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hello friends! ^-^<3

first off, HI! no really, hi!! it feels so long since we've last talked and I really missed you! ;v; I've been back from Japan for a week now (jetlag has been kicking my ass) and I hate to be all ~*it really cHaNgEd mEEEE*~ but like! it did! and I do feel a difference and shift in the way I approach life and art and creativity and just- I think it was a much-needed trip. =u= I'll be sharing more Tokyo doodles and plans for the travel journal in another post and I'm just really excited to be back and engage with you all again! ^^ I feel leagues better than I did before I left (I'm pretty sure my high stress/anxiety from before was killing me slowly...) and am so ready to embark on this new creative chapter with you! 

above: a couple of quick sketches that turned into finished pieces! :O trying new things with colors and composition, just having fun with it! 

I really miss the fluffy bread in Tokyo, just drawing something to remind me of its amazing soft texture that I would literally sleep on if I could bake a loaf large enough. 

always feeling inspired by the moon~ <3

i loooove hairclips and all the different designs you can wear in your hair. 

something citrus-y and sweet! also inspired by mori fashion, which i love! 

doodles I did testing out different brushes in Procreate and trying to customize and tweak presets juuuust right to fit my very specific needs. >_> all the sketches in this post were done using the new pencil brush i made! the default brushes are a great starting point but I find a lot of them are too bulky? almost clumsy to use? finally took it upon myself to create custom brushes and i'm SO happy with them! >:3

 ❤ ❤ ❤

I hope you enjoyed this sketchdump! ^_^ Thank you so much for your support! >w< If you'd like to request something for me to draw just leave your suggestion in the comments and I'll give it ago during the week and post what I came up with in the following sketchdump. I can't guarantee that I'll draw every single one though I do encourage you to leave a request! 






i just wanted to say that the citrus girl here looks exactly like me. :0 i also have glasses + short light hair !!

Megan Rafferty

welcome back vicki! sorry if you've answered this before, but will you be doing Mermay this year?


i might make a few pieces! ^^ idk about every day of may, but i'd like to make some mermaid art. :3