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Hello everyone!

Happy April! And just like that we have made it into another month, where DOES the time go? End obligatory passage of time comment. This month's piece is a bit different compared to the previous months. I'm moving in a new direction in life and I see it reflected in my work. I don't know if it has to do with your early 20s, post-grad life, or a combination of the two, but I have been feeling an intense exploratory urge. In fact, I'm planning a roadtrip along the California coast this summer. I want to visit forests and envelop myself in nature's presence. I remember visiting California's state parks before I left for college and feeling immensely at peace within the isolating colors, atmosphere, and air of the forests. Hearing nothing but the sound of birds chirping and trees rustling beneath the shade of tall trees transported me to a place where I felt safe and far-removed from the hustle and bustle of city life. 

I wanted to capture a bit of that adventurous feeling in this month's piece. Painting with lush greens and loose strokes was therapeutic in and of itself. I've rediscovered my interest in nature and find myself fascinated by its diversity and adaptability. I watched several episodes of BBC's Planet Earth 2 this past week and was captivated by the sheer amount of beauty and strength that nature possesses. I feel rather compelled to do my part to preserve and protect it.  

2017 has been a rollercoaster thus far and has brought with it a new set of challenges and successes. I am eager to continue embracing change and learning more about myself and the world. If you feel stuck, try stepping outside of your comfort zone today. It doesn't have to be enormous or life-altering, but change no matter how small can often help us move forward.

This past week has been my "Spring break", so I apologize for the inactivity online. Since I'm no longer in school or with a company, I have to deliberately set aside breaks for myself to avoid burnout. I had an incredibly relaxing break though and am excited to get back to work! I've already started working on new things and I cannot WAIT to show you all. <3

Expect a post or two this week regarding milestone rewards (I have not forgotten!). I'll be doing a giveaway of art goodies and aspeedpaint video, so if you're interested make sure to check back in for more details! ;D

I love you all so much and I hope you have a great day! 




Su Veney

The depth in this piece is really wonderful.

Tim McGreger

Beautiful work, Vicki! I really look forward to having the calendar on my wall next year!?!?


Tim!! Thank you so much haha I know we're far from it, but I can't wait to put it all together and make the calendar a real thing! :D