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Lorenzo Baxter

Anger with the Force is even stronger than real life anger. Maul by all rights should've died. He was cut in half. But anger is one of the biggest motivators within the Dark Side. Using anger only fuels your power in the darkness. So Maul literally survived because of his Force abilities, running off of anger and hatred. Thats some powerful ass shit. Wayleran had already said it but Maul was Palpatines true apprentice. He was incredibly powerful at a young age in Phantom Menace. He was only in his 20s, yet he was able to kill a Jedi Master and easily defeat his apprentice. Only reason Obi Wan got the better of him is because Maul got arrogant and wanted to goad his victory in front of Obi Wan. If Maul hadn't gotten injured the way he did, and he reached his full potential.... he would be quite a big threat, even to someone like Sidious.


First of all, shout out to Katie Lucas, I know she did the Ventress episodes, but didn't realize she did these two as well. Second of all, shout out to Sam Witwer. He was captivating as the Son, but he's absolutely amazing as Maul. And he thought he was going to be cast as a Mandalorian. He had to keep the secret of Darth Maul returning for a while. I love Mother Talzin. I wish we got more of her in the series. I don't know if it was ever mentioned, I actually can't remember if this is canon or not, but she is the biological mother of Maul, Savage Opress, and Feral (that was the little brother Savage killed). That's why she was willing to help Savage find Maul, and also why in turn she helped Maul.


Almost thought some 80's series tv show credits were about to start running over Joe's face at the end there with some saxophone heavy tv show music.