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Lorenzo Baxter

Yeah Darth Maul during that fight could've absolutely beaten Obi Wan. I mean he literally did beat him. He had him dead to rights. But yeah he got really cocky and underestimated the apprentice after he killed the master. So losing simply because of his own pride, must've fueled his hatred for all those years. Dooku never trained Maul actually. Maul was trained by the Menace himself, Sidious. Maul was supposed to be Palaptines number 1 guy, but when he "died" dooku was the replacement. Which is crazy when you think about it. Dooku being the replacement, he's incredibly skilled for what he is. But Maul had so much potential in the force and as a Sith, had he not lost that much to Obi Wan, Maul would've been extremely powerful in his full potential.


Darth sidious aka palatine was mauls master, when he died, count dooku became his apprentice, when he dies then anakin becomes his next apprentice.