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Hi everyone!

Hoo boy do I have a big ol' art dump for you today so strap in! In addition to reds and blacks another color I've been really just feeling as of late is light pink. There's something so lovely and soft about that color, it makes me feel safe and light. Whenever I paint with it I get so relaxed, it's such a nice experience haha. I've been drawing a lot of self-indulgent things lately and I'm learning to be nice to myself about doing so. I used to think that drawing things I liked meant I wasn't challenging myself therefore not growing as an artist. I realize that couldn't be further from the truth and that by exploring the themes and topics I enjoy I get more fulfillment out of making art. :D

So I drew some cats in teacups. Because I love cats and I love teacups and I thought it would be cute. And it was. And you know what else? I plan on making those teacup cats into sticker sheets. In fact, I'll be placing an order for said sticker sheets today. Yeah! It's gonna be so cute! 

I also mentioned that I've been painting more skies recently and I decided to really just RUN with that idea with this mini-series I completed. So there are these girls who are casual space princesses and they all have cool sweaters that are made out of cosmic skies. 

 Maybe I could draw them all together in a future piece, tending to the skies and keeping the flow of time going smoothly. Hm or maybe a mini comic about them controlling their respective skies! Like the first girl controls the sky at dawn and gets to decorate it by arranging stars and choosing colors to paint her sky canvas with. So many different directions to go in. @u@ 

Hope you enjoyed this lil' pastel art party! Thank you all so much for your support, you are the REAL MVPs.  I've got a tutorial coming up with the next post so do look forward to that! Until then, stay cool! :D


