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Hello everyone! 

Hope you all have been well and that this week is treating you kindly. I've got some new art to share with you all and surprise surprise we got some more Overwatch comin' down the pipes! I've been focusing on fashion in my artwork more recently and I've been having a lot of fun. Learning how different types of fabric fold as well as how different clothing can affect the way a character is perceived has been eye-opening! I never thought about it much before, but the clothes you wear can tell a story all on their own and that's a really neat concept. 

I previously tried drawing D.Va in super cute clothing and while it was...very cute don't get me wrong, it didn't really feel like her. And that's something I want to get better at you know, capturing a character not just through what they say, but how they present themselves, how they pose, what belongings they carry, etc. Drawing D.Va in clothes that are more athletic, casual, and laid-back to me captures her character more accurately. More than anything it's just fun to draw your favorite characters in different clothing styles and if you're ever blanking on what to draw I suggest giving that prompt a try! :D

Here's another mean lookin' gremlin. I really enjoyed putting her in different fashions and plan on drawing more because it was so much fun! 

I'm very busy for the next week and a half and am working on a cool project that I'm not allowed to speak of, but will share all the details and behind the scenes process footage once it's released! Do hope you look forward to it and we'll talk again soon with more art and fun things! :D

Have a great Thursday!






these are so amazing! my fashion sense is so bleh so I would love to know where you got the references/inspirations for her outfits!


aa thank you I'm glad you like them! :D I get most of my fashion inspo from social media (tumblr, insta, and pinterest are my favorite spots to go). from time to time i'll buy old issues of fashion mags and get inspo from those as well! ^^