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Part one of our series on former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle examines his early life in Indiana, and his relationship to his family and food. Plus: addiction, a brief history of eating disorders, and the early school experience of fast food's most notorious pedophile.




Boy howdy the discussion in this one sure feels like it had a lot of overlap with that other thing


I had a job refilling vending machines in factory break rooms in high school. One of the factories in question was a subway meat plant, where they sliced up and packaged the meat for subway. Imagine an entire tiny town, completely suffused with the subway smell. Even indoors you could smell it for miles. This factory just pumped out the smell straight from the stacks. It was awful and amazing.


This was all such a shock when it came out. I grew up on yoga mats and subway sandwiches

Rohmer Simpson

Surprised this didn't come up in convo: the alarming prevalence of Subway in K-dramas. John Oliver covered it last year. It's incredible. https://youtu.be/jDdYFhzVCDM


re: puberty and anorexia...anorexia can prevent ovulation and therefore pregnancy. Violent, unsafe or psychologically strenuous circumstances = no bueno por bambino, thus the built in 'failsafe' of anorexia. Heard this from an anthropologist, apologies in advance if it was an old Rogan ep

Rohmer Simpson

Also really quick: Quizno’s is very very “it’s fine”. Blimpie’s probably has the best mediocre subs, or at least they did in the years 1998 and 1999. Not sure if they’re around anymore, no real way of finding out. Neither brand is associated with pumping noxious “baking bread”-esque fumes into populated areas, or pedos.


appreciate the thoughtful convo about ed’s. i became anorexic after a traumatic incident in college, and it was 100% about regaining a sense of control over my life and making myself less appealing to men.

Harrison Sanchez

I've know a lot of people who did binges and purges and abused laxatives/diuretics / "diet"/supplement pills you get from the place that sells Korean and Japanese cosmetics. I see a lot of subway order confessions/apologia here and I just wanna say they got rid of honey oat they no longer have my custom, well that and prior to that - Jared. Not the only person I remember eating every day at one place guys that I think it's part eating disorder and part OCD which has a LOT of cross over.


I love how Liz's way of modelling things is a blend of both 1923 and 3023 ideas, genuinely always sayings things I have never heard someone say


Nothing to do with this episode (which is great, as usual!), but... Liz, what'll it take to get you started on The Dutch?! I would so appreciate the condensed history and influence on today as only True Anon can do. If there are episodes already on this could someone please point me to them?


do Fast and Furious sometime please?


No Gourmand?


every band from 2001 to 2018 had a vegan drummer, it was actually the law

Jessica S

I don’t think there are any but I completely agree, I have been wanting this too!

Manic Exposure

Wow going on tour also made me hate the subway bread stench


My first job was at subway and I couldn’t help but steal every chance I got


I lived in Bloomington and I heard rumor that Jared was stalking a young woman who worked at Subway and that’s why he went there every day. I have no evidence for that though. Also Gizmos fuckin rule.


@Liz I loved your latest piece on fashion and consumer capitalism https://open.substack.com/pub/evilfemale/p/window-shopping-with-liz-franczak?r=4ttm7&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post You are a force of nature!

Sean Carton

Back in the nineties I had a story published about a man who’s having an intimate relationship with a submarine sandwich. It was called “Foot Long.” Then ten years later we get Jared. I feel like I’m psychic. Also

Sean Carton

also Liz is right on about girls. (I know my username seems like I’m a male person but I’m a female person using his account) Liz good job.


laughed so hard at the intro remix

B Smith

I think another commenter talked about this but the prognosis on eating disorder recovery is kinda bad actually, I grew up with BED which became bulimia when I got older and doctors/therapists for the last decade basically told me that unless it’s something that’s caught by within the first few months of you developing an ed you don’t really get over having one you just learn how to not to do the behaviors of it (until you inevitably do it again and have to start over.) A few doctors have honestly been pretty cruel with their delivery of that to me and other patients. There’s very much a vibe that (if your ed began when you were an adolescent) if you don’t have your shit figured out by the time you’re in your mid/late 20s you’re a lifer and will die due to complications, and it can feel like they start to treat you like a lost cause at a certain point. I’d love for that to not be true but it’s been my experience for most of my life.

Sarah Hunt

wont take this subway slander

Kelley Hoefer

I'm an over 50 female, and this is one of my favorite shows.


The Fogle Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Erinrose Sullivan

The classic Reuben is truly a sandwich for the Gourmand.

Doug Cartel

yeah lack of food will fuck with your period, but I only learned that in college reading about the Long March, go figure


Yes two new ones for my longhaul flight ✌️✌️✌️


ya, we're gonna need a full version of "You'd Never Guess (that Jared From Subway is a Pedophile)"

Brian Estabrook

These episodes are not showing up in my podcast app's True Anon Truth Feed - anyone else having the same problem?

ultraviolet sasquatch

Compulsive/binge eater repeating in. One thing I have noticed is that it happens if I'm down about other things and it's like it lets me void out and then feel bad about something else. It's a reset that turns me away from other things that are hurting

Johnny B

Sometimes they may take a few minutes to an hour (max) before they show up in my Truth Feed, but they’re both in there now (I use Overcast as my pod player).

K Barlas

Gotta say, Liz your analysis of anorexia as something that rises out of the female condition is right but doesn't quite get to the root of the issue. I don't mean to play the "guy who had anorexia card" out of offense, but the insight I have is that it's an issue that comes from a lack of control of one's surroundings in childhood. So you're completely right with the part about the female experience and everything, but I think that when you zeroed in on that alienating experience of starting to be a sexual being as a woman, it didn't quite get to the core of it being a lack of control which leads what's essentially a child/early teen's control-seeking behaviour. Given that there are similar roots for male kids who end up with it, I think it's worthwhile from an analytic perspective to use the common ground to get beneath what can be interpreted as a sex-essentialist take on it. That's a quibble anyway, this was a great ep


Idk if anyone else has commented this yet but I really need Liz to go deep on psychoanalysis at some point, let's get "Liz on Lacan" or something. Im new to the show tho so if this has been done someone def point me to it plz! <3

Nicole S

god i hate freud and lacan… materialism please. fanon did a better job at psychoanalysis than those quacks

Nicole S

girl come on you think breast feeding is psycho sexual for a baby? not an act of socially reproductive labour ie love? breast fetishism is a western product please broaden your scope!


Liz clearly believes it is an act of love. Her argument rests on the idea that the experience of being loved and the experience of eating are closely linked. Not only during infancy, but during all of childhood. This is what makes compulsive eating a balm for loneliness. Whether or not you agree with this, I don't see why you seem to find it upsetting.

Nicole S

the psycho sexual part? love isn’t simply sexual? i agree with your comment and frankly it’s the way i wish liz would’ve explained it. freudian/lacanian nonsense is bloated psuedo intellectualism with a grain of useful information. the point conveyed without freudian sexual drive theory is not what i’m upset with lmao! the problem is adding these lazy nods towards psychoanalytic figures of the past

Nicole S

the breast fetishism is a comment on freuds reduction of sexual desire and development to the coveting of sexual features from the oedipal family unit. instead of idk it being because that’s how bodies change in puberty and it’s when we notice more differences in the opposite sex? or do you think people like breasts because we remember love from mothers breast feeding us as infants? i certainly don’t


I met Jared at an Indianapolis Indians game when i was thirteen. Asked him are you the subway guy? and got his autograph on my ticket (lost it immediately) I also went to IU (not UI)


Mission Sandwiches on Bedford ave in Williamsburg is the only place i know for dutch crunch in NYC. it’s got some “city authentic” “piled high” forced metalhead quirk vibes, but the sandwiches i had were good.


the Gizmos rule! Appreciated this.


I gotta say American subways have a distinct and much more sickly smell than Canadian ones


Somebody add "Mr. Hashbrown" to Brace's wikipedia.


big ups to Brendon Walsh for holding down the Jared Fogle 'inspired a lot of people' joke going all this time


This Subway take is the show’s hottest take yet. Subway is always the move

Reverend Carter

90s and early 2000s touring was akin to mad max post apocalypse when it coame to food. all the cheap diners were gone and subway would be the only food like thing at truck stops


Damn I like the Gizmos now


it is interesting that subway has such a hold in south korea and is frequently advertised in soap operas and reality tv programs. moreso than in the US.


If anyone wants to try Dutch Crunch bread for themselves, just buy Tiger Bread - its the same thing, DC is the local name. You can buy it everywhere in the UK, and should be fairly easy to find elsewhere


Literally sitting in the Jack in the box drive thru on Bayshore as I listen to this!


Loving the Bloomington shout out. I had a friend who lived in the apartment building that used to hold the Jared Fogle Subway. It's right across the street from parking garage that literally dozens of people have jumped from. I think Jim Jones also lived there for a bit. Great town.

James Ashner

A friend of mine once said it best, “Subway smells like a loaf of bread’s asshole.”