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Jared Fogle rose to the top by eating Subway sandwiches. His downfall came from a dog-fucker. In this episode we discuss the numerous crimes and sick lives of convicted pedophile Jared Fogle and his foundation full of perverts.




y’all need to put a trigger warning on those chewing sounds from the gourmand lmao 😭


Jared Fogle as a cameo in Adam Sandler's masterpiece Jack & Jill (2011)


Love you guys, but not sure if the wacky/goofy tone of this episode really matches the gravity of the crimes committed here. Maybe don't take on this type of subject matter if you don't really like doing it (as Liz said herself) or can't cover it without cracking up. The young victims of Fogle's abuse deserve more respect than this.

Q Goatman

NOOOO not brace listening to holier than zoo...


What horrific stuff is and isn't o.k. to talk about without being po faced? Personally, I think these two are kind of the only people making podcasts that can talk about this stuff and joke around while treating it with the appropriate gravity and humanity. The Utah episode about the psycho hypnotist guy is a good example.

Evan Scott

This podcast literally started as talking about Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell in this tone

Q Goatman

i am in the furry community so im always subjected to this Discourse against my will pls don't do me like this TT_TT

Dr Nermal Funkenstein

Humor is a coping mechanism and makes this shit listenable. There's not a chance in hell that I'd read about this otherwise (I'm sure I'm not alone here.) If you want their tone to match the gravity of pedophilic beastiality then have siri read an article to you. Would you prefer they cry throughout the episode? I mean, do you really think that they are disrespecting victims?


I get what you're saying but this one just felt a bit too heavy on the goofs and gags for me.


the left must boycott subway

Kate Baldwin

I hate having this last name jfc


Hunting Warhead Hard to stomach, but really in depth investigation into a 'production network'. It's really gnarly, sorry guys

Gordon Schmidt

I thought it would be funny if the characters in a time travel movie realized they were in the past by seeing a Subway ad with Jared in it


Fuck, Liz - I ALSO forgot to pay rent! thanks guys


Jesus dude. Entertainment isn't a democracy. You don't ever have a say. You have to get used to that

natfos 💌

when did that happen? i don't recall. i stopped listening to last house on the left because i didn't like how they covered true crime but nothing really stuck out to me here as distasteful.




My best friend grew up in Indiana. Something they didn’t mention (probably not worth mentioning tho) is that Jared was like the pride and joy of Indiana for so fucking long, which is hilarious. Also when Jared visited my friends school he let the kids crawl through his pants😭

12 o Clock in the Midnight

That letter he wrote was soul crushing. He hasn't learned anything about himself. He doesn't think he's done anything wrong. He'll get out with plenty of life in front of him with loads of money and probably a career as an evangelical preacher. What a mess this all is.


interesting point about jared visiting thailand... do other countries even need weight loss advocates lmao

natfos 💌

YC how am i supposed to know what episode number this is


Ugh this episode was so gross. Glad you don't do this stuff very much.

Benjamin Coke

I want to go back in time but only to stop Jared fogle and maybe watch some good reality tv.




That was heinous. America needs a new weight loss inspiration that isn't connected to fast food, or a pedophile.


my buddy and i met liz at the mpls show and we were talking abt dog fuckers so thank u for more content <3

Mathieu Debic

yeah imaging hearing the contents of that letter in Jared’s extremely nondescript, midwest-ass voice was one of the more difficult parts of this episode for me


just remembered jarrod was supposed to come speak at the elementary school i worked at but then the news story hit and they obviously canceled so the foundation just sent us a bunch of boxes of playground equipment with no indication of how to set it up- we didn’t even have space for it so it all sat in an empty classroom for years.

Brian Long

The neigh is too much lmao

Char Kelly

Episode 2: animal style Episode 3: barn yard style

I am become reply guy

The dmca eye of sauron stirs from its lidless torpor and turns towards the isle of manhattoes


If you guys ever seriously want to do a kink or poly episode, I'd highly recommend the podcast "A Touch of Flavor" Give them a listen (start from the beginning though, trust me it's better that way) maybe see if they want to come on the show There's some interesting questions about the history of BDSM in this country that I believe you all are uniquely capable of investigating


If all you need to do to sleep with a 14 yo is be introduced by a random prostitute why fly all the way to St. James Island and be extorted by Epstein?

Marc Likens

Steve Nigg is the name of the man who beat up Fogle in prison, so your first guess was right.

Ian H

Jared Fogle is in prison. Steven Pinker is not.


“JUDGE WENT HAM”!???? Peabody award immediately.

Jack Terzi

Idk if “tour de pants” was a Brace joke or the actual name of his tour


really unfortunate that the theme song remix slaps so hard for such a horrifying miniseries

Mark Rangel

So was Rochelle selling her daughter to Jared for sex?

Christopher Price

You guys could do a whole series on Bloomington, Indiana. It's a really dark and fucked up place.

Gordon Schmidt

Oh really? I have a friend from Bloomington and if there's any good reading on the subject you can point to I'd like to hear it. I know Jim Jones spent time there but it seemed like it wasn't that important to his life.