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Jared Fogle goes to college — and against all decency and good taste, becomes the Führer of Fast Food Nation. Plus: porno rentals, stalking rumors, a brief history of Subway, Black Jareds, health halos, and more. 



Taylor Stuckey

Wow 9 minutes left in part 1. Perfect timing.

Maura Willey

jersey mikes is the ultimate fast food sandwich establishment especially if you get Mikes Juice

Maura Willey

brace you can also eat aged cheddar and any crystallized cheese. they are all naturally lactose free

Noah Doak

Early last week I literally thought “I’m kinda surprised they haven’t done a Fogle episode yet” and boom, a whole series on it. Incredible timing

Dracula with Swag

Erbert and Gerbert's is the best sub sandwich chain, it's not even close

Michelle Lambing

The bread reminds me of my favorite hoagie place back home. It really is the best fast food sandwich place.

Michelle Lambing

Liz describing buffet food as “glossy” was just perfect. She nailed it.


Looking forward to everyone hating you for the in n out comments because they’re in denial about it and you and brace are right.


As an old guy from New England I can step in for some info here; at the time Jared was eating this stuff it didn’t taste like it does now. Post 2007-ish when Subway mega blew up the taste changed drastically. At the time it wasn’t quite as good as a deli sandwich or something but it wasn’t disgusting like it is now.

Dracula with Swag

I mean, Midwest as a whole, but also, I am from Wisconsin. Wisconsin: best fast food options. Culvers, Erbs and Gerbs, A&W, of you've ever been to Marshfield or Rapids then it's Chips


i thought liz was catholic. idk why i thought that though


Culver's has the best fast food burger

Kamran Husain

dominos and alcoholism is the best

Graeme Wilson

Our house’s rule for fast food: only car trips over 1hr. My kids hate me for it, and that’s fine 😂. “Glossy” buffet food is absolutely perfect. That said, in high school sports, #1 destination after long practices/games was either Old Country Buffet or Chinese buffet of some type. I’m sure OCB is disgusting, but holy shit after basically working out for 4hours…really hit the spot. Also unclear if that was a regional or National chain.

Graeme Wilson

500%. My wife is from Wisconsin, and on one of our first car trips, she saw one and forced me to stop. It was amazing😂


this fact checked by Real Midwestern Patriots


I live in bloomington and grew up in indiana. I’d put money on either a local chain called pizza x which opened in the mid 80s or Papa John’s as his lunch pizza. PJohns is huge in indiana.


Fast food is expensive now. Why would you go to McDonald's when you could,as Brace said, go to any shifty burger place for the same price???

Brian Estabrook

These episodes are not showing up in my podcast app's True Anon Truth Feed - anyone else having the same problem?


Ruth's Chris was originally a single location called Chris Steak House, but got bought by an investment company called Ruth's, which is why the name is like that. You'd be surprised how much corporate advertising is in those nutrition pamphlets. I talked to a nutritionist about weight loss and she gave me a list of healthy breakfast options that were all Jimmy Dean breakfast bowls.



Colin S

I recall my old manager who had a Baskin Robbins franchise tell me he chose to open the Subway because the franchise cost was super low (like $10k) unlike a Panera that required the franchisee to have like a mil in liquid assets and to open 2 locations.

Taylor Leibel

Former Jimmy John's employee here - the secret best sandwich there is the tuna club with bacon and hot peppers (Jimmy John's hot peppers are fire and unmatched in the arena of fast food sandwich shops). Give it a shot people!!!

Nic Bodiford

Brace is wild about the ‘60s sprout phenomenon


CookOut is tremendous southern fast food


i’m beginning to see the similarities … just a kid from indiana …

Austin Bradley

Their gumshoe skills are getting dull; Jared’s late night snack was clearly Wendy’s. The dessert is a Frosty and, at the time, they we’re trying to position themselves as the go-to late night fast food


It looks like they’re there — try removing the RSS feed from your app and re-adding it

Codi Carlman

startling omission of plus-size human mascot and icon colonel sanders from these eps

Demented Avenger

No adult can live on 1,000 calories a day. If Jared weighed 425 pounds, given that he was 21 and 6 ft. 2 in. Fogel would have needed 3,000 calories a day (Basal Metabolic Rate calculator) just to wake up and take a dump. You can add about 10% of that to handle digestion (when you digest food, you use energy, which is the basis for the idea that celery is a negative calorie food since it has few calories and takes lots of energy to digest). In fact, Jared would have had to weighed 205 pounds to get his BMR down to 2,000. So there's no way he could have lived on two Subway sandwiches a day.

phil m.

Subgay. Eat dick


I live in the mountains of NC and the streets run red with blood over the jimmy johns/jersey mikes rivalry


CLAY HENRY. He got real fat on burgers and fries but now he's down to a smaller size. I remember it to this day.

saint fannie

Laughed so hard at Liz bringing up watching Oprah in religion class at Catholic school. I was also a Catholic school girl in the early 2000s and we had a religion teacher at our school who, every year, would make his students watch multiple episodes of Oprah including the episode he appeared on (ironically enough for his weight loss). He was also a big fan of the show touched by an angel, which we also watched many episodes of in class. Catholic school in the aughts was unique experience


Literally on my way to my job at Jimmy John's

sir peepus

Henry Gay Henry

cagey eye


Kyle Doeden

Where are these independent "burger places" with the same prices as fast food, but that aren't fast food? Not being facetious, I honestly would love that. But also knowing what the experience will be like is important to a lot of people when they choose a restaurant, and fast food offers that no matter where you are.

cagey eye

i wonder if that happened (happens?) all the time. this was in 2010ish

Doug Cartel

the one good trhing subway did was giving us that eef freef meme sbubby

Demented Avenger

Jared obviously also burned calories another way besides walking, given his business involving his movie collection. For the benefit of understanding this and realizing that this way is probably the only exercise most TrueAnon listeners get, here's a link to an article explaining how much energy you burn in the act of self-pleasure: https://spoonuniversity.com/healthier/surprising-amount-of-calories-burned-while-masturbating


Indiana University, not University of Indiana

Mark Owen

When are they gonna get to the Jon Lovitz ads?

Mark Owen

I worked at Subway summer of 1990, they were already nationwide and fairly popular


As an IU alumnus, I have also heard the unsubstantiated rumor about Jared walking because he had a crush on a Subway employee, but I went to college way after him.


micro greens are sprouts


2006 was the only year of my life where I ate subway multiple times and I gotta tell you...it was nasty back then so it's gotta be sub nasty now


“He had 10 packets of sugar per coffee” *IM ON A HIGHWAY TO HELL*


I think all the diet-related figures he gives should be taken with a grain of salt but it’s certainly not impossible that he was eating 1000 cal/day. An obese man famously fasted entirely for over a year: https://pmj.bmj.com/content/postgradmedj/49/569/203.full.pdf

Char Kelly

Describing an adult as having “the zoomies” is iconic

Gabby S.

i remembered subway being good so i got a sandwich after listening to the first episode and i’ve felt vaguely sick ever since. happy to take the pledge.

Josh Millrod

I went to school in Bloomington and had some friends who lived in the same apartment complex Jared had lived in. We called it "The Subway Apartments" because there was literally a subway in the same building. You just had to walk out of your door or maybe down a single flight of stairs to get to it.

Demented Avenger

Thanks. There are some differences: Mr. A.B. was hooked up to an IV getting vitamin supplements. And there's the downside: "There have been reports of five fatalities coinciding with the treatment of obesity by total starvation." On the plus side, he didn't take too many shits, "37-48 days between stools latterly."


TrueAnon podcast does not recommend long-term fasting. The information in this podcast is for entertainment purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Consult with your doctor before beginning any exercise program


plus the jungle was meant to be a novel (yes, it's fiction--technically), and wasn't meant to be necessarily a book about meat but working conditions at the time. great book. never read fast food nation

Claire Simon

I miss souplantation :(

Maura Willey

as cheese ages/dries/hardens lactose transforms into lactic acid. the longer it ages the more crystals form in the cheese. the crystals are not what makes the cheese lactose free but they are an indicator of a cheese that is probably lactose free! examples are aged cheddar, parmesan, pecorino, grana padano.

Kristopher Kolish

Yeah, IU grad who just returned to Bloomington. It's a bakery now, but that Subway used to have a shrine to Jared, since it was the site of the holy miracle itself. Jared's apartment was on the second floor, so to be fair, he did have to walk a flight of stairs to get there.


zero sugar strawberry & cream Dr.Pepper

Robert Sayre

what kind of food would Liz's Brace serve?


yc is wrong. this is medical advice. We are simply not "board certified" medical doctors but if you drink goji berry, do coffee colonoscopy, sativa, organic whip it, the old sugar free diet coke in the gold can, OC 80 original formula, green Juice labeled DETOX cost $16, J&J covid shot original formula with the thalidomide, 40 bag of coke, SPROUTS, bean soup, dreadlock on stick like a corn dog, sweat from brow of hard working man you have harnessed to your cart to ferry your goods, dog food, girl food, baby food, you will not get cancer


I ate a Veggie Delite at Subway every day last fall because I thought it was low sodium. Honestly I only stopped because one day the customer in front of me accused me of wanting a race war. Anyway turns out it's not even that low in sodium!


Got my manager fired when I worked at subway as a teen because he was an adult man who carried around a trapper keeper binder with hundreds of bible verses handwritten on it in sharpie but it wasn't even the inspirational verses it was all the fucking weird ones and he accused me of being gay in front of customers (he was right) and then put me on the schedule for two (2) hours a week. Got him fired then quit fuck subway fuck mixing the tuna salad with your hands

Mathieu Debic

the gold diet coke can is both sugar AND caffeine free. pure swill without even any psychoactive chemicals to recommend it


Bojangles is the one true God. Praise be to his Cajun filet. The other chains fight like dogs in the street for the meagre handful who reject his light.


She went to Catholic school too, she mentions it in the ep.

Andrew Rassling

Brace, were you stalking me? You got my mornings from 2018-2020 perfectly! Also yeah Dominos goes down and up real easy

Brian Long

Former subway employee — Massaging the mayo into the tuna was literally the worst part of the job. 🤢 🤮


Small Gong Gang


IDK but reliably got spicy chickie sando from there in 2020

bruce moment

Brace was actually on to something when he said he felt weird about the hash browns, you don't order a sized order of hash browns at McDonald's. I bet Jared was getting his breakfast on at Burger King

Eric Laleer

gang it's IU not UI!! ( love you though it's ok)

Eric Laleer

I went to ball state, Papa John's alma mater, he gave the commencement address the year before mine (then got canceled a year or so later for saying the n word)


i wish this show would go back to parapolitics type stuff instead of whatever it’s been lately


“…because if he just purchased those pants after the fact…” “Yeah, post fatto.” Liz was so close to the absolute dagger 3: “ex post fatso”. Still time to change that in post and reupload YC

Alex Gullen

You also need to factor in the ‘aides’ assist. You know, to drag him out of bed, ambulate etc.

Brendan Garcia

Having worked at Starbucks… 10 packets of sugar is NOTHING

Mike Malloy

Brace is correct, JJ & Jersey Mike's are next tier, with Mike's ability to do hot subs putting them ahead overall (currently eating a #31 on rosemary parm bread). Potbelly also up there not sure what regions that's in though.

Rohmer Simpson

Shredded iceberg lettuce is ideal for a ton of sandwiches and burgers and tacos. It’s the American cheese of leafy greens. Romaine is probably the more responsible choice health-wise, and Butterhead (no jokes please) seems to be the preference of the restaurants ranging from Shake Shack to upmarket burger joints. But a humble working woman or man’s homestyle hero or BLT? Iceberg.

I am become reply guy

Lol Brace’s shame at running into Chomsky in jimmy johns like it was at a porno theater


I, Eric, pledge that how matter how hungry i get, no matter how times are tough, no matter how confusing my word, no matter how hot and bright the sun, and no matter how scary the gun, on this day i will say that even if my entire family is taken hostage by a reformed caliphate, i will never eat subway 💯

Dan Hunter

In my experience Subway and Chipotle are the cheapest/easiest ways to get fresh veggie heavy meals on the road aside from going to a grocery salad bar. That makes them healthier and better than all other fast food chains. I'm sure that all the other chains have pedophile CEOs and board members. Subway wins as a chain and will continue winning. When will they talk about Lovits?

Le Michel diplomatique

Only been to Subway a handful of times. I just passed the subway in OAK airport and now need to relisten with this new smell context

Robert Sayre

haha it has survived many challenges: https://www.sfgate.com/food/article/popeyes-san-francisco-divisadero-cockroaches-14270394.php

Randy Hendrickson

Last time I went to Souplantation (Marina Del Rey?) I saw a man get violently ill. Kind of a mood killer.

jfk truther

The real subway commercials sound the same to me as the fake ones from south park


You guys forgot to mention Potbelly’s which has AMAZING sandwiches mainly based out of the Midwest


Liz really can't hide her coastal elitism with statements like "The only time you may partake in fast food is when you are abroad having your annual trist with a man of the lower class." Also gamers rise up: in the latest South Park video game - The Fractured but Whole - Jared is a boss fight. Brace I think you would like the game it has twisted humor like you and there's this character Cartman that reminds me of you lol


So offputing how 99% of people have elaborate little fake rules or justifications about how often or what kind of fast food they’re deigning to eat. Kill the wellness sicko in your mind


i used to have a regular who ordered 11 packets of raw sugar in her small coffee but she was very skinny

Sam Eastman

i wanna hear the trueanon take on mama goldbergs. arguably worse than subway quality-wise

Evan Scott

i've never heard of this and it seems like it's only an alabama thing but damn does that look disgusting and advertise that they STEAM their hoagies. fucking vile

Rohmer Simpson

Glad there’ll be more Jared episodes because the theme remix slaps


I gotta come out and address some of the controversial statements made on this episode. Jersey Mike's is dogshit and not as good as jimmy John's I will not accept this kind of slander against James Johnathan


When you do the Lie Books episode please make it like a 4-hour episode with Felix

Brendan Garcia

Dave Thomas was a human mascot


Brace you would have liked the KFC in my hometown around 08. If you ordered the right combination of food they would sell you coke or heroin.

John M

It's "IU"


Hardest working podcast around.


I ate a ton of Quizno's when I was in college and at the time it kicked ass. Haven't had it in like 15 years, so maybe it's gone downhill. They were the first ones to toast their subs though, which seems insane in retrospect. That's some basic sandwich 101 shit.

Demented Avenger

Jersey Mike's sucks major balls. Bland fucking sandwiches.

a dentist

new hbo doc series on Fogle comes out same week as TA fogle series.... coincidence?? doubt it.. also same week famous Russian fbi spy dies in prison......... AND racial Jake spotted with t swift? what the fuck is going on


one time when I was a kid my mom brought me to see a hypnotist so I would loose weight and she made me get subway after

Peter Ariosa

Most Chinese all you can eat bapheys have soft serve machines.


I used to get a sandwich from the subway Jared lived above every Tue and Thur before my Buddhism class in the optometry school lecture hall. It was the only cheap food I could eat quickly enough to make it to class and I didn’t know how to cook yet lol. Also it’s Indiana University and it sucks ass u goobers

Caleb Beck

I think that's just a rule she has for herself, not that big of a deal

Victor Williams

I honestly felt more guilty giving people milkshakes for breakfast at Starbucks than I ever did serving alcohol to alcoholics as a bartender.


Brace looks like Harry Potter, how does he not know Voldermort?


We come here blind but seeing the way.

Ry Guy

I do kinda agree with your first statement. Only eating fast food when you're traveling abroad is a little classist and off-putting for working people who have limited means or options for finding nutritional food or having enough time/resources to prepare healthy food.


that whole 5 dollar foot long thing was so sexual it made jared a freakkkkk


Fatburger is better than In-n-out. Plus the fries are good.


Brace- walking down Waller street towards the park cackling out loud at “books that are lies”


had a homeless dude chuck a glass at me at the Muddy Waters on 16th while i was helping my friend during her shift

Adam Paul

Last episode brace gave a trigger warning about this episode but it was just comparing and contrasting different fast food places

Brendan Garcia

I remember some mom telling her kid, “no you can’t have a cookie for breakfast, have a muffin or a scone.” Lady, let me tell you about the muffins and scones.

Evan Scott

Im only saying it because Liz's speculation about a PA-NJ rivalry about Jimmy John's vs Jersey Mike's made me curious, I ended up looking into it and Jimmy John's is from central Illinois which surprised me - I would've also assumed it was from the philly or New York metro areas based on the praise it gets


i do not like the smug aura of the signs in every Jimmy Johns


Philly has way way better sandwich options.

Mathieu Debic

counterpoint: fake rules or justifications allow me, the self-hating consumer and a nasty little piglet, to not only eat fast food (pretty good on its own, scientifically hyper-palatable, etc.), BUT also to feel like I’ve earned it (which feels very good) and ALSO knowing that, secretly, I haven’t earned shit and I’m putting one over on my own self. Actually now that I’ve written all that, you might have a point…


Potbelly's is indubitably the best tasting chain sandwich option. But it's also crazy expensive. My husband said he paid $20 for his last sandwich there. You could eat at most ethnic buffets for less money.

12 o Clock in the Midnight

Was there any talk of Jared taking drugs for weight loss? I thought I heard it somewhere

Slik Smoothie

Liz is just mad shes never been twinned up b4


I love hearing Liz starting to regret her choice to repeat Brace's pledge word for word.


Don't harsh Muddy's you guys-- They're the last man standing. They're one of the few outposts that have opened their bathroom doors to the destitute.


Better than Popeyes for sure


Firehouse is better than jj or jm


jersey mike's is far superior or jimmy john's. JJ's is fast and that's it, that their gimmick


Primo Hoagies is my go to. The seeded bread is always baked fresh at my local store.

Broadway Joe

I used to like the meatball sub from Subway until a buddy of mine who worked there warned me not to order them and I haven't been back since. Also, my friend's sister used to work at Subway in the Jared-era and it definitely led to an increase in overweight people eating there, but she also said they'd still get extra mayo on their subs.


there most def can be twin cousins liz 💅


my experience trying to get involved with maoists in SF a decade and a half ago was that they were all fully psycho and/or working for the state and I kind of decided to stay away outside of studying the topic on my own, I guess I'm just curious if there are orgs or online communities or whatever someone would recommend for the 'mao-curious' who are not looking to do any plots or become CIs or whatever? feel free to email yr answer to sneakaboard69@gmail.com, i can't even remember what the name of the off-site forum that spun out of laissez's faire was although I assume that place has only gotten pyscho-er in the last decade


Jimmy John’s Italian sub is very serviceable. Plus a pickle? Mwah

Emily tatham harrington

I worked at subway for a couple months in highschool and massaging the mayo into the tuna was one of my main responsibilities. Never made it to sandwich artist status 😢


Any Togo’s or Port of Subs heads up in here?

Gabrielle Chase

it'd be cool to interview the comedian Tom Segura on this — he filmed commercials with Jared that were set to air, but lost the contract when Jared was exposed


i miss when this show was about parapolitics and stuff

I am become reply guy

Hearing Jared explain how he got on the subway diet has the same vibe as Epstein describing his job as a financier

Carly Bulger

A child called it is a lie?! I read that book in elementary school and it shook me to my core kept me up at night I still think about it to this day and it was a lie? Book lies episode soon plz I can't go on like this


I used to live in the town Jimmy Johns started in. It’s a god forsaken town in southern Illinois, worst place I’ve ever lived. The founder is a dickhead too. Incidentally, the Dominos down the road is owned by former Pakistani General Qamar Javed Bajwa via proxy (He actually owns dozens of franchises across the Midwest, presumably for money laundering? I’d love to see a deep dive on this)


if he was active in the 1971 genocide then he probably is laundering looted wealth from bengal lol


Please rename episode: Portrait of a Sandwich Artist as a young man. Thanks in advance.


Ok that part towards the end “…a d** f****…” had me dying. I don’t know anything about this story so it caught me off guard.

Scott Henriksen

The opening theme update/remix is so great. I hope there’s more updates like it someday. Great work.

John Ogle

My name is John Ogle and brace Beldin is a baby boy that can barely eat Parmesan cheese

Luis Cadena

Also the muppets add too


“off pudding for working people” who are unfortunately allergic to rice and beans


what up, fam. new subscriber, longtime listener.


Two of our most popular episodes are about a couple that fucked dogs for the Aryan brotherhood


They put butter on it. That's why it's good

Ian Krasnow

I’m glad you finally started branching out to newer, trendier pedophiles too. I just really wish Brace did this whole episode as the Gourmand character.


I bet he was getting the pizza from Mother Bears down the street, which you guys missed out on. Biggest breasts on a restaurant mascot bear you’ve ever seen.

our lady of reclaimed teeth

oh, to be a fly on the wall when brace first encountered the #twinflame content


Found this episode really difficult to digest. Always been a closet Subway fan.... probably the most hated chain.


If you do a colton burpoe episode please invite the boonta vista crew so you can hear them pronounce his name funny

Brian Ward

Such an odd podcast series for subway to sponsor

Slik Smoothie

This five dollar footlong erasure cannot continue


My Year of Walking and Eating Subway by Ottessa Gourmand


Microgreens are the adrenochrome of salads

No one in particular

ngl i feel like Subway's quality is drastically better in germany than it seems to be in the US (never had it there tho)

Anon Ibid

Everyone should shame jimmy johns

Craig Courtney

Im from southern IL originally and lived in Champaign for awhile. I had a roommate iat UI who worked for the JJ corp office. That guy is a fucking douchebag. His vibe is a hybrid of AJ Soprano and TrumpJr

Dude McBanger

fogle got a brave mujahideen style shout out at the end of supersize me

Jonah Stocks ladd

used to be chriss steak house but his wife ruth won it in the divorce

Jonah Stocks ladd

also....missed opportunity to play the gizmos-human garbage disposal

Colin Underwood

When I was an alcoholic I used to get that fuckin 2 for $11 deal from dominoes like every other day man. Brace is right

Lucas Saviello

Franczak stood among the screaming loaves and called the lightning down. It cracked and boomed about and she pointed out the darkened heart within her - the blackened bread without - and cried for light. If there be any art in the weathers of this earth. Or char these bones to coal. If you can, if you can. A blackened rag in the rain.


Wawa vs Sheetz in PA

Christopher Price

Indiana is IU. UI is University of Illinois. I don't remember seeing any Subway's on campus but there seems to be a half dozen a mile away from campus. Bloomington is surprisingly easy to walk around.

Mariah Nath

Hearing Young Chompsky laugh in the background makes my day every single time.