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Hello everyone! 

Thank you all so much for the kind comments you left on my last post. I feel invigorated to keep improving and working hard so I can share art of better quality and depth! Your encouragement means the world to me and reminds me not to give up even when it gets tough, so thank you! <3 I will be making posts regarding milestone rewards this week so keep an eye out for that. :D

That being said I've been drawing a lot this past week! I've been thinking of new sticker designs and really liked the idea of a couple vicious, brightly-colored wolves. (See above photo)

I plan on adding some text to these designs, something along the lines of "NO!" or "Back off!" or "Be better". What do you all think? Does that sound dope yay or nay?

I also designed a couple original witch characters that I think look real cute! Their names are Amelia and Estelle and they are good friends who like to make magic together. :D

Added a lil' bit of fun floaty action in there to bring them to life! 

Like with all my OCs, I hope to expand on their stories more in the future. Either way, I'm happy to introduce you to them and hope you enjoy what I have so far! :D

Have a great day everyone! Keep working toward your goals and dreams. <3





Sarah Herman

I love the wolves!


Thank you so much Sarah! :D /heartheartheart/ What do you say about seeing these designs as stickers? Yay or nay? I'm on the fence myself.

Su Veney

I need a soft sweatshirt with Amelia on it!