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FAQ for physical rewards, will be updated as needed. Physical rewards will be shipped on a monthly schedule and will adhere to this schedule unless otherwise stated (eg: manufacturing delays, vacation, etc.). 

πŸ’¬ When are rewards shipped?

Physical rewards are shipped during the month following the month you pledged for (eg: January rewards are shipped in February). I aim to ship everything by the middle of the month, usually around the 15th. 

πŸ•―οΈ How long does delivery take?

Rewards are sent by stamped letter mail (no tracking), so for US patrons, delivery typically takes 1-4 weeks once shipped. For international patrons, delivery can take up to 3 months, but usually arrives sooner. If you haven't received your rewards by then, your letter likely got lost in transit. Please DM me so I can double check your address details and resend your rewards. If you're no longer a patron and can't DM, email me at victoria.tsai01@gmail.com and we can get things sorted there.

🏠 I recently moved/changed my address, what do I do?

Please message me ASAP with the address change. It's best to avoid rewards getting sent to the wrong address, because it takes up unnecessary time and resources and I want your rewards to get to you in the most timely manner. 

πŸ™‹ Can I get rewards from a month I didn't pledge for?

No, rewards are limited edition and only available during their respective month (eg: you can only get January 2024's rewards during January 2024). If you want a certain set of rewards, you can pledge anytime during that month to receive them. 

πŸ’³ My payment is being declined, what do I do? 

Go to Patreon's support page and see if you can troubleshoot with any of those solutions. If none of those work, reach out to Patreon directly and someone from their team can further assist you. 



Thanks for the update! Can't wait for the lil postcard!