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We interview Oswaldo Zavala, the author of Drug Cartels Do Not Exist, about images, stories, and realities of drug cartels in Mexico and beyond. Plus parasites, stories, violence, the State & much more.

Also by Oswaldo Zavala: La Guerra en las Palabras 




i love when i actually learn things from true anon


Liz is wrong about the gong


Haven’t finished the episode yet, and completely understand why Oswaldo would be offended by parts of Sicario, but so far he has omitted that the end of the movie reveals the US has been complicit in the drug trade the entire time and that in contrast to most cartel movies the slick “operator” dudes fighting them are unambiguously the bad guys in the same way the “cartel” guys are. Regardless good episode so far and I think I’ll be checking out the book, this is such an important topic and Oswaldo has been an interesting guest to hear from

Noah Tavlin

Bro tried to get away with claiming that Bad Bunny is Mexican?? Come on now


I, for one, am Team Gong every episode.


Brace holding TAFS accountable

Throat Goat Barbara

Liz's laugh into the transition music at 5:19 is such a good match lmao

J.P. McD.

Saw the title and thought it was about one of the earliest online “alternate reality” viral games The Beast, from 2001, made to promote the movie A.I.


It's nice to hear you talk about Mexico and Oswaldo's book is so important right now, especially when we see here the fucking Guardia Nacional and the military everýwhere. And the president and his party intent to deepen the militarization.

Jed Levin

Wow, this is the most serious episode I’ve listened to so far. But very interesting!

Jed Levin

Do the US military and US security departments have input on films only when US assets are used in filming, or more widely?


They also consult and have assets in industry even if they don't have final cut because of planes or whatever.


I hope y’all can get Oswaldo back. This is a great podcast episode


please get grimes on the podcast this is halfway a joke but she recently tweeted about abolishing copyright (and her making an AI of her voice so people can make a song with it and get the rights to it??) and I feel like that discussion would be interesting


Grimes has long been "Brace Sound Effected" I believe


It's not doing a racism to point out that Mexico is dangerous as fuck for Americans to travel to. Just look at all the recent deaths in the news.

Sam Krider

Usually not a good idea to say something isn't racist because you learned it from the news


There's a reason mexico is on the do not travel list and it's not racism big guy


The gong is good folks.

Brian Long

Obligatory airline episode comment

Milo Gallagher

Great ep but needs more gong


Re: not deleting episodes Wasn’t there a holomodor episode


I'm on Team Gong Restraint! It feels right for the ringing to be rare and special (but I like knowing it's there now)


I love this episode. I have in laws from Mexico and I myself am of Mexican American heritage and I feel like I had fallen for this myth my whole life. Maybe to a lesser extent than some. This was a great interview and topic.


incredible episode. thanks you guys


Great episode! Just as a coincidental and timely sidenote for lulz - the world-famous Hong Kong in Tijuana got raided and indefinitely closed last night (5/11/23). The culprit? Allegedly a high up official with SEDENA (Mexican Defense Secretariat - responsible for much of the implementation of 'the war on drugs') OD'd on fent and died in the club (no word on whether drowning in tiddies 'n ass also played a role in his death). Perfect summation of how perverse and integrated the national security apparatus is into trafficking. Mexico the narcostate indeed.

Roger Peet

Excellent episode. Can't recommend this book enough.

Rohmer Simpson

Pop culture commentary underbaked. I guess it’s not the author’s big focus but there’s so much more to say than a few (well-deserved) cracks against SICARIO and TRAFFIC. I’d *start* with the LAW & ORDER / Dick Wolf copaganda dynasty, which has arguably done 100x more damage to American brains than a few piddling years of Trumpism. Otherwise a great ep, very compelling stuff.


Some people are very weird about trying to buy drugs. I've had multiple people just ask me on the street if I could sell them weed (and then ask if I could tell them where to get some when I said no - I'm in a prohibition state), apparently because they assume a male person with long hair and a bandana is a drug dealer or user. Of course, as I explained to them, even if they had been correct, I wouldn't just whip out some illegal drugs or tell some rando on the street where to get some - that's a great way to get a ticket or prison sentence. I honestly don't understand how so many people around me manage to function minute-to-minute.

Sean Carton

As a Baltimorean, can relate to watching media products that make you wonder why you haven’t noticed you live in Beirut circa 1985

Reece Coren

love when i listen to a trueanon episode and learn ten new books to read

Matt Norman

Really good episode…also Warriors got washed last night Liz. #LakeShow

Rohmer Simpson

also I wasn't commenting on the book but the podcast episode that was posted here on Patreon dot com


Oswaldo sounds exactly like Brace but with a Mexican accent


Fantastic discussion and analysis. Gonna order the book. I work and live in eastern DRC, and there is a real lack of this kind of analysis for the situation out here... Or they exist but do not inform "interventions" (national and international)

Juliette DeMaso

We need an episode on NarxScare and Bamboo Health. Andrew Colodny and PROP.. This is a huge violation of privacy, consent, agency, via big tech and the prescription drug war. you guys should check out the Don’t Punish Pain Rally (Claudia Merandi) podcast, go down the rabbit hole there. We all have NarxScare scores, but none of us are allowed to see them. Let alone remediate. But all law enforcement can look at yours, along with your medical history, (it’s called a PDMP) just by logging into an app. No warrant, no consent, no notification. It’s mandated in all 50 states now, all run by opaque private tech, partnered with “non profits” and the govt.

Andrew Jones

So I’ve been causing all the synchronicities lately just FYI. I want to be on the pod. Look up “Andrew Jones 39 burglar”


Dozens of people have been hanged from bridges in Juarez and hundreds of women have been murdered, many dumped in mass graves. Sicario is a movie about how the US deep state has been complicit in that violence. This “representation matters” criticism is crybaby libtard stuff


Taylor Sheridan has a new show coming out this year called Lioness which you guys absolutely have to cover. It is next-level dumb propaganda about CIA girl bosses infiltrating a Muslim terrorist group by "be-friending" their socialite daughters.


Great ep, but criticism of un x100to goes too far


brace have you ever considered that in a past incarnation you were shot or injured from ”back of your nipple” to your shoulder blade and the mark is a vestige of past life trauma? many such cases…..

Spencer McKee

Late to comment on this, but in case you guys read comments on old episodes- Liz, I recommend checking out the book Gore Capitalism by Sayak Valencia