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Avery Smiley

I don’t know if either of yall played the Force Unleashed games, but the voice actor and face model for Starkiller from those games is the voice actor for Maul in this show


Maul has entered the chat


Finally, we are getting into the arch I've been looking forward to since they started watching TCW

Ricardo Ramirez

Just to clarify, Palpatine trained Maul, not Dooku. Also, the quote that the Brother said to Ashoka back on Mortis..."The chains are the easy part, its what goes on in here, that's hard.."

Jon Jingle

Now we get to the best part!


This is where the fun begins


Also the voice actor for Maul is the same guy who voiced the Son from the mortis arc, and he also voiced the main character for forced unleashed

Jyn Jilly

Btw Ray Park didn't voice Darth Maul in Phantom Menace. Peter Serafinowicz voiced his dialogue in the film. You might recognize him from John Wick 2


That isnt where Maul landed. I think he fall down a big garbage hole and then was carried there by a garbage truck space ship along with a bunch of garbage, because he was cut in half on the planet Naboo, this is the garbage dump planet of Sako Minor.


I love the red theme intros you made to match the episode, brilliant work!