & also say that I know I didn’t post a video for my $5 tier yesterday & I apologize! I was so damn busy making Finley’s Valentine’s Day gift & running errands & it completely slipped my mind. I won’t be posting a full video for that tier this week, so I’m sharing this to ask if you guys mind if I make the $5 tier video + photos instead of just video? So I can have a second option to post when I can’t film a full vid for it? Then I’ll make my $3 tier just audio. In all honesty, I know it’s just not realistic for me to pretend like I can consistently post a video a week for you guys on the $5 tier while keeping up with my 2x a week upload schedule for my YouTube channels, my biweekly podcast, & WeedTube as well. As much as I want that to be a reality, ya girl bit off more than she can chew with that one! Lmfao. Either that, or I just don’t stick too hard to my schedule for that tier which I don’t really want to do! Anyways! Share your opinions below! ❤️ Love you guys dearly & want to hear how you feel!




Also, Happy Valentine's Day. Looking cute!

Rhea Hutchinson

Hi Meghan, as a $5 tier patreon, I really have NO expectation of an extra video from you at all. I know this is what you wanted to offer at this tier, but sometimes "our eyes are bigger than our stomachs", as my mother used to say. In other words, it seemed like a good idea at the time, but it's probably not wise or healthy to put such pressure on yourself. I truly don't think you'll lose patreons at this tier, as most of us give what we can afford...just supporting your overall channel content. If you feel you need to add an extra incentive, then yes, photos would be great.