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Hi everyone!

Happy Monday and welcome back to my Patreon! :D I've got a colorful piece to share with y'all today, I hope you like it!

I've been very inspired by skies, especially sunsets, as of late and I've been having so much fun painting skies with different colors and clouds. In this piece I wanted to capture the fiery colors of summer sunsets and nostalgia of summer vacations. I'm not in school anymore so I technically don't have a summer vacation, but I remember how excited I would get as the school year was drawing to an end and the warmth of summer was practically tangible. 

I loved spending time with friends over the summer and hanging out with them all day. Even small things like playing video games or eating together was a wonderful treat and I look back on those days with a great feeling of love and appreciation. So here's a mini tribute to those summer feelings and the small freedoms that we experience during long days and warm nights. <3

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Thanks for stopping by and have a great day! :D





I really love the stuff you write under each image. If it's not informative and Inspiring then it makes you go through memory lane as well =) thank you for the awesome art! Have a great day!


ahaha thank you for reading what I have to say, it means a lot! have a lovely day darlin'! ^^<3


The values and colors here are so good! Nice work 💖