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We crawl across the DMZ and down the hole in the ground where North Korean defector Yeonmi Park’s massive cheeks bash us around like a pong ball. Plus we talk about the market incentives around defectors that brought someone like her to prominence.

Panel discussion from Nodutol — real stories from participants in KEEP (Korean Education and Exposure Program)



Brendan Garcia

It’s all about angles man

Racing for Tips

Liz should get congas, not bongos.


1. TrueAnon Titanic episode is gonna ROCK 2. In the books, Oddjob is Korean

Rohmer Simpson

Le Guin - coincidentally just nabbed The Dispossessed, at the recommendation of a YouTuber listing his favorite SF novels. Not read her stuff before but have been meaning to.


Sheer insanity the amount of resources the US has expended on the destruction of the DPRK.


In Matt Kenners geohell he talks about the titanic being sunk on purpose and i was having a manic episode when he convinced me to read it and i got fully titanic pilled for a couple years.

Ian H

Seconding Claire, also highly recommend Left Hand of Darkness and Five Ways to Forgiveness after.

according to transvestigations, rogan is girl rogan 🤯 😂

Jack Gude

Brace make a deal, Botox for bongos




1:02:53 it's called a puppy dog eye 🐶


The moving intro really left an impression on me. Thank you Brace for sharing your story.


“Ursula Le Guin scumbag”? Was she secretly awful and I’ve been thinking she was great, based on her fictional writing, all these years?


Best intro yet


Yes to bongos. She doesn't even need to play them. I just need to know she has them...


Great intro

Michelle B

Great episode! Such an important subject. America is truly the gaslighting abusive boyfriend of the world.

sammi sweetheart

brace i’m in minneapolis and i really appreciate your direct communication. thank you for telling me about this grifter. keep me posted on your tmj. love you, going to sleep now, goodnight.


Damn. Gaping holes in this reporting if you don’t include lex Friedman’s complete dedication and infatuation for Joe Rogan and Elon musk. As a favor, Joe rogan famously gifted Lex the watch off of his wrist, and elongated musk modified the Twitter algorithm of Lex. Here’s something for gumshoes, find date on when his popularity spiked from thousands to tens of millions of subscribers. Map it out


I bring this up because for fans of Friedman, Rogan, and Musk, these are important for the fan mythology. The only times I’ve seen Elon musk or Rogan being the interviewee on long form podcasts if on Lex Friedman. They all hang out together in Austin. Look it up lol



Harrison Sanchez

The X files episode Brace is thinking of is the episode Home - which was banned from tv for ages


What if she meant a Mongolian farm family, and that got mistranslated as "Mongoloid", someone said "WHOA, we don't use that term anymore" but that had an only slightly less archaic euphemism for the mental disorder this family did not have.

Evan Scott

would go bonkers for bongos


my heart starts beating really fast whenever liz flexes her knowledge of cosmetology


Yeonmi Park says it in her own English in the episode.


You should consider having on Jefferey Kaye… he’s done incredible work about the US’ BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS use during the Korean War. Really horrifying stuff.

Rohmer Simpson

I've never heard of Lex Friedman and learning new names of psycho douchebags is beneath me.

Doug Cartel

not enough Batzorig Vaanchig in this ep

Doug Cartel

I would bet money that thing about eating eggs was just a warmed over anecdote about something a marine told his interrogator in the Korean war


Re:The "Unicorn Lair" story, what the DPRK claimed to have found was an archeological site associated with a founding Korean dynasty, the "Kiringul". In Korean and Chinese folklore, a Kirin/Qilin is a mythical creature with a single horn, who are historically associated with the arrival or death of Kings; in the west, Kirin are always portrayed as analogous to Unicorns, so a phrase translated to "Kirins Grotto" gets anglicized as the 'Unicorn Lair". The western reporting of North Korean disinformation is so comically bad that one would almost expect more competent workmanship.




Liz get bongos

Matt Norman

Are you guys gonna talk about Elon getting subpoenaed in the Epstein Virgin Island case??? Also Liz, baby… just a friendly reminder the Warriors got fucking washed by the Lakers.


BRACE please get TMJ treatment


She def got double-lid surgery :/

Rohmer Simpson

If you guys don’t debut the bongos on airline episode I’m gonna strike


yung gongsky


I was worried the gong was censored by the military no go zone True broadcasts from. Hoping Liz gets the Harp. I am interested in what the retarded farmers(definitely not inspired by the multiple movies depicting that) sold to get Parker for. I'm picturing her temporary family actually being like "uhh we gave her rice every day...but she kept eating dragonflies. At first we maybe thought she was uhh...I think you call it retarded? But later we saw she constructed elaborate trap for the dragonfly using USB and shitty American Dell laptop computer."

big nephew

the jordan b peterson voice liz does to trigger brace's memory and the resulting voices are the my fav 30secs of any pod lmao


My brother got me a book years ago about Kim Jong Un and the sources for the book from US journalists were basically just street merchant type South Korean guys that would just make generalizations about how he was a spoiled glutinous little child and how that turns into him shooting anyone that has his haircut.


Like the behavior they describe as a child is just like normal rich young kid in US


I am pro Bongo

Nicole S

lol did brace read anti oedipus


I taught her English in Seoul around 2011/12. She was shy and seemed sweet. She wasn't the monster that exists today.

Jessica S

Sorry if anyone else mentioned this, but about earthquakes in North Korea: Number one, my sleep deprived mind was like, does North Korea have earthquakes? Then I laughed at my stupidity, b/c they are within or around the ring of fire. Number two, still I looked on Wikipedia b/c why not. Funniest thing ever: there’s a listing for South Korea under earthquakes by country, but not a single listing for North Korea. The map they show conspicuously shows no dot markers at all on the small strip of NK shown. What a astounding geological phenomenon! My next sleep deprived thought was that they probably don’t list it b/c there are no official accounts of occurrences b/c, dictatorships, etc. Stupidity flag number two: wait, geologists can identify earthquakes anywhere, right? Or do they have to have sensors to gauge any area that’s remote from other sensors? At any rate, I’m one of those moderately informed weirdos that listen to TrueAnon, and still I default to brain dead USA tropes. Seriously, Wikipedia can’t even have a section that explains why they can’t offer data? Is that offering a platform or some shit?


wait why is ursula le guin a scumbag what did i miss?

ligia a

sigh… one of the last eps of moderate rebels was on her rogan interview. good times RIP


She isn't, I'm pretty sure Brace just misspoke. That or his hatred for Anarchy in all forms may be playing a role here, since she espoused a kind of philosophically anarchist position although it was basically totally absent any meaningful pronouncements on actual political-economic change making and largely rooted in her particular idiosyncratic and humanistic brand of West Coast USA Taoism (which was basically wholly divorced from actually existing Taoist religion). I also think people completely oversell the Dispossessed in terms of it 'advocating' an imagined Anarchist political economy against an imagined Capitalist political economy since that whole dualism is totally up-ended at the end by the return of old humanity which problematizes that simplistic juxtaposition by re-introducing the reality of navigating these things in like, actual complex technologically/industrially advanced human societies with history and productive needs and etc. Personally, I don't think Maoist Third-Worldism is 'wrong', in fact I expect it is the most right as far as contemporary forward-looking leftist strains of thought, I just also think that the vast majority of people who come to that conclusion that live in the imperial core/developed nations/neo-liberal hegemony whatever you want to call it effectively abandon any moral responsibility or attempts at even localized impermanent change-making while they kick back and wait for a tidal wave of brown folks to sweep through and fix everything up/kill them. This is reductive, obviously, but it has been my personal experience in the ostensibly leftist US milieu I have encountered. Brace doesn't annoy me with it nearly as much as most because he, you know, actually engaged in people's war and then came back and did first-world unionism so he is clearly trying to be pragmatic and have a positive influence on 'workers' where he can (although again, like the M-TWists I tend to agree that thinking of 'first-world' workers and 'third-world' workers as members of the same class is profoundly wrong-headed), I still think that attempts to e.g. reduce exploitation, build solidarity and at least a quasi-class consciousness, and also just literally improve the lives of some people in your community etc. are, you know, good to do and worthwhile and definitely better than washing your hands of the whole thing because you've decided to adopt the immortal science as a kind of teleology rather than framework. My foundational ideological commitments are to that very same squishy kind of UKL-Anarcho-Taoist-Humanism in part because her translation of the Tao Te Ching was one of the only things that kept me from killing myself as a teen when I was trapped in an abusive home life, but for me it is precisely that commitment that makes me believe in stuff like central-planning and soviet style bureaucracy and Mao style popular-education-cum-propagandizing and beheading bad actors and what not, since the naive anarchist idea of just like, what if we all chilled out man, or even worse 'human society qua human society is the problem, full stop' (which is basically like saying we need to break human dependence on oxygen or something) is self-evidently stupid and totally un-productive and you obviously need structural protections and force and blah blah in order to create the conditions where a kind of quasi-anarchy could actually flourish. Otherwise the Anarchists are largely arguing that we need to A) kill most of the people on the planet or B) win hearts and minds, which the former is stupid and seems profoundly counter to their stated beliefs and the latter is simply not possible because, you know, there are bad people. I have a less harsh view of 'economic-solidarity' formations like those espoused by turn of the century 'anarcho-syndicalists' and stuff than Brace does, although I would since my job is literally helping people start worker and low-income housing co-ops. At the same time, I'm totally sympathetic to arguments that this is pissing in the wind (I like to feel it splashing on my teeth), less open but willing to hear out that this detracts from e.g. Union movement and broader labor solidarity although we coach pretty much every worker co-op to join a union anyway for lots of reasons not least of which solidarity and I think if you look at the actually existing worker co-op movement in this country you find a significantly more politically activated work force than in basically any other sector, and even LESS sympathetic to the idea that it is actually counter-productive or reifying capitalism or something by simply existing in the market. For me it boils down to: Shouldn't the workers like, you know, get some experience controlling and owning the means of production if the goal is, you know, for the workers to control and own the means of production? Anyway, turned this into a big screed about myself and sorry for that, but my point was that Ursula K LeGuin is cool and good and I choose to believe Brace accidentally said her name and/or was confused.


I also think it is worth noting that both Marx and Lenin said that a co-operatized economy was part of the path of transition to a communized economy, which it is always weird to me when people balk at this idea but I guess it is because they get so committed to this top-down or outside-in vision of revolutionary change.


Actually I didn't need to go psycho mode and write any of that, Brace adressed it upthread: No my funky ass just said a different Ursula last name instead of von der Leyen

Andrew Jones

Uhm that would be Liz right? Her voice is 🙃


if you guys cover the titanic i fully expect for the theory “no one died they just put coats on the boat” to be covered


Plz get Bongos


Really disappointed that Brace's mind goes to bongos when maracas are clearly the superior option.


Wait yes please do enumerate on Rogan, Liz!!!!


amazing episode


Bongo Liz so dope

our lady of reclaimed teeth

that one flag bio person on twitter was right, the show is a psyop. all in cahoots with my mother and assorted grandparents to get me to lose the septum piercing; i'm onto youse 👁️


I love girl Joe Rogan


whats the timestamp in the rogan episode where she talks about the retarded family


I really didn't like be spoken to directly at home in Minneapolis.


Just made an appointment with my tattoo artist for a “woke mind virus” script chest piece


cant believe there are 200+ comments here and no one has mentioned the poop quota. I've been asking my gf to fill a poop quota all day bc of this episode

Colin Underwood

Was there a Jordan Peterson episode??


hi. i love the way liz says "bye-bye"


lol i lost my shit when brace said walking across desert sucks dick, amen


“Magnimonious” brace is the cutest


Get Liz some bongos


Yes, what did Ursula LeGuin do?


Did you mean Ursula von der Leyen?


He either meant Ursula from Disney or a villain from a Le Guin novel, she specifically doesn't write villains to be cartoonishly evil though


How about Critical Brace Theory


“Kim Jong-Un brutally shoots an orchestra conductor 90 times in front of every artist in Pyongyang” is the perfect title for any YouTube video ever