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We breakdown the charges against soon-to-be-former congressman George “Anthony Devolder” Santos, work though why it is that so many politicians just make up insane shit, and get the accused congressman himself on the phone for some answers.



Dom Gina

Liz needs a theremin


I know a guy who can play theremin crazy good—but he’s also a tortured soul. We shant be inducting Liz into that wretched brotherhood

Dom Gina

That seemed to be the dynamic the one time I saw the Juan MacLean play

Some Guy

"Bryce who?" I'm dead


no need for bongos just get a second gong

Parker Slingscock

Have young Chomsky and the gong share a mic


warren zevon actually wrote ‘accidentally like a martyr’ about george santos


Canonize Warren Zevon

Robert Armstrong

Follow the bracing adventures of Admiral Archibald and his stalwart comrade-at-arms, the intrepid Pickles, on this new Truth Obscura!


Getting a full back piece tattoo of St. George Santos in Orthodoxy Iconographic style.

Jed Levin

This is one of the funniest episodes ever! Brace talking about being encrusted with jewels…

Maura Willey

best public bathrooms in the city are in Brookfield Place. terrible place to be in general but the bathrooms are top tier. also recently i was in ireland and a woman i talked to said something along the lines of 'oh yeah your president thinks he's irish, we all just smile and nod along whenever he comes over here and acts like it's a homecoming' LMAO.

natfos 💌

grown men at my work still do the 👌🏼 to prank each other

Corey Reynolds

We got a George Santos episode before an airline industry ep? Or a Waco or OKC bombing ep? Shameful!

Pearl Ahrens

this ep is insane i love it


Hot take on meatloaf


My dad’s buddies had a band called Lawyers Guns & Money (the lead singer was a lawyer).

Ian H

Not only did Beau only deploy for a year, he also found time during his pre-deployment to ensure that DuPont heir Robert Richards IV got a sweetheart, no-prison deal (he didn't even show up for the psych program his probation was premised on) for *raping his two toddler children*. 👁️


Good entertaining episode. Fell into the face palm zone with the whole "Santos' lies are on par with other politicians" and the token talking shit about deceased vets John McCain and Beau Biden bits. Do you really think John McCain was a "dog shit pilot"? I'm no expert on him but pretty safe to say he was at least on par, if they were giving him planes to fly in wartime. So it's just token shit talk. Why not mention how much AOC has sold out/disappointed us too. To be honest I was actually expecting more equivocation though.

Fargle Wakko

To be fully up front

Doug Cartel

Wow I cant believe Santos is like the Forrest Gump of nationally famous disasters


Critical support for shahid George Santos


goddamn this is dumb. The beau “shit talk” was clearly about Joe Biden (who pushed extremely hard for the Iraq war btw he only has himself to blame). John McCain was pure evil. Dude ran point in congress for the military industrial complex he’s personally responsible for thousands of innocent deaths at least also he took part in an illegal and genocidal war who cares about his fucking service record? Regarding AOC are you even in her district? Seems like you fell for her crap dude she’s in *Congress* she never cared about you and she probably doesn’t even represent you. Talk about token shit talking 😂 christ


Richard Blumenthal, not Sidney Blumenthal


Remember when Joe Biden said he would cure cancer


The Seinfeld music at the end of the Kanye clip was beautiful.

Junior Carmichael

Santos has the same thing going on as Trump where his lies and scams are so obvious the system has to reject him for the sake of "decorum" and "norms" even though most lifetime politicians have done far worse.

Jay Wright 669

This was the most manic episode. I love it


Kitara Ravache erasure!


“Is that ‘boots’??” Yes, Brace, I’ma be so fr w you, you nailed it


The tour of Brace’s Resume is Phenomal


its def she sub on my poena till i serve

I am become reply guy

Anyone whose brain turns out the sentence ‘I wanted the bongos to be a fate accompli’ deserves to be at the commanding heights of the political economy, resume or no.


i’m interning at a hardcore record label does that count


probably shouldn’t say but it was started by a certain Youth of Today


Bay Area cult restaurant enthusiasts, some history - https://www.sfweekly.com/dining/cult-classics-vegetarian-restaurants-with-a-religious-philosophy/article_8a20e5c7-ac9b-54af-8b83-055c020d4348.html


spooky coincidence - the cult survival memoir related to the founder of Ananda Fuara mentioned here was JUST recommended to me by a friend whose family was/is unfortunately impacted by some of these folks https://www.forbes.com/2009/04/14/jayanti-tamm-carwheels-sari-opinions-book-reviews-cults-sri-chinmoy.html


I thought Elon Musk got sub pœna'd by a bionics specialist in Malibu

Anon Ibid

Why are yall calling folkpunk steampunk?

Hannah M

really recommend the bad gays episode on santos as well, it’s a little out of date now but well worth a listen


brace y do you have everyone’s number


my license says five foot five--but in my heart it's much much more


You are recieving a collect call from: DA GAY PUSSY EATA. Will you accept the charges?


The little truth you two just tossed out there about McCain’s piloting prowess was amazing. His fucking around on the flight deck of the carrier Forrestal resulted in 131 deaths and 161 dead. Trump’s hatchet job on McCain was kind in that he derided “the Maverick” simply for being captured. There is also reliable reporting that McCain was a “King Rat” among the lesser known prisoners at the Hanoi Hilton.


I’m fucking DEAD that Breice got THE GOAT on the horn during this EP


Can you guys do an episode on passive income side hustles? Like drop shipping, affiliate marketing, etc. lol


I’d say Liz reads saxophone to me